Remake/Remodel: DC Rebirth so you don't have to

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do you think his friends have ever nicknamed him "b dubs"

mh, Monday, 18 July 2016 23:25 (eight years ago) link

sic, yes, the Johnsiverse Dick Grayson book set with him as an agent of Spyral was called Grayson.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 07:31 (eight years ago) link

How does that work wrt to his, Bruce Wayne's and Barbara Gordon's secret identities? Whether it was a very bad secret code name or a public super-agent identity, seems a bit easy for either The Ventriloquist or TMZ to draw links.

Shakey δσς (sic), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 08:26 (eight years ago) link

He had a swirly thing over his face which made him look exactly like Dick Grayson, so the girls school he worked at as Mr Grayson wouldn't put photos of him on Instagram. Helena Bertinelli was there also, same schtick.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 08:46 (eight years ago) link

I don't actually think Barbara Gordon has a secret identity any more since she's not either Batgirl or Oracle these days.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 08:47 (eight years ago) link

Or rather she is Batgirl but she's not the same Babs Gordon (unless she is and it'll be explained in Babs Rebirth why she wasn't when she was the Batgirl of Burnside).

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 08:52 (eight years ago) link

Because where that was left hanging at the end of the Johnsiverse was that everything we think of as Batgirl (and even Babs) were implanted false memories designed to fuck her up mentally. (Although that, to a large degree, has been undone by one of the Rebirth books already because Bats had cameras spying on her recording the events of The Killing Joke which was specifically one of the false memories.)

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 08:57 (eight years ago) link

Also I'm pretty sure everyone knows Bruce Wayne is Batman because pretty much all his buddies call him Bruce when he's suited up these days.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 08:58 (eight years ago) link

He had a swirly thing over his face which made him look exactly like Dick Grayson, so the girls school he worked at as Mr Grayson wouldn't put photos of him on Instagram

I've read this sentence 5 times now, and I still don't get it? Dick Grayson had a mask that made him look like... Dick Grayson? And this somehow stopped people putting photos of him online?

Tuomas, Tuesday, 19 July 2016 12:51 (eight years ago) link

DC gives me a damn headache.

Night Jorts (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 12:59 (eight years ago) link

Yes. xpost to Tuomas.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 13:03 (eight years ago) link

At this point, I'd swear that DC's writing staff is just directly transcribing shaggy dog stories related to them by their three-year-old nephews.

Night Jorts (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 13:08 (eight years ago) link

It's facial vajazzle.

Night Jorts (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 13:43 (eight years ago) link

I can't turn my face into a vagina.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 13:49 (eight years ago) link

Also I'm pretty sure everyone knows Bruce Wayne is Batman because pretty much all his buddies call him Bruce when he's suited up these days.

― Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Tuesday, July 19, 2016 3:58 AM (5 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

This is the thing that bothered me about the Tom King Batman issues (which I've read mostly due to my enjoyment of his Omega Men run). Batman and the plane he's trying to maneuver get saved at the last minute and he's saying "Clark?" because he thinks Superman showed up, but it's two people he's never seen before who now have a clue that there's someone who could stop a crashing plane named Clark. Hmm.

mh, Tuesday, 19 July 2016 14:19 (eight years ago) link

'Grayson' just makes me think of Grayson Perry

Foster Twelvetrees (Ward Fowler), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 14:32 (eight years ago) link


definitely more into that look for a superhero than sleeveless man holding a gun wrong

Shakey δσς (sic), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 16:14 (eight years ago) link

Because where that was left hanging at the end of the Johnsiverse was that everything we think of as Batgirl (and even Babs) were implanted false memories designed to fuck her up mentally. (Although that, to a large degree, has been undone by one of the Rebirth books already because Bats had cameras spying on her recording the events of The Killing Joke which was specifically one of the false memories.)
what? ... what?

Nhex, Tuesday, 19 July 2016 16:25 (eight years ago) link

New Superman is the first Rebirth flop. I think the bloom may be off the rose for this.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 20:55 (eight years ago) link

I sometimes forget I'm the only person (possibly in the world) following all of this.

suffeeciant attreebution (aldo), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 21:01 (eight years ago) link
huh, superman #1 was outsold by... Han Solo #1. Priorities.

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 21:07 (eight years ago) link

There was a bloom?

Chuck_Tatum, Tuesday, 19 July 2016 21:09 (eight years ago) link

Yeah, I mean a ton of people are loving Rebirth and it's the best DC has done sales-wise since the New 52 launched. I Love Comics is not terribly representative of comic fandom as a whole tbh.

In that chart, Civil War II only outsold a bunch of Rebirth titles because people like me were skittish about over-ordering and because Marvel ran an extra discount that brought it down to 30% of cover price if you ordered 200% of some previous title. It was cheaper overall to hit that target than order what you would have otherwise, giving a big incentive for stores to over-order.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 19 July 2016 23:02 (eight years ago) link

Yeah, listening to House to Astonish last night and the DC sales numbers were absurdly high. Though apparently a lot of copies are being sold to be stuffed in those bizarre 'box of pop culture trash delivered to your door every month' schemes

Cool, graphic on-panel death of random cat and apparent death of Krypto. Nu DC has come a long way, baby!

Night Jorts (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 17:05 (eight years ago) link

Looking forward to the surely impending drawn-out vivisection of a child.

Night Jorts (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 17:06 (eight years ago) link

what the teetotal fuck

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 17:18 (eight years ago) link

black hole superman just ate kryto

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 17:18 (eight years ago) link

astonished youth stands in for all of us

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 17:19 (eight years ago) link

lol i like this

Nhex, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 17:59 (eight years ago) link

man of steel in 'sucking dogs' shocker

report your crimes to my burning ghost cock (bizarro gazzara), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 18:02 (eight years ago) link

looooool that is amazing

http://porno (DJP), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 18:04 (eight years ago) link

for those of you placing Harvey and Eisner nominations, the official DC onomatopoeia for "help I'm a sentient flying dog being sucked into oblivion by blackhole superman" is:


thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Wednesday, 20 July 2016 18:15 (eight years ago) link

Aquaman #3

w: Dan Abnett a: Philippe Briones

Who doesn't love a dramatic opening shot? I'll tell you who, someone who doesn't expect the underwater/overwater conundrum from previous issues resolved so unambiguously, because it's made absolutely clear the holes caused by the explosion in #1 which water poured in from is in fact about 20m above water level. No wonder it started flooding.

So, the US government won't let Atlanteans back into their embassy for an obvious reason. The government have suddenly remembered the giant attack by Atlantis where millions died and the entire East coast was flooded. You'll probably recall it because I mentioned it a couple of issues ago, mainly because everybody at DC seemed to be ignoring it and I thought I was the only one that wasn't. Well, I bet this shakes things up, eh? This'll have massive repercussions no doubt?

If it does, it doesn't get mentioned again. Mera complains about her clothes and hair and has a swim and Black Manta was kidnapped by N.E.M.O. which is a remarkably prescient acronym for bad guys in a water based hero book. He has a fight just for the sake of it because HE DOESN'T LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO MAN.

Oh no wait, we're back to the Government TELLING AQUAMAN WHAT TO DO, MAN. Then some bad guys who probably aren't Atlanteans BUT SAY THEY ARE hijack a Navy ship. OH NOES, TERRISTS! Quick, arrest Aquaman because he is the head of Islamic State Atlantis! But it's what he wants? Whaaaaaaaaaaat?

Batgirl & The Birds of Prey Rebirth

w: Julie & Shawna Benson a: Claire Roe

Batgirl. Black Canary. The Huntress. What could go wrong?

Well, you could be like me and have a car that's missing a couple of pages. But I'm pretty sure I can work round it.

It could go wrong because you could have a Batgirl that completely erases half the Johnsiverse continuity, and critically undermines the continuity of several Bat-books because it has Babs fighting with Bats before he could have started being Batman. It could try and make Killing Joke canon, but incorporate other bits of continuity so it's a different Babs. Oh, and this Babs is a millionaire now because of the tech company she owns.

It could go wrong because it starts with a Black Canary that isn't the Johnsiverse Black Canary or the Rebirth one, but then make it a secret history of the Johnsiverse one came to be the Johnsiverse one, but do it in such a way that it can't be the one that's in Green Arrow.

There could be a new Oracle, but a bad Oracle, who has Batman and Mr Oz's Invisible Silent Everywhere Camera Copters to film things and Babs' old Oracle computer from the flashbacks (although that probably means the processors are knackered, it has to be a decade old now) and has worked it all out.

At least The Huntress is the same one from Nightwang, which means it's the same one from Grayson. That might be the single positive thing I can say about it.

Batman #3

w: Tom King a: David Finch & Danny Miki

Holy fake-out Batman! I thought we were getting another 'Thomas & Martha get shot' page but no, Batman saves a kid from orphanisation.

Well, that non-orphan grew up and had kids, and it turns out his kids are Gotham & Gotham Girl.

Think about that for a second. Let's say those kids are 20 because they've graduated and have been abroad doing charity work. Let's say the guy was 25 when he had them, and 10 when his parents got saved. That means Batman has been Batmanning for 35 years in this continuity and therefore probably makes Bruce 60. I can't see how that could possibly be an issue. ::rolleyes::

We find this out because Bats asks their parents in disguise as Matches Malone, so they tell him. He then becomes 30 year old Bruce again before Batting up because The Monster Men have suicide bombed a bridge. He saves the people on the bridge and gives the old man lecture to Gotham and Gotham Girl. They then run off to another explosion which Bats dgaf about even though he's right there when they see it. It turns out it's been set by Hugo Strange and the Psycho Pirate, which is presumably part of Amanda Waller's plan from the last episode and nothing to do with the Monster Men.

WHAT? THE PSYCHO PIRATE? Yes. BUT WASN'T HE TURNED MAD IN CRISIS, MADDER IN ANIMAL MAN, DEADED IN INFINITE CRISIS AND RESURRECTED THEN KILLED AGAIN IN BLACKEST NIGHT? Yes, but he can't be that one because he's alive and has the mask again. BUT WASN'T THERE A NEW JOHNSIVERSE ONE THAT WAS A PUPPET OF BRANIAC? Yes, but it's not that one either. It's the pre-Crisis one, at least it is until they say it's not.

Somewhere in amongst that there was a comic. I'm not sure it was a very good one.

Green Arrow #3

w: Benjamin Percy a: Juan Ferreyra

John Diggle is avenging Ollie's death by infiltrating a secret society behind the Catholic Church in Italy. Ollie, in the mean time, is still resurrected after the events of the last issue and has broken into the building that got destroyed in the previous issue beating up security guards in the name of beating people up, but it's OK because he'll give them a raise except they don't work for him any more, neither does he have any money (also last issue).

Anyway, it was bankers all along. BANKERS. BECAUSE THEY'RE EVIL. EVIL BANKERS. Human traffickers? BANKERS. Ollie's murderers? BANKERS. Weird zombies that dress up in skin? BANKERS. Church paedophilia? BANKERS. Afghanistan? BANKERS. BANKERS.

Still no appearance of The Finger. This sucks.

Green Lanterns #3

w: Sam Humphries a: FOUR pencillers and FOUR different inkers. Fucked if I'm writing them all out.

Splash page! Shoplifter Lantern, still carrying the bear he just stole, explains at length why he's not a criminal. Agoraphobic Lantern is smiling like an acid casualty despite the fact she's 1) in space, in which 'open' is such a natural descriptor it's taken as a given and 2) she thinks the world is being destroyed. Still, SMILE!

Atrocitous explains what happened in the last issue then grooms a small child to be his sex slave at some indeterminate time in the future (once he's planted his seed in the middle of the planet, do keep up, it's been explained three times in the book now). Shoplifter Lantern pulls out his gun but Bleez kicks his arse. To celebrate, he un-Red Lanterns her and she explains Atrocitous' plot. YES. AGAIN.

Agoraphobic Lantern didn't get the memo though and punches her back into Redness. Then they all fly off to find the tower and then in a wave of plot Agoraphobic Lantern gets Redded. Unlike Bleez, or in fact exactly like everyone else that gets Redded, her clothes don't get changed in the process.

I could have got this far in 10 pages and we've had nearly 100.

Justice League #1

w: Bryan Hitch a: Tony S Daniel & Sandu Florea

The world is all going like the Doctor Strange trailer and the Green Lanterns use green ice to stop it (because as we established in the last issue this might not be the same continuity as their own book).

Short version, some people come out of the Doctor Strange ground and steal the powers of the Justice League. Because it all happens one at a time, it takes the whole issue. Even though it happens in a nearly identical way each time. This might just be the worst book in Rebirth.

Superman #3

w: Peter J Tomasi & Patrick Gleason a: Jorge Jiminez

The one with the dog sucking.

80s Superman is taking Superkiddy to the Fortress of Solitude to see if he can cure his bump to the head but Plastic Man Superman decides to save the Kryptonians by killing them. Until he decides not to after all, because women and children.

While Superkiddy is getting a magic space x-ray Plastic Man Superman explains his Secret Origin (basically he's the living gate to the Phantom Zone) and wants to purify Superkiddy by sucking all the human out of him that 80s Lois put there. Krypto gets in the way and the rest is headlines.

Funnily enough, the press didn't seem so interested that 80s Superman seemingly punches Plastic Man Superman to death on the next and final page. Funny that.

This wants to be a good book, but Super-continuity might be fucked beyond all repair so it will never get to be. Possibly a shame.

The Hellblazer Rebirth

w: Simon Oliver a: Moritat

I've fallen asleep and woken up in the 80s. This is straight out of Deadline. Apart from that it's like every other nondescript Constantine book you've ever read.

There's a great set of cameos when Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel turn up and get stopped from interfering by Swamp Thing. Literally, Wonder Woman turns up and meets Captain Marvel and says "I am Wonder Woman and I should stop this" and then he says "yes, I Captain Marvel will help you" then Swamp Thing turns up and says "you will have to get through me, Swamp Thing first" so they all decide not to bother.

Entertaining in a nostalgic way.

suffeeciant attreebution (aldo), Tuesday, 26 July 2016 22:03 (eight years ago) link

impressed you're continuing tbh

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Tuesday, 26 July 2016 22:13 (eight years ago) link

aldo, you misread Batman. Gotham is the kid. It's probably been about a decade.

EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 26 July 2016 22:49 (eight years ago) link

This all just is what is this

Good catch EZ, that makes much more sense then. Although not the sister's motivation. Her brother gets taken out for a treat and not her? Sucks to be you.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Wednesday, 27 July 2016 08:34 (eight years ago) link

The new Batgirl #1 is the first actually pretty ok Rebrt comic!

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 28 July 2016 11:20 (eight years ago) link

Haven't read that yet, just the Batgirl &BoP one from last week. Batgirl came out yesterday I think?

suffeeciant attreebution (aldo), Thursday, 28 July 2016 11:26 (eight years ago) link

It's nothing epic but it's the first time I've thought one was good enough to keep reading out of choice, rather than hate-slash-curiosity. I didn't like the Cam Stewart run much (nice art, dull writing).

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 28 July 2016 12:31 (eight years ago) link

Action Comics #960

w: Dan Jurgens a: Tyler Kirkham

Mr Oz kicks things off by saying things have moved to quickly so far. NOT FROM WHERE I'M SITTING MATEY.

Wonder Woman saves Not Superman Superman who remembers 80s Superman dying the first time against Doomsday. Wonder Woman flies off in disgust because Not Superman Superman doesn't want to jump her bones and they punch Doomsday for the infinity-1th time.

Doomsday finally gets bored of being tickled and runs off to play with Superkiddy (who he has heard cheering his dad on with his new Doomhearing).

After a science lecture where Wonder Woman (who is clearly an evolutionary biologist these days) explains to Luthor Superman how Doomsday came to be, 80s Superman and WW fly off to find Superkiddy and 80s Lois before Doomsday. 80s Lois and WW have a really weird conversation about how they should be all Bros Before Hos about 80s Superman despite it being Johnsiverse Superman that was doing the rinky-dink with WW and how did the 80s couple even know about it anyway? Was Johnsiverse Superman bragging about it on I Love Being Superman?

Anyhow, on the last page Doomsday punches WW. Really? This is moving quickly? Wake me when it's over.

Aquaman #4

w: Dan Abnett a: Philippe Briones

Arthur gets put in Super Guantanamo, Mera chats to her mate on the Aquaphone. That's the first half of the comic dealt with.

In the second half, it turns out the sunk ship was all an attempt to frame Atlantis (during which we also find out that Navy Seal divers are better at fighting underwater than Atlantean soldiers). In some very wordy pages Black Manta gets the bad guy organisation explained to him then Mera busts Arthur out of prison to go home but there are lots of soldiers.

This is meandering rubbish. I have it in me to have a soft spot for Aquaman but this is turning even me off.

Batgirl #1

w: Hope Larson a: Rafael Albuquerque

This was really fun.

Babs is in Japan tracking down a Japanese pre-WW2 Japanese hero called the Fruit Bat to interview her for completeness in her Big Book Of Female Heroes I Have Spoken To. She buddies up with a childhood friend and they eat some food before having a fight with a Sailor Moon-inspired villain which gets broken up by the Fruit Bat. The fight takes it out of her though (hey, she's over 100, give her a break) and she tells Babs she needs to find someone to teach her how to fight better.

It's fun and light and well written with great art. It's never less than engaging. BUT...

This is obviously a different Batgirl to the one in the other Batgirl book. It feels completely like the Batgirl of Burnside, the new, young, totally rebooted Batgirl for whom the Killing Joke never happened (except it did because she refers to being in wheelchair, but that could just have been another false memory). Also since when was Batman a shitty teacher that couldn't teach people how to fight properly? I just can't reconcile the two Rebirth Batgirls at all.

Apart from that, the next issue can't come quickly enough.

Batman #4

w: Tom King a: David Finch & Sandra Hope & Matt Banning

Batman is really losing patience with Gotham (the man, not the city) who reacts badly when Batman tells him and throws a girder through the Batmobile.

Then, though the world's most contrived connecting plot Batman realises Amanda Waller is involved and breaks into her office. She admits she is responsible for Hugo Strange and the Psycho Pirate but it's gone TOTALLY wrong and could you sort it out please Bats? So he goes to see Gotham who has unfortunately gone all murdery.

The pacing is all over the shop in this book. The Waller plot is quite well done but Gotham and Gotham Girl were introduced at pace then very rapidly became something completely different. And it feels like this is all a lead-up to the Monster Men crossover but that can't be Hugo Strange because he was in prison until this book started but we all know it will be. Still very readable though.

Detective Comics #937

w: James Tynion IV a: Alvaro Martinez & Raul Fernández

Batman escapes from Colony, almost as a matter of course while they are jizzing themselves about his utility belt. In other news, Robin has invented the BatTrain by using the Gotham Underground that doesn't exist.

Batman flirts with a new kid genius now that Oracle isn't Oracle and there might be a bad Oracle instead, even pausing for a selfie with him. They watch some torture porn together to get in the mood before Bats breaks his arm as foreplay. But then Batwoman's dad turns up so Bats drops him like yesterday's fried chicken and they talk at length at each other trying to show who's bestest. Batwoman decides to break up the brodown with a fight. Bat-hangers-on attack!

Green Arrow #4

w: Benjamin Percy a: Juan Ferreyra

And of course Green Arrow now takes place in a continuity where the police get to lock up vigilantes. OF COURSE HE DOES. Diggle turns up to kill him to show how much he loves him.

Black Canary in the meantime gets on with the actual plot because she doesn't know that Ollie solved it last issue (and apparently still thinks he's dead although I was sure she'd met him since he was still alive). This involves her getting knocked out and kidnapped awaiting rescue.

It then turns out Diggle didn't want to kill Ollie, just have a laugh and knock him in the water like Robin Hood. OH, YOU BIG SILLY.

It turns out the BANKERS whole secret is an extended riff on the soap burn bit from Fight Club. Woohoo. Eventually they make contact with Ollie through his new computer expert (because everybody likes Felicity on the telly so he needs one) and point out they have a hostage. OH REALLY. Better go save her then.

Green Lanterns #4

w: Sam Humphries a: three pencillers, SIX (count 'em) inkers

That's right Guantanamo Lantern, kick the book off in the now traditional way of recapping the previous issues for people just joining us. Hell Tower, Rage Seed yadda yadda. The tunnel to the centre of the Earth for the Rage Seed is not there yet, because it's only gone 5000 miles. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANET IS LESS THAN 8000 MILES FFS. But Guantanamo Lantern doesn't care about just how wrong this is, he's more worried that he lost the teddy bear he shoplifted. GET ONE PRIORITY.

Elsewhere the Last Guardian is explaining why he's great while playing with Guantanamo Lantern's nephew, the intended recipient of the purloined bear. Not sure the bear's going to cut it after having been flown around by the Dungeon Master from the D&D cartoon show.

The two Lanterns have a bonding session and decides to be friends after all then the buddy cop show flies back out of the hole only for DexStarr to vomit on them and then Atrocitous to stand heroically and tell them that next issue will be the one where the plot advances. I wish it could have been this one.

Hal Jordan & the GL Corps #1

w: Robert Venditti a: Rafa Sandoval & Jordi Tarragona

Oh yeah, this is the one with the old Sinestro on a fake planet with Parallax as company and Hal looking for other Lanterns except we know from Johnsiverse GLC that they don't. Maybe.

So why not throw all that out and have Sinestro rejuvenated by consuming Parallax's power and have the Sinestro Corps do the GLC's job. Hal can beat up Abelard Snazz Lantern to make him feel better about it.

But what's that? We were promised the GLC so we'd better get them? Then why not have John Stewart and Guy Gardner and Kilowog and all the rest come back on the last page and undo at least a year of GL continuity? I mean they're only readers whose money you've taken, right DC?

Harley Quinn #1

w: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti a: Chad Hardin

Here's a plan. Why not take a comic and cancel it because of a company-wide reboot then a week later publish a #1 that follows directly on from the previous issue (and explicitly says so in a boxout on page 1) and changes NOTHING.

It's actually not a bad plan when the book in question is a lot of fun and one of your best sellers, but makes a mockery of Rebirth as a concept. It's also not a bad plan when it's a goofball comic that never really fitted in your continuity anyway.

But because this is a #1, it's in the rules to explain everything that happened before so Harley does all that. Although she leaves out all the stuff about Popeye, and the Inspector Gadget Pensioner. Even if it does take up half the issue.

For the rest, why not take the plot of Skrull Kill Krew and make it about zombies instead? Then end it by throwing the Red Tool (a psycho villain who's a bit like a Costco version of the Punisher and talks in really cool speech bubbles) to hospital in the Scatapult (a catapult Harley has been using to throw bags of shit into unsuspecting neighbourhoods as an art terrorist happening).

Either that sounds like fun or it doesn't. I still get a kick out of it, but then I liked it last week too.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Saturday, 6 August 2016 20:19 (eight years ago) link

Justice League #2

w: Bryan Hitch a: Tony S Daniel & Sandu Florea

Everyone has their powers back like the last issue never happened (except of course it did, because this issue is about stopping the bad things from the last issue). It turns out there are giant bombs in the Earth and then an alium invasion happens and then oh I just don't fucking care.

Nightwing #1

w: Tim Seeley a: Javier Fernández

Yeah we get it Dick, you used to do trapeze then you were an orphan. So, in the huge Rebirth EARTHSHATTERING CHANGE Nightwang goes from working undercover as a double agent for Spyral to working undercover as a double agent for the Court of Owls. PLUS CA CHANGE.

The Owls realise that he's a shit double agent so he zings them then walks off having taken the moral high ground to zing Batman instead about how he's a shit fighting teacher. Between this and Batgirl I'd say Bats is having a tough time of it and MAYBE THEY HAVE A POINT.

Then, to ram it home, the guy the Owls have shadowing Nightwang kicks his arse then says the reason he could do it so easily is because Batman couldn't teach a labrador to eat spaghetti quickly. This really is kick Batman when he's down month.

Nightwing #2

w: Tim Seeley a: Javier Fernández

Because why not have issues on consecutive weeks.

A whole issue of why Batman is shit, starting off with him throwing a guy off a rooftop to teach DickRobin a life lesson.

Raptor and Nightwang fly off in the Raptorcopter and Batgirl explains that she's the Babs from Batgirl and not the other one, because with the team from Detective and the Gotham kids from Batman there are just too many heroes in Gotham for her to need to be there. Raptor teaching Nightwang seems to work for him because he starts describing his fighting style as "sort of like a freestyle rap battle".

It turns out that yet again the bad guys are doing human trafficking. Is this a major world scandal that passed me by or are DC just randomly shoehorning it into books?

So they get rescued and the Owls are happy. To celebrate Dick stands up Babs on a date he arranged. What a catch.

Red Hood & The Outlaws Rebirth

w: Scott Lobdell a: Dexter Soy

Q: Is there any point in a Jason Todd origin story in 2016?

A: No.

Suicide Squad Rebirth

w: Rob Williams a: Philip Tan and three different inkers

Obama is upset at Amanda Waller so she gets Rick Flag to lead it. Some shit happens with some Mongolian superpowers but they all get shot on the final page to prove Rick Flag's a good guy.

This is rank. Absolutely stinks. And doesn't appear to be in the same continuity as Batman.

Superman #4

w: Peter J Tomasi & Patrick Gleason a: Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray

80s Superman and Superkiddy have a team-up and punch Plastic Man Dog Vacuum Superman's face off. This makes Krypton try and reconstitute itself from bits of the moon and the ghosts that come out of the hole where Plastic Man Dog Vacuum Superman's head used to be.

When his head grows back he tries to vacuum them back in but they like it out there and work with Superman to try and escape to the moon because reasons. Really.

Flash #3

w: Joshua Williamson a: Carmine di Giandomenico

Barry has performance anxiety issues because it turns out whatever turned August into a speedster has also turned 3/4 of Central City into speedsters and STAR Labs are doing what STAR Labs do best and trying to make them all faster.

Black Hole may or may not have been behind this release of the Speed Force but exploiting it in ways yet unknown is a new superbadguy called... GODSPEED. Maybe his sidekick will be Mogwai, who knows.

Very much treading water, and this early.

Titans #1

w: Dan Abnett a: Brett Booth & Norm Rapmund


Ok, it's just a recap of the Ginger Wally content of Rebirth to date.


So the Titans storyline is about 'fixing' what happened in Rebirth. The 80s Titans do some Titans hanging out stuff like taking the piss out of Wally because HE LIKES A GURL and Lilith tries to help him remember but in doing so unwrites some more of the stuff undone by the mystery hand.

She undoes Abra Kadabra forgetting who he was. He suddenly remembers and proclaims he was the one that made Ginger Wally disappear.

Is that the big secret about Rebirth, that it doesn't actually have anything to do with Doctor Manhattan after all and DC has just been leading people down the garden path for shits 'n' giggles? I'm not kidding, I think I'll die laughing at the fanboy outrage.

Wonder Woman #3

w: Greg Rucka a: Liam Sharp


WW and the Cheetah kiss and make up while Steve Trevor tries to stop Boko Haram. It looks like they end up in the same jungle but the whole thing goes nowhere. This issue might as well not have happened.

Horizontal Superman is invulnerable (aldo), Saturday, 6 August 2016 22:14 (eight years ago) link

Holy shit

this was the month i've stopped all these except for batman and even that's not very good.

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Sunday, 7 August 2016 15:13 (eight years ago) link

I was looking at the Top 100 comic books list recently. I think the #50 was hovering around 30,000 copies. The #100 book was around 18,000 copies, which means that about 300 titles that month, (because there’s about 400 titles per month) were under 18,000 copies. That’s not a sustainable or viable business.

thrusted pelvis-first back (ulysses), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 13:45 (eight years ago) link

I have wondered about the economics of the Big Two putting out 50+ titles a month. I mean, print sales are actually rising by all accounts, but it seems like volume like that would catch up with you eventually. I guess the retailers wind up taking it on the chin more often than not, but I guess it's unsustainable to run your retailers out of business, as well.

Lyle Lovitz (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 14:01 (eight years ago) link

"We drove them out of business in the '90s, we can drive them out of business again! Would you like a 1:50 variant cover?"

Shakey δσς (sic), Tuesday, 9 August 2016 23:15 (eight years ago) link

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