― R Baez, Monday, 28 April 2008 20:13 (sixteen years ago) link
― R Baez, Monday, 28 April 2008 20:16 (sixteen years ago) link
ACTION COMICS #864: Geoff DC UNIVERSE ZERO: Morrison. EX MACHINA #36: Vaughan. JACK OF FABLES #22: Willingham. THOR AGES OF THUNDER: Fraction. ULTIMATE HUMAN #4: Ellis. X-MEN LEGACY #210: Carey
It's a star-studded week when I can name all the writers without looking them up first.
― Mordy, Monday, 28 April 2008 20:32 (sixteen years ago) link
R.B., I direct you to http://mincingupthemorning.blogspot.com/2008/04/andy-bellbjrn-ulvaeus.html .
For me:
DC UNIVERSE ZERO--mmm! Morrison! (And Johns! And cheap!) ACTION COMICS #864--I am now sucked into the Johnsverse NEW AVENGERS #40--at last, the Seekrits of the Skrulls GLAMOURPUSS #1--either edition, sigh
― Douglas, Monday, 28 April 2008 20:48 (sixteen years ago) link
Well that made my week.
― R Baez, Monday, 28 April 2008 20:55 (sixteen years ago) link
DCU-0 Dare-tarantula! (Brubaker, dudes!) Iron Fist! Might even look at Glammerputz, if I can work up the courage to do so.
― Oilyrags, Monday, 28 April 2008 21:14 (sixteen years ago) link
Looks like JUST Thor: Age of Thunder.
No one seems to be reading Straczynski's Thor aside from me and my friend Caleb.
― ian, Monday, 28 April 2008 22:34 (sixteen years ago) link
I am! Really enjoying it too.
― Rock Hardy, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 00:33 (sixteen years ago) link
So am I. Actually, I was under the impression EVERYONE was reading JMS's Thor.
― Mordy, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 01:07 (sixteen years ago) link
Put me in the HELL NO column -- JMS has disappointed me way too much in recent times, and I'm not about to give him another chance to do it again.
― David R., Tuesday, 29 April 2008 01:35 (sixteen years ago) link
ACTION COMICS #864 - I've liked both of the main Superman books quite a bit since "one year later". This is the beginning of a new storyline. DC UNIVERSE ZERO - DC Comics crack in a handy trial package. GREEN LANTERN #30 - PT II of nu-origin storyline
DAREDEVIL BLOOD OF THE TARANTULA #1- Never heard of this one, it is an Ed Brubaker Daredevil story, but even going from the Marvel site I don't know if it is a one shot or a mini-series.
I'll probably eventually end up with these, but a while down the line. IMMORTAL IRON FIST #14 LEGION OF SUPER HEROES #41 NEW AVENGERS #40
― earlnash, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 01:55 (sixteen years ago) link
Another bad week then.
― The Real Dirty Vicar, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 09:17 (sixteen years ago) link
Iron Fist Black Summer Ultimate Human
And probably DC Universe Zero and, if I can get hold of a copy, Helen Killer
I was reading Thor up until the one where he kicked the shit out of Iron Man, but it was boring me to tears and got kicked to the kerb. It's very pretty art, though. Rising Stars should, by all rights, have cured me of reading anything by JMS.
― Stone Monkey, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 11:22 (sixteen years ago) link
nothing really - will get Glamourpuss eventually but already read the preview edition so no rush to get to the shop. doubt I'll be rushing any other month either!
if the covers keep curling up I might drop it just for that anyway...
― energy flash gordon, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 11:30 (sixteen years ago) link
Blue Beetle #26: the only Spanish I know are curse words, so this'll probably make no sense DC Universe Zero Immortal Iron Fist Order Thor: Ages of Thunder: whole lotta Fraction this week
― Garrett Martin, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 15:19 (sixteen years ago) link
Blue Beetle DC Universe Teen Titans Year One
maybe Glamourpuss??? I am desperate for comics!!! I have dropped down to half of what I was getting a year ago!!!
― Dr. Superman, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 18:01 (sixteen years ago) link
And you're complaining! I'm trying to cut the chaff from my list, but I'm having some trouble, as I have odd attachments (vestigal creator / character loyalty) that make it tuff to pull the trigger.
― David R., Tuesday, 29 April 2008 18:16 (sixteen years ago) link
DC UNIVERSE ZERO -- well, duh! EX MACHINA #36 -- hey, look, it's BKV slumming! JACK OF FABLES #22 -- SO much better than the parent title right now TEEN TITANS YEAR ONE #4 (OF 6) -- plz turn into magical best-selling ongoing title
YOUNGBLOOD #3 -- plz don't send me the LIEFELD cover, Midtown Comics people
AVENGERS INITIATIVE #12 -- could be my final issue ;_; DAREDEVIL BLOOD OF THE TARANTULA -- half a Bru still packs a punch! IMMORTAL IRON FIST #14 -- is that a DOUBLE-SIZED issue I see before me?!??! NEW AVENGERS #40 SI -- I think BMB is a Skrull ORDER #10 -- RIP intriguing supergroup THOR AGES OF THUNDER -- FRACTION! FROST GIANTS! FRISKY! ULTIMATE HUMAN #4 (OF 4) -- Pete Wisdom: Ultimate Leader? Warren, you cheeky monkey! ULTIMATE X-MEN #93 -- RIP Robert Kirkman's spotty kitchen-sunk UXM run; hello to oncoming guy from Heroes TV show! X-MEN LEGACY #210 DWS -- this issue: Mike Carey reveals the origin of Marvel Girl's hideous yellow / green costume
BLACK SUMMER #6 -- this issue: someone dies a splattery death after making clear their vehement displeasure with their lot in life and the world in general GLAMOURPUSS #1 COMICS ED -- not the other edition, because old habits die hard LOCAL #11 (OF 12) -- next issue: DECEMBER 2012
― David R., Tuesday, 29 April 2008 18:30 (sixteen years ago) link
yeah, Avengers Initiative is pretty damn droppable at this point. that KIA stuff was colossally bad. I don't think one or two semi-entertaining Ant-Man scenes every other month will be worth three bucks.
― Garrett Martin, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 20:04 (sixteen years ago) link
I finally dropped AvInit last month, even though I hadn't actually read an issue since #3. This is where I am, I continue to buy titles long after I tire of reading them, because I believe, I hope, that I will one day want to sit down and read them all. I should just get trades. Also, I like going to the comic shop every Weds or Thurs. It fills up my week and gives me something to look forward to. But then, when I realize I'm only getting one or two comics that week, there's also an emptiness.
― Dr. Superman, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 21:43 (sixteen years ago) link
There's another emptiness that comes from knowing that I'm most getting LIMITED series that will soon end..like Metal Men, Teen Titans Year One, Blue Beetle. And then there's Superman, which hasn't hit for a while, and will probably only get worse with Robinson. I don't think I've cancelled Superman Confidential yet. It's like breaking up with the same person EVERY WEEK. I've got a lot of reasons to be saving money, especially this year, but I've also got a lot of reasons to buy comic books. Like joy, happiness, power fantasies best left unfulfilled. Trinity will probably make or break comics for me this year. I don't know. I mean, Wonder Woman? I haven't signed up for it yet, because, to drop another series, to drop another weekly series, I might just never come back.
― Dr. Superman, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 21:57 (sixteen years ago) link
DocSupes, perhaps you can try some flavor of comics you haven't gotten into before? Pick some big series you've always wanted to get into and read an issue a week.
(Also, as far as I can tell, if it stays on schedule, which is unlikely, Final Crisis & its various satellites will be effectively weekly from late July to the end of the year.)
― Douglas, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 22:48 (sixteen years ago) link
Oh yeah, DCU0 - if there's shelf copies I'll have a flip and see if if it's Granty enough or 52-style dilution.
― energy flash gordon, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 01:39 (sixteen years ago) link
DCU #0, Action, Green Lantern, Legion of Super-Heroes, Teen Titans, New Avengers, X-Men Legacy, and Ultimate X-Men.
― Mr. Perpetua, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 03:47 (sixteen years ago) link
so would it be untoward to discuss the BIG NOOZE coming outta DCU0, and which was broken by the Daily News this morning? does said nooze merit a thread?
― Veronica Moser, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 20:18 (sixteen years ago) link
I got spoiled elsewhere, but lets give it a day or so.
― Oilyrags, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 20:32 (sixteen years ago) link
Said nooze doesn't even APPEAR ON PANEL--it's just hinted at. I don't even think it's all that noozy.
― Douglas, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 21:10 (sixteen years ago) link
I do so enjoy reading nurds going bananas on other fora, which they are doing as I write over this turn of events…
― Veronica Moser, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 21:54 (sixteen years ago) link
Start a new thread for it and spoil it there. (I read DC #0 today and don't know what you're talking about -- so spelling it out might help me.)
― Mordy, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 22:23 (sixteen years ago) link
DCU0 was a bit whatever, but hey, it's only 50 cents. In summary, the story seems to be:
** Batman: Someone mysterious is after Batman, Batman must fight them ** Wonder Woman: Someone mysterious is after Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman must fight them ** Superman and the Legion: Someone mysterious is after Superman and the Legion, Superman and the Legion must fight them ** Somebody I didn't recognise: vomits on the moon ** Kra: Koooom!
― Chuck_Tatum, Wednesday, 30 April 2008 22:27 (sixteen years ago) link
Mordy, look at the top half of the final page and see what the image reminds you of. (Or look at any comics news site today...)
― Douglas, Thursday, 1 May 2008 00:59 (sixteen years ago) link
Also check the icon on the caption box on the last page, and the last panel of the previous page.
― Rock Hardy, Thursday, 1 May 2008 01:41 (sixteen years ago) link
― balls, Thursday, 1 May 2008 03:43 (sixteen years ago) link
Ah. I see it now. Cool.
― Mordy, Thursday, 1 May 2008 03:52 (sixteen years ago) link
It's not even a real story, like the Countdown to Infinite Crisis was. As awful as lots of Inf Cri was, there were parts of it that at least promised to be great, and the confusion and build-up was a lot of fun (as was the wind-down, 52). I don't feel like (aside from nooz, which actually looks like they're doing it in a way that's A. Obvious and B. Suited to G.Mo) DCU Zero really offered a lot more than's already been offered in the Motivational Poster campaign.
― Dr. Superman, Thursday, 1 May 2008 04:20 (sixteen years ago) link
but I also got 3 other comics that I'm really looking forward to reading, so I'm going to stop being so damn negative.
i could see it slipping by if yr guard wasn't up, it's definitely alot subtler way of doing it than usual. i have to say also the issue was a bit meh for me (and i've been reading countdown for the past two months so really i was primed to be impressed easily). it felt like an old network tv 'this fall...the stars are alive on cbs!' preview than a big 'brace yrself' like seven soldiers #0.
― balls, Thursday, 1 May 2008 04:35 (sixteen years ago) link
― Dr. Superman, Thursday, 1 May 2008 07:13 (sixteen years ago) link
I want a blimp with scrolling "AHHHHHHHH" to fly over my town.
― Dr. Superman, Thursday, 1 May 2008 07:16 (sixteen years ago) link
That issue of Action Comics was really pretty good!
New Avengers = weird--a very long explanation of something that's pretty much already been explained elsewhere--I can imagine Morrison compressing all this information into like four lines of seemingly throwaway dialogue...
― Douglas, Thursday, 1 May 2008 16:20 (sixteen years ago) link
DCU ZERO: Is this really newsworthy? I'm kinda curious to read the Daily News story and see what the big whoop is. Scarabadajos Azura: Comme ci, comme ca. Teen Titans Year One: plot thin, fun fat!
― Dr. Superman, Thursday, 1 May 2008 20:08 (sixteen years ago) link
Douglas, I was thinking that about both Avengers books this month. But Mighty Av 12 has the bonus of red circles drawn around some characters faces and blue circles around others!
― Rock Hardy, Thursday, 1 May 2008 21:50 (sixteen years ago) link
God help me, the only new comic I will buy this week is Dark Horses' Star Wars - Rebellion. I am buying it for the art, honest.
― The Real Dirty Vicar, Friday, 2 May 2008 11:51 (sixteen years ago) link
DC UNIVERSE #0: The notion that the secret workings of the universe, the sturm und drang of the clockwork of creation, center, in some way, around some dude dressed up as a bat (or anyone in a garish outfit, really; I’m looking at you, Mirror Master!) has been a continual source of low comedy for me. Pulling back, the fact that I remain a consumer of such doings, partaking every seven days of works wherein such an idea (among others, equally absurd) is regularly taken as a given, is a work of high comedy.
OH YEAH: THOR - AGES OF THUNDER rocked me like a hurricane. There you go.
― R Baez, Friday, 2 May 2008 18:45 (sixteen years ago) link
i am kind of bitter about ages of thunder being billed as a one shot yet still TO BE CONTINUED.
― ian, Friday, 2 May 2008 21:56 (sixteen years ago) link
Went to one shop on Frday but it was closed, went to the other and new comics had only just arrived. Is Paul O'Brien OTM?
― energy flash gordon, Monday, 5 May 2008 00:51 (sixteen years ago) link
I really enjoyed it, but I seem to be very much in the minority there.
My annotations are at http://savagecritic.com/2008/04/all-systems-intact-red-and-black.html .
― Douglas, Monday, 5 May 2008 03:07 (sixteen years ago) link
Yeah, I thought it was fine. Paul's column was a bit melodramatic. I think it's easy to fall into the trap of over-estimating how "complex" a continuity-based comic is for non-comic readers. I mean, it's a fifty cent superhero story. It's a tease. People are fighting each other. That's not really that hard to understand.
― Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 5 May 2008 15:46 (sixteen years ago) link
"Granty enough" imo means "not very good"
see: Batman #663
thankfully DCU #0 was not that (although the Joker scene veered dangerously close)
someone spoil New Avengers for me? I forgot to "buy" it
― AJ Styles, Monday, 5 May 2008 15:46 (sixteen years ago) link
Did someone read it to you? That was some NASTY fill-in art.
― Dr. Superman, Tuesday, 6 May 2008 17:21 (sixteen years ago) link