Actually, not so much a Versus question as an influence question. I was reading this strip of QC - - and I was reminded of Terry Moore. I'm not sure if it was the drawing, the dialogue, or the male writer writing female protagonists. But it hit me like an epiphany - QC is obviously influenced by Strangers in Paradise, right?
― Mordy, Saturday, 14 June 2008 07:25 (sixteen years ago) link
yeah. for what it's worth, I tend to not read QC for a month, and then catch up on all the strips on a bored evening. As a once-a-month guilty pleasure, it's classic.
― Mordy, Saturday, 14 June 2008 07:34 (sixteen years ago) link
Hmm. To me, they don't seem much funnier than putting four Hallmark humor cards in a row and pretending it's a comic strip.
― Chuck_Tatum, Saturday, 14 June 2008 18:48 (sixteen years ago) link
Less funny, if you ask me.
Hey, did you ever wonder what I think of Achewood?
― Oilyrags, Saturday, 14 June 2008 20:04 (sixteen years ago) link
one year passes...
It seems some people were offended or confused by Friday's comic. They felt that I was saying or implying that polyamory is somehow not as serious as monogamy, or that polyamorous folks don't enter into committed relationships, or something. That couldn't possibly be further from my intent!
What I was going for in that comic (and this one) is that the specific situation Tai finds herself in (casual physical relationships with people she cares about but doesn't necessarily LOVE) is unfulfilling for her personally, and she feels like she'd rather just have one person to focus on. In no way did I mean to imply that because Tai isn't happy, ALL polyamory is unfulfilling, or not serious, or anything of that sort.
Like Dora says in today's strip, relationships exist on a continuum, and there are many different kinds of relationship that different people consider "polyamory." You certainly can have a serious, committed, happy polyamorous relationship! You can also be more casually polyamorous, like Tai has been in the comic. Ain't no right or wrong, or inferior or superior, as long as everybody's being safe and honest.
One of the challenges of working in this medium is that intent and interpretation are two very different things. I thought it was obvious that I was writing about a specific situation, and not denigrating polyamory in any way, but some people felt otherwise. That means I didn't do a good enough job! The vast majority of you guys either had no problem with the strip or actively told me that it was fine! But that doesn't mean that the minority who were bothered by it don't deserve to have their concerns addressed, which is what I'm attempting to do.
I apologize if I've hurt any feelings or offended anyone, and will try to make my intent more clear in the future! I hope this clears things up.
See you tomorrow.
― Mordy, Monday, 8 February 2010 15:15 (fourteen years ago) link
lol nerds be polyamorous
seriously if i count the qc fans i know irl the majority of them are polyamorous
god the more those days & people enter the realm of retrospect the more i can't remember why i ever hung out with them
― BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 8 February 2010 17:29 (fourteen years ago) link
was it really necessary to drag SiP into the mud
turning it over with your toe and going, "oh right, SiP" doesn't count as dragging
― WARWICK. CAPPER. (sic), Monday, 8 February 2010 22:26 (fourteen years ago) link
four months pass...
one month passes...
it has stagnated. The strips involving Faye coming to terms with her father's death were genuinely moving. But there's been virtually no meaningful follow-up, and otherwise the characters just meander around, sort of pointlessly.
But I still like QC (the only comic -- online or otherwise -- I've read in years).
― Daniel, Esq., Friday, 23 July 2010 09:14 (fourteen years ago) link
one month passes...
nine months pass...