I ban myself for that "pun" until my next post.
― David R., Monday, 22 September 2008 18:51 (sixteen years ago) link
Blue Beetle, Captain America, Daredevil, Northlanders, plus whatever came out last week.
I've avoided most comics sites all week because I haven't read ASS#12 yet.
― GM, Monday, 22 September 2008 18:54 (sixteen years ago) link
FABLES #76 JACK OF FABLES #26 NEW AVENGERS #45RUNAWAYS 3 #2TERRY MOORES ECHO #6THUNDERBOLTS #124WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #7: My only location for Kitty Pryde stories these days.
― Mordy, Monday, 22 September 2008 18:54 (sixteen years ago) link
AmBugCaptAmericaDareDevilHellBoy: The CrookedManand perhaps a slice of MeatCake for dessert.
― There is no Grodd but Mallah and Congorilla is His Prophet. (Oilyrags), Monday, 22 September 2008 19:02 (sixteen years ago) link
Just HELLBOY - will Corben compel cross-city crusade for comics? I dunno.
― R Baez, Monday, 22 September 2008 19:08 (sixteen years ago) link
AVENGERS INITIATIVE #17 SI -- this has gotten MUCH better of late (& adding the Skrull Kill Krew to the mix hasn't hurt)BLACK PANTHER #41 SI -- I've been liking Jason Aaron's super-stuff, but I haven't been following his BP stint; should probably just add SCAPLED to my pull listCAPTAIN AMERICA #42DAREDEVIL #111FABLES #76 -- LAST ISSUE for me; love Buckingham's art to death, but BWill's seems to have been mailing it in for the past year-plusFANTASTIC FOUR #560 -- but then I'm still buying this shit, so WTF do I know?FANTASTIC FOUR TRUE STORY #3 (OF 4)HELLBOY THE CROOKED MAN #3 (OF 3)HULK #6 -- LOEB SMASHIMMORTAL IRON FIST ORSON RANDALL DEATH QUEENJACK OF FABLES #26 -- I would pay good money (up to $2.99) for a one-note six-panels-per-page BABE THE BLUE OX spin-offMADAME XANADU #4 -- better than I thought it'd be, tho that's mostly due to the pretty drawringsMS MARVEL #31 -- does anybody remember when this book was actually enjoyable / not tied into Secret Invasion?NEW AVENGERS #45 SINORTHLANDERS #10 -- BEST VERTIGO ONGOING that doesn't feature girls in granny glassesNOVA #17 SIPOWERS #30 -- probably my LAST ISSUE, but what the hell it only comes out twice a year, might as well stick around; maybe it'll stop dragging its feet sometime before I turn FORTYSECRET INVASION AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #2 (OF 3) SISHE-HULK 2 #33 SI -- possibly my LAST ISSUESKAAR SON OF HULK PRESENTS SAVAGE WORLD #1 -- ooh a one-shot! should be awesome!THUNDERBOLTS #124 SIULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR X-MEN ANNUAL #1 -- end the painULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #126WASTELAND #20 -- dudes & non-dudes w/ love of dystopic sandy sci-fi romps: READ THIS (from the beginning)WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #7 -- BEST WOLFERINE BOOKX-MEN LEGACY #216 -- oh no ... not another LAST ISSUE for me!YOUNGBLOOD #5
― David R., Monday, 22 September 2008 19:08 (sixteen years ago) link
Bru's interview in CBR or Newsarama or wherever kind of gave me The Fear: Lady Bullseye?!?! wtf
― Radiant Flowering Crab (Rock Hardy), Monday, 22 September 2008 19:13 (sixteen years ago) link
Interview about upcoming Daredevil stuff, obv.
No idea is stupid until it is stupid.
― David R., Monday, 22 September 2008 19:14 (sixteen years ago) link
For me:
...and I think that might be it.
― Douglas, Monday, 22 September 2008 21:01 (sixteen years ago) link
So I'd post this in its proper SHIP thread, but whatever -- the first issue of the Sub-Mariner: The Depths mini (by Peter Milligan & Esad Ribic) is pretty great! Possibly because it has very little Sub-Mariner in it! It's mostly about this moustached mythbuster trying to disprove the existance of Atlantis & you-know-who. Establishes this fantastically creepy otherworldly vibe -- so far, it feels like a tense B&W monster pic with Namor (hopefully) as the little-seen monster at the edge of the frame. Easily the best thing I've read from Milligan since Human Target disappeared, and the painted art is gorgeous. Could still go belly-up w/ 3/4ths of the story to go, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for folks willing to drop $16 on a Namor-not-Namor mini.
― David R., Monday, 22 September 2008 21:09 (sixteen years ago) link
SUPERMAN #680 - I hope James Robinson can get on a roll, as the first two issues of his run have been off. I think Renato Guedes artwork is OK, but I'm not sure his style is the right business for Superman.100 BULLETS TP VOL 12 DIRTY - Criminy it has been a long slog waiting for the next trade. I read the first 11 trades over a couple of months and have been really wondering what came next. All I can say is it is about time, nuff said. I might go back and read the last couple trades again, then this one, just to go over what is going on. Either way, there is only one more trade to go on this one.
Not much, but I won't get in until Friday and will have three weeks of pull list, so it will be a big day.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 00:11 (sixteen years ago) link
I hope James Robinson can get on a roll, as the first two issues of his run have been off.
You can probably draw a line right @ where he wrote the godawful script for the LXG movie -- before the line's where he was tolerable (if not actually enjoyable); after the line, all bets are off and he is farting in your longbox.
― David R., Tuesday, 23 September 2008 00:18 (sixteen years ago) link
I still haven't read the stuff by Robinson that people really like such as Starman or his JSA related stuff. I liked the Face the Face storyline in Batman a bit better on the second read other than the fact why Batman would trust the city to Two-Face in the first place makes no sense at all. There was some nice character interplay in the storyline. I'm probably game to follow Superman for a bit longer as the whole New Krypton stuff is coming up soon to crossover and I am really liking Action. There is a whole lot of things that have just been started in the Robinson run to be explained, but a couple of the little scenes were just odd like the whole thing with Lois Lane's jealousy of Zatanna and the interaction with Superman talking about Jade were off. Robinson obviously did not like the idea of Lana Lang running Lexcorp, so he nipped that away PDQ.
― earlnash, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 01:07 (sixteen years ago) link
Nothing super exciting:
I still haven't read Fables #75, since I'm a few issues behind and would rather spend my time re-reading All Star Superman.
Side note to Douglas - I stopped by Floating World last weekend. Pretty nice, but I'll stick with Guapo. The Guapo folks also would like me let you know that they've doubled in size since you checked it out, and are worried you might have gotten a bad impression since they had just opened when you were there.
― arango, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 01:34 (sixteen years ago) link
ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN THE BOY WONDER #10 (SHUT UP YOU DON'T KNOW ME)AMBUSH BUG YEAR NONE #3 (OF 6) (hoping this is a bit better than last month's, which was all over the place)BLUE BEETLE #31HELLBOY THE CROOKED MAN #3 (OF 3)WOLVERINE FIRST CLASS #7
and in trades:MARVEL BOY PREM HC (Marvel apparently has a very loose definition of "premiere," unless they mean "first time in a slightly stiffer and more expensive format")RED ROCKET 7 TP (IMAGE ED) (if it's still coming out, anyway- Amazon doesn't show any trace of it, and I'm hoping it won't go the way of Image's Stray Toasters reprint or the second book of Casanova)
― Telephone thing, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 01:48 (sixteen years ago) link
Captain AmericaDaredevilThe Amazing Spider-ManFantastic FourNew AvengersX-Men LegacyTeen Titans
Nothing to get too excited about this week.
― Mr. Perpetua, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 02:56 (sixteen years ago) link
Ha! No, I thought Guapo was pretty fab, and if it were in my neighborhood I'd go there all the time. It's just nowhere near where I ever go...
― Douglas, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 03:05 (sixteen years ago) link
Ambush, Treehouse, already pre-ordered the Peanuts box from Amazong cos Fanta aren't allowed to sell it outside North America. (This will now put me exactly halfway behind in terms of reading to books issued.)
― john della boscaoila (sic), Tuesday, 23 September 2008 05:35 (sixteen years ago) link
Your loss.
― rogermexico., Tuesday, 23 September 2008 06:12 (sixteen years ago) link
Name a book, then. Which title has you hopping from foot to foot like you need a pee when instead you just need to get to the comics store?
― Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 07:24 (sixteen years ago) link
I kinda think he just did, Andrew (if you look @ the image URL -- the link is toast) (or pancakes, if you will).
― David R., Tuesday, 23 September 2008 12:58 (sixteen years ago) link
Yeah, just not a Hellboy fan. Never really clicked with me.
There's actually a fair few things lately that I am excited about, it's just that this week is a bunch of a things that I like well enough to buy and read, but it's not like I couldn't just wait another week. I mean, I really like Brubaker's Captain America, but I seldom even open that until a couple days after I've bought it.
The stuff I am most into right now are all Grant/Geoff DC or indie things that come out once in a blue moon.
― Dr. Perpetua, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 13:34 (sixteen years ago) link
Ah right, almost all images blocked by work, sorry. Yeah, fair enough, I do not see eye-to-eye with Hellboy fans, but it's cool.
― Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 13:45 (sixteen years ago) link
David is spot-on waaaaay upthread about Milligan's Namor book. Surprisingly good stuff.
― GM, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 16:51 (sixteen years ago) link
Two recommendations on Namor is good enough for me. I don't think I've enjoyed a Milligan title since Human Target (or maybe end of X-Statix, but that was wearing a little thin by the end). And I haven't read a Namor comic since the Andi Watson one....
― arango, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 17:07 (sixteen years ago) link
And I haven't read a Namor comic since the Andi Watson one....
Oh god THAT. Kinda wish Marvel published the OTHER Andi Watson book they solicited & cancelled (not the tennis one) instead of that Jemas-abetted piece of foof.
Hey guys remember when Brian K. Vaughan was writing the MYSTIQUE monthly? Good times!
― David R., Tuesday, 23 September 2008 17:09 (sixteen years ago) link
Yeah, that wasn't particularly good. But we've got a long-standing order to pull anything Andi Watson does, so we got the whole thing.
― arango, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 17:34 (sixteen years ago) link
Wait, whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut?
Peter Milligan has a Namor book out? I must buy it, as I buy most everything he does, and I get excited about it up until the point he stops trying and I just trudge along until he is either removed or the book is canceled.
― Dr. Perpetua, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 23:08 (sixteen years ago) link
The Namor book is just a mini.
I honestly can't get excited about Milligan The Writer anymore. I might conceivably work up some anticipation for a given Milligan project, but my faith in him is, on the whole, crippled at this point. He's put out some good stuff this decade, but I think it's fair to say that it's trumped by the amount of fair-to-mediocre work he's done within the same time frame. And it's probably also fair to say that, for a writer who has done some amazing work, he's been historically pretty all over the map in terms of quality.
― Deric W. Haircare, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 03:23 (sixteen years ago) link
Will check out Namor because A) liked Human Target, B) never bought a Namor book before, C) i like miniseries, because they're over just when you're ready to drop them
also: Ambush Bug - which refutes what I said about miniseries, since last issue was not-awful, but really, really not-so-great, which is kinda awful in an Ambush Bug contextBlue Beetle - sigh, my heart's just not in it anymoreCaptain America - I don't know how much longer I'll stick with this, but I don't dislike it right nowSuperman - Remember when there were two readable Superman titles? Or three during that Cooke/Sale storyline? THOSE DAYS IS GONE.
― Dr. Superman, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 16:47 (sixteen years ago) link
Oh hey - that limited edition BLACK JACK hardcover is coming out this week. I'm not getting it (cuz I'm poor and I'll probably be picking up the paperback edition a few weeks down the line), but anything BLACK JACK-related is certainly worth hyping. If you've no interest in BLACK JACK, and I make this statement having read only the first VIZ volume from way back, you're probably a bad person.
― R Baez, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 18:44 (sixteen years ago) link
i missed last week, so lots of catching up:
all star superman -- so sad it's over. amazing spider-man -- i'm enjoying this a lot. straightforward spandex action, nice art, a lot going on .conan the cimmerianhellboyage of the sentry -- fun enough, but i doubt i'll follow up[wasteland -- tossed-off interludesolomon kane -- joe kubert cover!walking dead
anybody get the astro boy TP? i just read the second and third volumes of buddha and loved them. should i get it?
and any thoughts on astounding wolf-man? seems like a good time to start picking it up, if i'm going to.
― mte, Friday, 26 September 2008 16:57 (sixteen years ago) link
Hmmm. I've always been lax w/r/t ASTRO BOY - fun stuff, and well worth a read, certainly, but never as engaging as PHOENIX, BUDDHA et al. in my eyes.
― R Baez, Friday, 26 September 2008 18:13 (sixteen years ago) link
And, man, alot of the time, they just go on and on and on! I prefer a terse BLACK JACK punch-to-the-gut moral than the frequently endless ASTRO BOY.
― R Baez, Friday, 26 September 2008 18:26 (sixteen years ago) link
the store i visit actually had the astro boy. but i'll look out for black jack, too.
― mte, Friday, 26 September 2008 18:57 (sixteen years ago) link
holy crap! the latest Black Panther issue is probably the best single issue to come out of the entire SI mish-mash! unbelievably good.
― Ioannis is all "YAHHH TRICK YAHHH" (Ioannis), Friday, 26 September 2008 19:00 (sixteen years ago) link
It's Kirkman being spandex Kirkman -- solid, occasionally overwritten (dialog-wise) superfun, with a fair amount of gore to boot. He's probably more gorier in his non-zombie books than my favorite whipping boy Johns, but his goo-gunning doesn't irk me nearly as much as GJ's fleshy fun.
Anyway, it's about a guy learning that with great werewolf power comes the occasional urge to eviscerate people, and he has a vampire buddy that might not be his buddy, and he's trying to be a superhero even though he inadvertently wolfed one down (lol), and there are other werewolves he's dealing with, and his family's going nuts because um HE'S A WEREWOLF. (NB: My grasp on the details of the first 7+ months of this book ain't so solid.) It's not as much fun as Invincible, but still enjoyable especially if you're a fan of his easy-breezy shtick.
― David R., Friday, 26 September 2008 19:13 (sixteen years ago) link
midtown's having a manga sale, so i just ordered the black jack paperback, the first two volumes of phoenix, and volumes one and four of buddha, for right around $10 each, including shipping.
― mte, Friday, 26 September 2008 20:23 (sixteen years ago) link
Started <a href="http://youdontknowfromhurt.blogspot.com/">a comics blog</a> with my ex-roommate; don't know why. Reviews of 9/24's batch of comics (and late reviews of last week's) coming late tonight/early tomorrow if anyone is starved for entertainment and wants to see an anonymous crank on the internet call Judd Winick a stupid cunt. FUN 4 WHOLE FAMILY!
― Telephone thing, Monday, 29 September 2008 00:31 (sixteen years ago) link