$5 dollars each, that's a BIT much... but there may be some interesting stuff here. Anybody see anything they like?http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/bks/918450755.html
― Chelvis, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 16:04 (sixteen years ago) link
Prattun ete indiencorto maltesemuen siberieles ethiopiquestoujours un peu plus loinann de la junglefable de Veniseles celtiques
These are all Corto Maltese books except Un Ete Indien, which is a collab between Hugo Pratt and Milo Manara about early American settlers, and Ann de la Jungle, which I think is an old newspaper strip by Pratt. I haven't read Ann de la Jungle, Un Ete Indien is okay but not great, but if you know French all the Corto Maltese titles are definitely worth getting, because Corto Maltese is basically one of the 10 best comics ever made.
― Tuomas, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 17:44 (sixteen years ago) link
Enki Bilal - la trilogie Nikopol
This one is also essential reading: a political, dystopian sci-fi story with lots of weird and cool stuff like old Egyptian gods and "chess-boxing". Plus Bilal is a great artist.
― Tuomas, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 17:50 (sixteen years ago) link
Rosinski/Dufaux - la complainte des landes perduesSiobanBlackmoreDame GerfautKyle of Klanach
This one is a sword-and-sorcery type of Celtic fantasy comic: the story is okay but not that original, but the art is quite pretty.
― Tuomas, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 17:53 (sixteen years ago) link
David B.l'ascension du haut mal (vls 1->3)
This one has been released in English as Epileptic, it's very good.
― Tuomas, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 17:55 (sixteen years ago) link
Blainle reducteur de vitesseIsaac le pirate - vols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Don't know about the first title, but Isaac le Pirate is one of the best new French comics I've read (the series is still ongoing). It's about a 18th century Parisian painter who's hired by a bunch of pirates who want to travel to the South Pole to document their journey. That's only the first part of the story though, it goes to rather unexpected directions.
― Tuomas, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 18:00 (sixteen years ago) link
915 is absolutely ridiculous; I might give him 150.then again, i don't even speak french.
― forksclovetofu, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 19:52 (sixteen years ago) link
forks-, yeah, I know. Well, it says it's in SOHO, so...tuomas, thanks for the insights. Besides Moebius I am very ignorant of french comics...
― Chelvis, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 23:41 (sixteen years ago) link
sempe is my favourite cartoonist ever. seriously. and all that trondheim stuff looks pretty good, too.
― ǝɟɟɐzǝɟ (☪), Wednesday, 19 November 2008 23:55 (sixteen years ago) link
that asterix book is awful though.
― ǝɟɟɐzǝɟ (☪), Wednesday, 19 November 2008 23:58 (sixteen years ago) link
Charyn / Boucq - bouche du diable
ooh thats the one with the deformed kid in kgb school. love that one.
― ǝɟɟɐzǝɟ (☪), Thursday, 20 November 2008 00:01 (sixteen years ago) link
I sent him a 150 offer. I don't know if I actually WANT a massive pile of French comics, but it might motivate me to learn a new language. probably not.
― forksclovetofu, Thursday, 20 November 2008 22:13 (sixteen years ago) link
Actually went to dude's place to negotiate; nice collection of books, but he seriously wasn't interested in any bargaining. Ah well.
― forksclovetofu, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 07:14 (sixteen years ago) link
hey forks, at least you tried:) I never have the guts to bargain seriously.
― Chelvis, Wednesday, 26 November 2008 05:10 (sixteen years ago) link
Hey all, this might not be the right thread for this, but I'm curious what French (or other Euro-comics in translation) people have been reading and would recommend? It seems like the marketing for European comics is way behind that of, say, Japanese comics and a lot of gems get published and just sort of exist. I'm particularly curious beyond the more well known stuff, e.g., Tin Tin, Asterix, Tardi, David B., etc.
― johnasdf, Monday, 14 June 2021 15:38 (three years ago) link
BD still lags behind manga and probably will forever since there's not a sub-culture of US ppl obsessed with French culture the way there is for Japan (tho there IS a sub-culture of Japanese ppl who are, so I'm guessing BD fans in Japan are better served, lol) but I do think there's been some strides made since the 00's. That being said I'm fuzzy on the details because my wife is French so now I usually just grab the originals when we go to visit family.
The Great Outdoors by Catherine Meurisse seems to have been translated. It's a Charlie Hebdo writer's memories of her childhood growing up in the countryside, the daughter of "back to the country" boomers. Lots of it resonated with me, having gone through a similar childhood elsewhere. Very sweet and funny, not at all what you'd expect from a Hebdo writer.
The archives series for Italian master Crepax is interesting - I mean you have to accept it's basically porn and the plots mostly only of social history interest, but dude was an artist and a half, if you focus on the drawings it really becomes a kind of psychedelic experience.
I should say that despite having direct access to French stuff my guides to this are still the folks at the online Comics Journal, so I'm unlikely to come up with recs they haven't mentioned.
― Daniel_Rf, Tuesday, 15 June 2021 11:05 (three years ago) link
ILC favourite Dungeon is one of the best comics ever - hearty recommend. Can it be as good as I remember though?
Infinity 8, from one of the same writers, Lewis Trondheim, has been fun but the further volumes have diminishing returns (for reasons that will be very apparent when you know the plot).
I was really impressed with Maggie Garrison, another Trondheim joint, that’s a two-and-done thriller series set in southeast England with a really memorable hero.
Big fan of Leo’s nonsense sci fi series Aldebaran, which also goes off the rails a bit
Kerascoët‘s Miss Don’t Touch Me is fun but doesn’t really live up to its promise - notice a trend here? - it the first volume is still worth reading. Satania, by the same artist, is impressive but Not My Thing.
These are quite mainstream answers I guess, but it’s all got! The lack of female BD writers kinda sucks
― Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 17 June 2021 18:59 (three years ago) link
Which is to say, I’d love some recommendations in that arena...
― Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 17 June 2021 19:04 (three years ago) link
These are great suggestions, though unfortunately the library doesn't seem to have most of these books. I might have to try another library. I might buy The Great Outdoors by Cahterine Meurisse.
Re Leo/Aldebaran - I had bought a volume of this (I think actually from reading ILC), but it seems like it was halfway through the story. Is there a good place to start here?
NYRB Graphic Novels has a few comics by French women artists. I haven't read them yet, but they look great.
PRETENDING IS LYINGby Dominique Goblet, translated from the French by Sophie Yanow
MITCHUMby Blutch, translated from the French by Matt Madden
THE TENDERNESS OF STONESby Marion Fayolle, translated from the French by Geoffrey Brock
― johnasdf, Thursday, 17 June 2021 19:18 (three years ago) link
There's multiple volumes with different titles: Aldebaran, Betelgeuse, Antares and Return to Aldebaran (i think), each of which are a few volumes each. There's a side series too, The Survivors. The first two sets, Aldebaran and Betelgeuse iirc, are the best, and then it's the usual comics game of "well, it's not as good as it used to be, but i want to see what happens".
I think quite a few of the titles frequently pop up as sales on Comixology.
I'd probably rec Maggie Garrison the most out of the ones I mentioned.
Thanks for the recommendations!
― Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 17 June 2021 19:37 (three years ago) link
The lack of female BD writers kinda sucks
Think this must be a function of what's been translated because anecdotally I think the current BD scene has more prominent women than the US comics scene (comparsions with Japan more difficult due to boy's comics and girl's comics still being an official thing there). Penelope Bagieu is probably the biggest BD breakout star of recent years (I've not read her).
― Daniel_Rf, Friday, 18 June 2021 10:55 (three years ago) link
speaking of Dungeon, 5 of the volumes (Twilight 2-3-4, Monsters 5-6) are on sale here for 2.99 each (plus also a Lil Santa by Trondheim, and a bunch of other stuff by other people too) https://www.nbmpub.com/home/sale.html
― Piven After Midnight (The Yellow Kid), Friday, 18 June 2021 20:16 (three years ago) link
First issue of my Spirou subscription arrived!
A lot of it is done in a style that reminds me of, like, Phineas & Ferb and other modernish animation, which I'm not a fan of. There's also an official liscensed minions comic strip!
Good stuff from old hands, though: Émile Bravo is doing a Spirou Elseworlds where he's in occupied Belgium, the chapter in this issue sees him arrested by the Gestapo (!), done in a beautiful classic ligne claire style. Joann Sfar is doing some totally deranged thing that'll prob take me many chapters to start to understand: in this one a rock alien is dueting with Carla Bruni on Sarkozy's yacht, then tells her he must leave, opens up a vortex and lands in the White House, where François Hollande is waiting for him. Hollande then explains to the rock alien that Trump isn't in because after US presidents leave office they live in ratty motels, with panels showing Trump, Obama and Clinton in this situation. It then cuts to the attack on the Capitol.
― Daniel_Rf, Friday, 16 July 2021 12:44 (three years ago) link
Those Bravo Spirou books are all really good
― Chuck_Tatum, Friday, 16 July 2021 21:02 (three years ago) link
I read the first when I was in a phase of trying to follow along with the Spirou Par... series, didn't know he'd kept at them!
― Daniel_Rf, Saturday, 17 July 2021 11:47 (three years ago) link