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I thought we'd already had a poll on Vertigo, but I can't find anything via search, so I decided to do one. To make it more exciting, I decided to leave Swamp Thing and Morrison's Vertigo work outside the poll, so it wouldn't be dominated by the usual suspects. This poll is for ongoing/non-limited series only; I've left out all the miniseries, limited series, one-offs and cancelled titles which lasted less than 12 issues, because there's a kazillion of those. I might do a poll on the minis, limited series and one-offs later on though.
Poll Results
Option | Votes |
Y: The Last Man | 3 |
Human Target | 3 |
Shade, The Changing Man | 2 |
Scalped | 2 |
Transmetropolitan | 2 |
The Sandman | 1 |
Lucifer | 1 |
Preacher | 1 |
The Books of Magic | 1 |
Loveless | 0 |
The Losers | 0 |
Northlanders | 0 |
Kid Eternity (the ongoing series written by Ann Nocenti) | 0 |
American Virgin | 0 |
Outlaw Nation | 0 |
Sandman Mystery Theatre | 0 |
Seekers Into the Mystery | 0 |
Testament | 0 |
The Un-Men | 0 |
Young Liars | 0 |
Jack of Fables | 0 |
Hunter: The Age of Magic | 0 |
Army@Love | 0 |
Black Orchid | 0 |
Books of Magick: Life During Wartime | 0 |
Codename: Knockout | 0 |
Crossing Midnight | 0 |
The Crusades | 0 |
Deadenders | 0 |
The Dreaming | 0 |
DMZ | 0 |
The Exterminators | 0 |
Fables | 0 |
Flinch | 0 |
Hellblazer | 0 |
House of Mystery | 0 |
House of Secrets | 0 |
American Century | 0 |
Air | 0 |
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