There's a word - maybe it's German? - that was used in one of Grant Morrison's last issues of Doom Patrol, where the Candlemaker was trashing Danny The Street. "kristalllmat"? something unusual (to American ears, anyway). This is from memory. Does anyone know what the word actually is? This issue is buried in my comic book collection, three hours from here, so any assistance you could share would totally be appreciated.
the sentence goes:
"K____________ on Danny the Street."
― YOUR MOMS SPOT HERON WITH NO HANDS I'M SMACKIN HER (Beatrix Kiddo), Saturday, 26 September 2009 19:12 (fifteen years ago) link
kristallnacht, I think.
― she is writing about love (Jenny), Saturday, 26 September 2009 19:26 (fifteen years ago) link
^ yes
― calvin klein pee coat (sic), Sunday, 27 September 2009 04:20 (fifteen years ago) link
I've studied history, so the reference was obvious to me, but maybe it's not in common metaphor in other use?
― Tuomas, Monday, 28 September 2009 10:02 (fifteen years ago) link
Speaking of German phrases in Morrison's work, does anyone have good ideas what the German phrases spoken by Jack Frost to Dane McGowan in Invisibles #1 refer to? First he/she says "erdhische Methode gut, starker Besitscher" and then "seelische Land". "Seelische Land" translates to "mental land" or "land of the soul", so I guess that's a reference to the Invisible College (or the Invisible Kingdom) and the metauniverse(s) which we learn about later in the story? I assume "starker Besitscher" actually means "stärker Besitzer" = "stronger owner", which I guess would be Dane himself. But "erdische Methode"? I guess you could translate it to "earthly method" (though "earthly" in German is actually "irdisch"), but what on earth is an "earthly method"? Is it a reference to something? Or maybe it's supposed to mean "mundane method", since "mundane" is one translation of "erdisch"/"irdisch"?
― Tuomas, Monday, 28 September 2009 10:25 (fifteen years ago) link