Other than some lines in the weekly thread, we haven't had a thread talking about Grant Morrison's Batman run in a while.
So who exactly is the Red Hood?
I think Grant Morrison may have found a way to make the "Superboy Punch" work and if it pans out, I'm wondering if this Jason Todd that has been running around is not the one that the Joker clobbered but the original one from pre-Crisis Earth 1. With the whole red hair angle in the last issue, you got to wonder.
What do you think?
― earlnash, Thursday, 15 October 2009 03:30 (fifteen years ago) link
Oh, I just assumed that the post-crisis Jason Todd had resurrected some time without my hearing about it. I'm not sure if your explanation makes the Red Hood story more or less like some piece of crazy continuity nerd nonsense.
― The Real Dirty Vicar, Thursday, 15 October 2009 15:50 (fifteen years ago) link
It's definitely the one Joker clobbered. He became the red hood during 52, I think.
― Mordy, Thursday, 15 October 2009 19:14 (fifteen years ago) link
srsly why not just cut the bullshit and call him "Clitoris"
― RETARTED (HI DERE), Thursday, 15 October 2009 19:22 (fifteen years ago) link
...and his sidekick Nubbin.
― WmC, Thursday, 15 October 2009 19:23 (fifteen years ago) link
― ian, Thursday, 15 October 2009 20:32 (fifteen years ago) link
side note: one of the kids who i played D&D with when pretty young (like 11-13?) created a monster for our campaign called the Clitoris ("you see eight clitorises lurking at the far side of the cavern.") It was a giant vagina monster that sort of slithered around like jabba the hut i guess, cuz it had no legs.
― ian, Thursday, 15 October 2009 20:34 (fifteen years ago) link
Ah, that sounds like the pubescent-era role-playing I remember.
I'm hazy on how Jason Todd came back too. I remember it being stupidly to do with the Superboy punch, but now he's talking about the lazarus pits?
― When two tribes go to war, he always gets picked last (James Morrison), Thursday, 15 October 2009 22:13 (fifteen years ago) link
This shit is like JLA all over again, where you have to read the words and guess at what the pictures are supposed to be. Damien kills the Penguin on like page 6, and then most of the second half of the issue is about Dick and Damien talking to and protecting the totally alive Penguin!
― RAPTOBER (sic), Thursday, 15 October 2009 22:59 (fifteen years ago) link
Oh God, the art is much worse than JLA. But only one issue left before the goodness starts again.
― Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 15 October 2009 23:37 (fifteen years ago) link
The Penguin doesn't die. They show him bouncing off a car and yelling "Gaah!" or something (I don't have the issue in front of me). I'm not a fan of Tan's, but I'm not having any problems with it.
JLA wasn't worth wading through the crappy art, IMO. My least favorite major Morrison project by leaps and bounds and then some more leaps.
― EZ Snappin, Friday, 16 October 2009 00:51 (fifteen years ago) link
one of the kids who i played D&D with when pretty young (like 11-13?) created a monster for our campaign called the Clitoris
I never click on this board, but once in awhile you get lucky. Did you guys ever find the Clitoris?
― Your Favorite Saturday Night Thing (Dr Morbius), Friday, 16 October 2009 00:57 (fifteen years ago) link
The thing is when Jason Todd is going on about how Batman had to dye his hair, that goes back to the original origin for Jason Todd in which he was redheaded and was also a circus kid. After the first Crisis, they re-wrote it and made it all about Jason Todd being a street kid that tried to lift the wheels off the Batmobile.
Todd ends up with Talia and Ra's after coming out of the grave. I'd have to look at the issue again, but I think they might have given him a Lazarus Tank dunk. The whole narrator of that story is kind of odd, as it is pretty much Todd telling you the story and he is crazy, so I figured that it was pretty open for someone to change it around.
One of the superhero projects that Grant Morrison has coming up for DC is going to be called Multiversity dealing with the other worlds out there and being that threads kind of jump from one project to another, I thought that he might be playing off that with Jason Todd being an alternate version.
I think the artwork is OK, but the coloring is real inconsistent. Some of the day glo pages look cool, but some of the the dark ones look way too murky. There are bunches of modern comics that have that problem, where scenes in dark settings look way too murky.
I guess it is probably more likely Grant Morrison liked the whole red-headed step child part of the original Jason Todd origin, where Batman has him dye his hair, so he added that bit back in kind of like he liked the idea of Batman having a kid with Talia, but the details of Son of the Demon don't really matter.
― earlnash, Friday, 16 October 2009 01:04 (fifteen years ago) link
The Penguin doesn't die. They show him bouncing off a car and yelling "Gaah!" or something (I don't have the issue in front of me).
Not sure if they show this – what I can make out is Damien SLICING PENGUIN’S PARACHUTE UMBRELLA OFF, so that he PLUMMETS THIRTY STORIES AND WOULD HAVE NO HOPE OF SURVIVING, then we see his deadweight body CRASHING THROUGH THE ROOF OF A CAR, no doubt breaking every bone and most of his organs, and then some random passerby yelling “Gaah!” or something.
Obviously he doesn’t die, as he’s alive later on. But Tan certainly drew Robin killing him.
― RAPTOBER (sic), Friday, 16 October 2009 03:12 (fifteen years ago) link
Yeah, I was totally confused by the Penguin's fall too - there's no explanation how he survived it, with his umbrella being broken by Damien's Batarang and all. I'm not sure if the problem is with Tan's art or Morrison's script though. In issue #5 the art also makes it pretty hard to follow how The Reed Hood defeats Damien; we see him knocking Damien off, but the choreography of the fight is almost impossible to decipher. I think Tan basically sucks at drawing action scenes. Though I don't think Morrison's writing has been that great for this arc yet either. For example, what we've seen of this Flamingo guy so far has been pretty cliched... A bad guy who eats people's faces? Gimme a break! Hopefully the next issue will remedy this.
As for Jason Todd, I have no idea how he came back to life either. But some review pointed out that when we saw Bruce reminiscing on Jason in The Last Rites, he didn't have red hair. Maybe it was simply an error made by Morrison or the artist, but it could also mean this Jason is not the same one Bruce knew.
― Tuomas, Friday, 16 October 2009 07:10 (fifteen years ago) link
but the choreography of the fight is almost impossible to decipher
yeah, I gave up once my eyes hurt
― RAPTOBER (sic), Friday, 16 October 2009 09:07 (fifteen years ago) link
sorry guys, can we just talk about Ian's D&D campaign?
― The Real Dirty Vicar, Friday, 16 October 2009 11:18 (fifteen years ago) link
it was a good time, lemme tell ya.we ate a lot of hot pockets and drank a lot of arizona iced tea, that summer.
― ian, Saturday, 17 October 2009 00:48 (fifteen years ago) link
For example, what we've seen of this Flamingo guy so far has been pretty cliched... A bad guy who eats people's faces? Gimme a break!
from the windup i just assumed it was Orlando dropping in from the invisibles and then we get the big reveal and it's some poncey bloke on a motorbike with a whip? (which by the way this is not a super-effective combo, let me tell you)
― all yoga attacks are fire based (rogermexico.), Saturday, 17 October 2009 03:39 (fifteen years ago) link