Vortex Comics 1982-1994

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Trawling thru my old comics, at the moment, it seems like this (somewhat short-lived) lot had quite a decent strike rate? I seem to have or have had a lot of these titles....

Poll Results

Yummy Fur (1986–1991) 3
Those Annoying Post Bros. (1985–1991) 1
Vortex Comics (1982–1988) 0
Transit (1987) 0
Stig's Inferno (1985–1986) 0
S'not for Kids (1991) 0
Savage Henry (1987–1990) 0
Paradax (1987) 0
Nocturnal Emissions (1991–1994) 0
NASCAR Adventures (1991–1992) 0
Mister X (3 series, 1984–1992) 0
The Legends of NASCAR (1990–1992) 0
Ken Steacy's Summer Rerun (1987) 0
Kelvin Mace (1985–1986) 0
Kaptain Keen and Company (1987) 0
Doc Chaos: The Strange Attractor (1990–1992) 0
Bloodlines #4-7 (1987–1988) 0
Black Kiss (1988–1989) 0

Pashmina, Thursday, 30 December 2010 18:52 (fourteen years ago) link

Briefly, what i remember:

Black Kiss (1988–1989)
Absolutely ridiculous, but entertaining

Bloodlines #4-7 (1987–1988)
no memory of this one

Doc Chaos: The Strange Attractor (1990–1992)
no memory of this one either

Kaptain Keen and Company (1987)
I remember the title, nothing else

Kelvin Mace (1985–1986)
this was great! Very funny. the art is very giraud-esque, ~i seem to remember it only lasted 2 issues and stopped when the artist died quite young? Bummer.

Ken Steacy's Summer Rerun (1987)
No idea

The Legends of NASCAR (1990–1992)
again, no idea. The title seems somewhat uncharacteristic of the rest of the imprints titles to me.

Mister X (3 series, 1984–1992)
Hernandez issues of this are some of my favourite comics ever, the later ones I remember being hit & miss, but some v good. Tempted to see if i can find an anthology.

NASCAR Adventures (1991–1992)
Likewise "legends of nascar"

Nocturnal Emissions (1991–1994)
Again, I remember the title, but nothing about the comic.

Paradax (1987)
I dug this loads at the time, not so much now. I like the villains "V2 Pinhead" and "Jack Empty". Not so keen on rather stereotypical depiction of the asisan manager character.

Savage Henry (1987–1990), Those Annoying Post Bros. (1985–1991)
I have a huge block of Matt Howarth comics, that I don't dare crack open. My memory is that they were good for a little while, funny in a twisted way, but they ran on a bit too long maybe.

S'not for Kids (1991)
no memory of this

Stig's Inferno (1985–1986)
this was great too, I had a complete run, but can't find some of them, tempted to try and find the missing issues or an anthology if such exists.

Transit (1987)
another one where I remember the title, but nothing about the comic

Vortex Comics (1982–1988)
this was a compilation, IIRC, I think I have a couple of issues somewhere

Yummy Fur (1986–1991)
this was undisputably great, totally twisted, unique, and a real head-fuck in places.

50:50 between Yummy Fur and the Hernandez Mister X. What is worth looking out for, buy/blag/read/flog/dump, or whatever.

Pashmina, Thursday, 30 December 2010 19:04 (fourteen years ago) link

Mister X was recently collected in a hardback by Dark Horse which retails for $80, about four times what the original comics can be found for on eBay.

fit and working again, Thursday, 30 December 2010 19:16 (fourteen years ago) link

there were paperbacks a few years ago, from whatever Byron Preiss' outfit of the time was called, with page order, page missing, and repro issues: avoid

Urban Coochie Collective (sic), Thursday, 30 December 2010 22:40 (fourteen years ago) link

Reflecting publisher Marks' interest in car racing, Vortex survived until 1994 with an odd mixture of alternative titles and NASCAR-themed comics. (In 1991 and 1992 Vortex sponsored the 'Rookie of the Year' award in NASCAR's Grand National series; the 1991 prize was won by future superstar Jeff Gordon.)

After a brief career as a race car driver, publisher Marks went on to produce and direct numerous feature films. Vortex was re-branded by Marks in 2009 as Vortex Words + Pictures, and most recently Vortex has produced the George Hickenlooper film Casino Jack starring Kevin Spacey.

fit and working again, Thursday, 30 December 2010 22:59 (fourteen years ago) link

I know I read Mr. X, Stig's Inferno and Yummy Fur. I know I had to have read some of Savage Henry, but I don't remember much about it. Stig's Inferno was really funny. Yummy Fur was to me at the time one of the most insane comics I had read. I really got to track that one down and read it again. Of my friends I knew through comics, it was about my friend Trent's favorite comic. I know I read Black Kiss too. Criminy I had a Black Kiss T-shirt (total king of nurd 1988).

Mr. X must have been one of those indie comics that Capital or Diamond really hyped up to the retailer back in the day, as there was bunches of the early issues of those around the comic stores at the time. It was definitely a unique comic for the time. At least to my memory from then, I remember it was still a pretty interesting comic long after the Hernandez brothers left, which if I recall correct was they weren't getting paid.

earlnash, Thursday, 30 December 2010 23:19 (fourteen years ago) link

> Transit (1987)

early ted mckeever, pre eddy current and scrapier style. collected recently:


koogs, Saturday, 1 January 2011 22:10 (fourteen years ago) link

Even if the stories don't hold up (and they might, I haven't reread them in years), Matt Howarth's books are worth checking out just for that distinctive art style.

Kip Squashbeef (pixel farmer), Sunday, 2 January 2011 00:39 (fourteen years ago) link

Stig's Inferno (1985–1986)
this was great too, I had a complete run, but can't find some of them, tempted to try and find the missing issues or an anthology if such exists.


tricked by a toothless cobra, Sunday, 2 January 2011 03:26 (fourteen years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Wednesday, 5 January 2011 00:01 (fourteen years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Thursday, 6 January 2011 00:01 (fourteen years ago) link

there were some cool Ty Templeton shorts in a few issues of "Vortex Comics"

Urban Coochie Collective (sic), Thursday, 6 January 2011 01:38 (fourteen years ago) link

I read Transit recently and, though I still enjoy McKeever's art, the story is pff. I enjoyed Stig's back in the day and am happy to see it all on Templeton's site. Will read it afresh when I get the chance.

EZ Snappin, Thursday, 6 January 2011 01:52 (fourteen years ago) link

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