My new favourite comics panel of all time

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The setup: In Action #283/284, Superman is in the future. In the Supergirl backups therefore, she is protecting the Earth and decides to deal with a cluster of 6 Red Kryptonite meteors, which affect her in random ways (becoming fat, becoming a wolf-girl etc). Section three is a fourteen panel story told over less than two and a half pages in which Supergirl shrinks. The father of the boy she is dating develops a rare medical condition and is given an experimental miracle drug which is his only hope. The miniature Supergirl decides to do Fantastic Voyage instead and goes into his blood to beat up the bacteria.

She succeeds! But oh no! Won't people then be given the drug and false hopes of surviving because they don't have their own miniature Supergirl to make it work? Fear not! Jerry Siegel has thought of that:

I love the Silver Age.

Troughton-masked Replicant (aldo), Wednesday, 20 March 2013 09:55 (eleven years ago) link

That's funny! Just so you know, we have a thread, or actually two threads, devoted to this kind of stuff:

The Po-Faced Absurdity of DC Comics (picture thread)

Po-Faced Absurdity of DC Comics, Part 2: Son of Po-Face

Tuomas, Wednesday, 20 March 2013 11:34 (eleven years ago) link

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