IT aspies

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so which is it, laughing boy?

Poll Results

open secret8
dark secret 4

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:42 (sixteen years ago) link

one of the CNN reporters just found out that she has aspergers at the ripe old age of 48. since her story there have been multiple autism stories per day on their site

jaxon, Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:45 (sixteen years ago) link

can i vote "no secret"

jaxon, Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:45 (sixteen years ago) link


El Tomboto, Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:47 (sixteen years ago) link

yeah today I looked up at one of the projectors and in huge letters "CNN.COM/AUTISM"

El Tomboto, Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:48 (sixteen years ago) link


jeff, Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:50 (sixteen years ago) link

I vote "secret penis"

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 03:46 (sixteen years ago) link

it's okay guys larry king's talking about autism now and I think he's going to have this thing wrapped up in short order

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:08 (sixteen years ago) link

I feel it

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:09 (sixteen years ago) link

oh shit he's talking jenny mccarthy

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:13 (sixteen years ago) link

talking to jenny mccarthy

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:14 (sixteen years ago) link

this disease does not have a chance

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:15 (sixteen years ago) link

jenny mccarthy and jim carrey had an autistic child and cured it via gluten-free diet?!?!

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:15 (sixteen years ago) link

am I hallucinating?

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:16 (sixteen years ago) link

this must be the type of world event you miss when you're an overpaid aspie IT monkey w/ small penis

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:19 (sixteen years ago) link

i heard about this

tehresa, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:20 (sixteen years ago) link

but i am not an it aspie

tehresa, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:20 (sixteen years ago) link

i think it was on an oprah rerun at 2 am

tehresa, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:20 (sixteen years ago) link

jenny mccarthy is not anti-vaccine. she does not oppose the polio vaccine.

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:22 (sixteen years ago) link

what truth bomb will she detonate next?

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:23 (sixteen years ago) link

now she's acting condescending towards a ucla pediatrician.

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:24 (sixteen years ago) link

tehresa what kind of aspie are you?

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:25 (sixteen years ago) link

larry: "do you think vaccines cause autism? you can vote now at"

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:26 (sixteen years ago) link

good idea, let's put it to a vote. I knew he'd find the answers.

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:29 (sixteen years ago) link

what the hell is wrong with my tv tonight?

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:29 (sixteen years ago) link

up next, jimmmy kimmel interviewing fidel castro about his swimsuit modeling career

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:30 (sixteen years ago) link

larry to parents with 6 autistic children: "why do you keep having kids?"

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:34 (sixteen years ago) link


tehresa, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:37 (sixteen years ago) link

larry: "you guys have a lot of guts"

that could be taken the wrong way

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:40 (sixteen years ago) link

"we'll be back, with 3 doctors and jenny"

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:44 (sixteen years ago) link

"on tomorrow night's program, I'll be joined by alan dershowitz and a pack mule"

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:46 (sixteen years ago) link

lols ^

sleep, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:50 (sixteen years ago) link

larry: "do you think vaccines cause autism? you can vote now at"

-- Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:26 (22 minutes ago) Link

good idea, let's put it to a vote. I knew he'd find the answers.

-- Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:29 (20 minutes ago) Link

srsly wtf

sleep, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:50 (sixteen years ago) link

jim carrey called in to challenge the doctors on vaccine profiteering

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:50 (sixteen years ago) link



Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:51 (sixteen years ago) link


Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:51 (sixteen years ago) link

one of the doctors is asking her to "take it down a notch"

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:52 (sixteen years ago) link

jenny has a very important announcement to make after the commercial break

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:53 (sixteen years ago) link

that doctor probably has a little fear-dribble of pee in his undies now

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:55 (sixteen years ago) link

I bet jenny's wild in the sack

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:57 (sixteen years ago) link

imao (in my aspie opinion) giving any press room to anti-vaccine wingnuts is irresponsible because *some* proportion of clueless flyover state rubes will buy into it

Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:57 (sixteen years ago) link


Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:58 (sixteen years ago) link

jenny has announced she is organizing a march on washington

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:58 (sixteen years ago) link

ohmigod larry just plugged jimmy kimmel's show

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 05:00 (sixteen years ago) link

I bet anderson cooper says plate

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 05:00 (sixteen years ago) link

or shrimp

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 05:00 (sixteen years ago) link

or plate of shrimp

Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 05:00 (sixteen years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

ILX System, Monday, 14 April 2008 23:01 (sixteen years ago) link

how come people are willing to argue for 100+ posts about whether gmail is better than eudora or not but nobody's willing to give me an opinion on a good price for a discontinued macbook pro

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 01:11 (sixteen years ago) link

because you shouldn't buy discontinued models of apple anything ever DUHHH


El Tomboto, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 01:13 (sixteen years ago) link


Curt1s Stephens, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 01:13 (sixteen years ago) link

targeted ad?

Dan I., Tuesday, 15 April 2008 02:51 (sixteen years ago) link

nah wait, that was for the "I'd hIT aspies" thread

Ol Bertie Dastard, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 03:15 (sixteen years ago) link

jenny mccarthy and jim carrey had an autistic child and cured it via gluten-free diet?!?!

-- Edward III, Thursday, 3 April 2008 04:15 (1 week ago) Bookmark Link

Did they actually claim that gluten/casein free diet CURED their kids autism? Wow, if so. It doesn't, believe me, though in our case it made a big, big difference to the kids concentration, manner etc. Def worthwhile for anyone with an autistic kid, but claiming it as a cure is bullshit.

Pashmina, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 09:29 (sixteen years ago) link

does my friend who is allergic to gluten (makes her "feel crazy") just have aspie-itus

Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 13:37 (sixteen years ago) link

I doubt it, I know a couple of people who are gluten-intolerant, but not at all aspie/autistic.

We were a bit sceptical w/our kid on the gluten/casein elimination diet at first, there's loads of snake oil type stuff to do with autism out there, but it def had an effect, when we started he was mostly non-verbal, all he ever did was run up and down the stairs, trying to communicate with him was like trying to see something through shifting fog, now he can read, can concentrate on shit, and trying to get him to shut up about dr who and daleks is the only problem we have. He's still a weird kid, a misfit, and he's still autistic, but shit man, putting him on that diet is the best thing we ever did in either of our lives.

Pashmina, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 13:49 (sixteen years ago) link

that's awesome pash. larry king should've interviewed *you* instead of batshit jenny mccarthy.

my wife's a nutrition major and she's very into the gluten-free approach. seems like more people are getting diagnosed with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) nowadays, lots of restaurants with gluten-free menus, lots of research, etc.

Edward III, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 14:50 (sixteen years ago) link

Did anyone else notice there was some sort of autism benefit on comedy central earlier this week? I somehow saw the first couple minutes and was trying to figure out why all these celebrities were doing some sort of horrible song and dance thing, and it turned out to be for... autism?

mh, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 15:21 (sixteen years ago) link

so does the idea of a gluten / casein & autism connection come from trying to find an explanation for the rise in autism rates?

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:19 (sixteen years ago) link

ITT aspies

Steve Shasta, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:20 (sixteen years ago) link

i have a srsly srsly aspie cousin. he's in sixth grade, pretty chunky (too much gluten & casein?), doesn't make eye contact with most people at most times, often totally ignores people when they talk to him (and not just strangers either, i see him once a week and he treats me this way). just generally seems completely tuned out.

big interest: pokemon / yu-gi-oh

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:21 (sixteen years ago) link

also he's in like algebra ii in school

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:21 (sixteen years ago) link

is mcdonald's gluten free? because that's all he'll eat.

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:24 (sixteen years ago) link

my autistic half-brother also used to only eat mcdonald's. i think because it was so familiar/predictable and autistic ppl are driven by routine.

get bent, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:28 (sixteen years ago) link

hell, most people are driven by routine! i eat the same breakfast every day, cook the same half-dozen meals each week, eat at less than 10 restaurants, will only drink one kind of coffee, etc etc

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:36 (sixteen years ago) link

that's not me at all!

get bent, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:39 (sixteen years ago) link

notate yr sandwich thusly

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 16:44 (sixteen years ago) link

so sick of jenny mccarthy milking her kids autism for 15 more minutes of fame.

sanskrit, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 22:14 (sixteen years ago) link

she blames diets
she blames the vaccines
but she never seems to blame all the dicks she took in the 90s

sanskrit, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 22:14 (sixteen years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

ILX System, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 23:01 (sixteen years ago) link

my cousin just emailed the fam to tell us her new glueten free meal delivery company was just featured in Newsweek.

jaxon, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 05:22 (sixteen years ago) link

trying to get him to shut up about dr who and daleks is the only problem we have.

Does he post on ilx?

srsly excellent that you've achieved this.

Autumn Almanac, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 10:44 (sixteen years ago) link

(the diet, not birthing an ilxor)

Autumn Almanac, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 10:45 (sixteen years ago) link

open (source) secret

elmo argonaut, Wednesday, 16 April 2008 12:37 (sixteen years ago) link

one year passes...

so sick of jenny mccarthy milking her kids autism for 15 more minutes of fame.

― sanskrit, Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:14 PM (1 year ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

she blames diets
she blames the vaccines
but she never seems to blame all the dicks she took in the 90s

― sanskrit, Tuesday, April 15, 2008 6:14 PM (1 year ago) Bookmark

fuck off vahid and all you o_O motherfucks, i was right about her careerism:,,20276358,00.html

sanskrit, Thursday, 7 May 2009 18:37 (fifteen years ago) link

the world needed a blond female dr. phil

fantazy land (harbl), Thursday, 7 May 2009 18:48 (fifteen years ago) link

imao (in my aspie opinion)

Dr. Phil, Thursday, 7 May 2009 19:40 (fifteen years ago) link

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