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hello fuck this

|       / ̄ ̄ why hello there.  you see that
|⌒彡   / some html tags are not saved on the first submission:
|冫、)<  the post need to be edited + tags needs to be written again.
|` /   \  out of curiosity plz 2 post it again using the pre tag.
| /      \_ then I'll clean it up! 

and what (ooo), Tuesday, 10 October 2006 02:53 (seventeen years ago) link

The prevalence of defense mechanisms, self-serving biases, and cognitive dissonance reduction, by which people deceive themselves about their autonomy, wisdom, and integrity." Another non-issue. Of course we deceive ourselves all the time; the problem is that our society of domination and hierarchy encourages those particular traits, whereas a just egalitarian society would not. We are not so hard-wired that we must reward self-serving or self-deceptive behavior.

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Thursday, 12 October 2006 14:47 (seventeen years ago) link

Currently the leaders in the field of cognitive science are George Lakoff and Mark Johnson of the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Oregon, respectively. Their short book Metaphors We Live By (1980) is the best introduction to the concept, and their rather-too-long Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought
(1999) extends their findings into every discipline imaginable. Like Dewey and Merleau-Ponty, they start from the assumption, now pretty much proved by late-Western science, that there is no dichotomy between mind and body. In their words, these are the three central findings of cognitive science:

The mind is inherently embodied.
Thought is mostly unconscious.
Abstract concepts are largely metaphorical.
(Lakoff and Johnson, 1999, p. 3)

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Thursday, 12 October 2006 14:54 (seventeen years ago) link


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FOR YOUNG VIEWERS; Warming Up With a Health-Conscious Hero From Iceland

*Please Note: Archive articles do not include photos, charts or graphics. More information.
August 15, 2004, Sunday
Late Edition - Final, Section 13, Page 55, Column 1, 602 words

DISPLAYING ABSTRACT - WITH his arched brows and doo-wop hair, Robbie Rotten presents a stark contrast to Stephanie, an all-in-pink 8-year-old aspiring dancer who recently moved to LazyTown. In this fictional village -- the setting of the new Nickelodeon series ''LazyTown'' -- adults like to lounge, but children are full of energy, ...

To read this archive article, upgrade to TimesSelect or purchase as a single article.

roc u like a § (ex machina), Tuesday, 17 October 2006 21:18 (seventeen years ago) link

There's a big man restless,
Who pushes for humour, he's so relentless
He's back to back, with no restraint,
He's so relentless, like forty indians.
Then there's the group that doesn't move,
To the sound, to the humour.
No-one knows whose friend he is,
He's always there,
He's the big man restless, like forty indians.

No-one knows whose friend he is,
He's always there,
He's the big man restless, like forty indians.
I'm in the third group,
we push for humour,
We're so relentless, like forty indians.

The legal quarter of tight-lipped men
Pushed for order
And repeat again
Anyway, the lot regarding the funny man
The big man restless
Are so relentless
They scratched about
And like forty indians
The lot turn on the funny man,
The big man restless

And what can he say

If the sun's all gone and we're wafer thin
And we could scratch around in our so frail skin
You could say
You could say

No flags in here, no cause to wave,
Just the slow, slow scratch in the final cave
You could say
You could say

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Wednesday, 18 October 2006 17:37 (seventeen years ago) link

To mobilize all the constructive forces of an inherently collective subjectivation - from the inhuman materials of sensation to the innovative energy of cooperative cognition - in order to construct a politics of immanence which finally capable of neutralizing the lethal violence of imperial capitalism and the false peace of parliamentary democracy, for the sake of a radical emancipation from the fetters of sovereignty. It is at this level that Alliez & Negri’s are no longer concerned with the interaction of politics and aesthetics as separate domains but focused rather on an underlying ontological and constructivist impetus : The affirmation of a new and common world produced by antagonism in ’Exodus, Secession and the Combat Against War’.

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Friday, 20 October 2006 18:51 (seventeen years ago) link

sustainability and social change, delivering
innovation and future-forward solutions), we're
looking for your recommendations, too

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 04:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Have you ever wished for a backup brain -- a device that could
remember everything in your life from the smallest of details to your
most memorable moments?

Computer engineer man, a researcher for the anarchist studies group., is
working on just such a mechanism. He's trying to devise what amounts to
a digital diary, a searchable database that contains digitized versions
of nearly everything in his life

There are two parts to the project. The first is the experiment with
life storage -- capturing his papers, faxes, phone calls, photographs
and home movies in digitalized form. The second part focuses on
developing software that would support this type of lifetime library on
anyone's computer.

"The quest is to essentially build a surrogate memory. Something that's
as good as my own memory, that I can use it as a supplement, and will
remember everything that I should have remembered, that came to my ears,
eyes, whatever," man said of his experiment.

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 04:56 (seventeen years ago) link

Technology discourse is a *symptom* of deeper concerns, hopes, problems. It is often little more than a surrogate conversation for other sorts of discourse --
biocenservative discourse often just functions as an alternate space
to air racist, sexist, homophobic, or anti-democratic intuitions in

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Friday, 27 October 2006 02:44 (seventeen years ago) link

TOPICS OF INTEREST (non-exhaustive list):
Adaptive robotics
Artificial Chemistry
Artificial societies and markets
Ant colony optimization
Applications of ALife technologies
Biological agents
Cellular automata
Coevolution of morphology and mind
Collaborative behaviour
Complex systems
Embodied cognition
Ethics of artificial life
Evolutionary and adaptive dynamics
Evolutionary computation
Fitness landscapes
Hierarchical dynamics
Marriage in Honey-Bees optimization
Multi-agent systems
Network theory
Neural networks and connectionism
Origin of life
Philosophy of artificial life
Simulation and synthesis tools and methodologies
Social networks Swarm Intelligence
Visualization Wet Alife

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Friday, 27 October 2006 17:22 (seventeen years ago) link

How can people and computers be connected so that—collectively—they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers have ever done before?

With its combination of expertise in computer science, brain sciences, and management, anarchism studies group is uniquely suited to address this question. We hope this work will lead to new scientific understanding in a variety of disciplines and practical advances in many areas of community based production and self-management.

multipotent': 'multipot',
'multitude': 'multitud',
'multitudes': 'multitud',
'multitudinous': 'multitudin',

Global multi_mode; ! Multiple mode
Global multi_wanted; ! Number of things needed in multitude
Global multi_had; ! Number of things actually found

multitube multitubes
multitude multitudes
multiuse multiuser multiusers

The noise of a multitude in the
* mountains, like as of a great people; a



rhizomatous r-Azamxtx-s >>0>12>1

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Monday, 30 October 2006 14:07 (seventeen years ago) link

 >>0>1<0<0<<     0
        rhizome r-Azom- >>1>2<< 0
        rhodium r-odixm >>1<00< 0





S. (Sébastien Chikara), Monday, 30 October 2006 14:12 (seventeen years ago) link

manifesto for serious research into the structure, dynamics and behaviour of the web. Given how vast and important the web is (40bn pages in the "surface" sector accessible to search engines, 400 to 750 times that in the "deep" web hidden in data silos), there's a real need for some serious academic research that might actually yield some scientific knowledge about the phenomenon, as distinct from the anecdotal and fragmented data we have at the moment.
We propose a new concept, 'bibliomics', representing a subset of high quality and rare information, retrieved and organized by systematic literature-searching tools from existing databases, and related to a subset of genes functioning together in '-omic' sciences.

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Thursday, 2 November 2006 16:53 (seventeen years ago) link

Does ELVIS (GA[AG]CT[ACGT]GT[ACGT]AT[ACT]TC[ACGT]TA[AG]) Live in Minnesota's Arabidopsis Databank?

Kristi L. Swope(1,2), Paul Bieganski(2), Ed Chi(2), Elizabeth Shoop(2), Olaf Holt(2), John Carlis(2), John Riedl(2), Thomas Newman(3) and Ernest F. Retzel(1)

(1)Medical School and (2)Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN;
(3)DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

email: comments@lenti.med.umn.edu

Pattern #2 is described by the sequence:


It selects for conservation of those base pairs in the lox-P site believed to be contact points for the Cre enzyme (underlined bases in the sequence ATAACTTCGTATA ATGTATGC TATACGAAGTTAT). This pattern is augmented by a mismatch parameter that allows up to 5 mismatches to be tolerated.

Pattern #3 is described by the sequence:


It ensures that the TATA motif surrounding the core 8-bp spacer region is present. This pattern is augmented by a mismatch parameter that ensures no mismatches are tolerated.

A web service called Fuzznuc-Comparator was developed that compares the output from two fuzznuc processes and outputs only those sequences present in both. When the result of the comparison contains more than one sequence the Fuzznuc-Comparator tool performs a pairwise alignment of the core 8-bp spacer regions. The output file format consists of the result of the pairwise comparison (if any) followed by those sequences present in both input files (in fuzznuc’s seqtable format).

To isolate those sequences that match all three patterns two comparisons are required. First, a Fuzznuc-Comparator process is used to isolate those sequences that match patterns 1 & 2. A fileDivider process splits the output content and outputs only the fuzznuc seqtable section. Second, a Fuzznuc-Comparator process compares the output from the fileDivider process with those sequences that match pattern #3. The final step in the workflow is to write those sequences that match all three patterns to file.
Mouse genome-wide map of cryptic loxp sitesThe power and flexibility of Motif Explorer is endless!
There are a few basic conventions that you need to learn, and then simply let your imagination soar. Some of the conventions are based on PROSITE (Bairoch, 1995). First and foremost, the standard IUPAC one-letter codes for amino acids and nucleotides are used to designate residues and bases, respectively, with "x" standing for any amino acid (or base). Different shaped brackets have different meaning. For example, square brackets mean "accept any amino acid (or base) listed", and curly brackets mean "accept any amino acid (or base) except those listed". Also, parenthesis are used to designate a numerical value or range. Therefore, a search on

roc u like a § (ex machina), Friday, 3 November 2006 03:24 (seventeen years ago) link

http://digg.com/software/The_Weirdest_website_you_ll_ever_see This website is seriously one of the most effed up sites on the internet. when you view the source, it appears to be ASCII art, but why does it form such a messed up site? The entire site seems very pointless and strange. Option 1 - You are impressed by this website and think it's l33t. You
are an idiot.
Option 2 - You think this is a huge waste of time, and there are much
more impressive things out there, but you laugh at all the 14 year
olds who think this is cool.
 is dynamic

  cannot function without an active network connection

 may or may not be interactive

 may or may not be accessible on-line
  reflects contemporary culture

 cannot function without electricity

 is automated
  is not virtual

  is not dependent upon The World Wide Web 

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Wednesday, 8 November 2006 22:59 (seventeen years ago) link

may there could be a distinct failure in _collecting, media, art_
semantic constuction in-between 21th century semantic web? in german,
we call it "eiertanz".given an entrenched, incestuous, myopic Artworld --
the sudden threat of Net-visibility of The Non-validated is
apparently squelched by calling this work something-else
(net-art) and re-establishing 'new' hierarchical
territories/procedures so that the big Artworld pyramid
scam can continue as always...

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Wednesday, 15 November 2006 17:28 (seventeen years ago) link

would agree that if we could capture reliably the identity
> critical information, than this information could be uploaded
> to future conscious artificial intelligence, or even to a
> clone of the same person that carry this identity, to the
> outcome that the future entity carrying the same self identity
> as the original person. To that second phase person I call
> the info-resurrected person and the claim is that A(original)
> is survived in B (his duplicate) as long as they both carry
> the same self identity and that they are not mutually existent.
> So the critical query here is whether one can really capture now
> the salient information regarding his self identity?

This idea is familiar within transhumanist and cryonics groups. It is
mentioned in fiction; Joe Halpern, Greg Egan, Linda Nigata come to mind.
There is also Tipler's version of the "Omega Point" where everyone who
ever lived could be effectively reconstituted via latent information and
near-infinite computational power. I recall Robert Bradbury (on this
list) and John Smart in the last year talking about how personality
capture might be valuable to the survivors, if not for the deceased.

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Friday, 17 November 2006 03:52 (seventeen years ago) link

In a parecon, art work is like all other work. It occurs in workplaces with co-workers (other painters, composers, performers, movie makers, etc. etc.) Those doing it as part of their work do, overall, a balanced job complex of tasks, like everyone else. To be remunerated work must be socially beneficial, including art. Then the remuneration is for duration, intensity, and onerousness when relevant. To be hired, a worker must be competent in the eyes of the council he or she applies to, as with being hired for any job.

Making a living as someone with artistic talents of one sort or another is neither harder nor easier than making a living based on any other personal inclinations, save that one has to be competent, of course. Innovating in art is like innovating in any field -- acceptable if one's workmates agree on its merits and if the participatory plan find the workplace as a whole to be socially valuable.

f you think that there is something called art which entitles something called an artist to live a life free of responsibility to the community, free of responsibility to co-workers, and remunerated at a rate above and beyond others, then parecon art will be a horror to your vision.

If you think that people doing art, like all other people, should contribute to the community and be supported for their socially valued labors, and that their endeavors should arise from their termperments and tastes, not from imposition by elites, parecon art will be a delight for you to behold.

S. (Sébastien Chikara), Thursday, 23 November 2006 05:21 (seventeen years ago) link

four months pass...
If we really want to help all humans to become free, authentic and responsible, "Roll on, robomediation!" should become our cry. Rather than treating human beings as automatons, let's hand service chores over to the real McCoy, the real machine.

Sébastien, Monday, 26 March 2007 23:11 (seventeen years ago) link


Catsupppppppppppppp dude ‫茄蕃‪, Tuesday, 27 March 2007 20:02 (seventeen years ago) link

momus likes to think with binary oppositions :)

Sébastien, Tuesday, 27 March 2007 20:53 (seventeen years ago) link

east vs wesssst

Catsupppppppppppppp dude ‫茄蕃‪, Tuesday, 27 March 2007 20:56 (seventeen years ago) link

an example of cynical digital construction:
social networks not only replete with names and images but with FREE instant access to horrible accumulation of oppression and suffering of REAL people’s lives , Live Chat/ update 24H/24H, network of transparent living people through wearable videoconferencing system,
permitting a new kind of global solidarity and concrete cooperation;
a multitude creating more genuine friendship, sexuality, and culture and achieving liberatory goals of equity, justice, and freedom.

the subject lives critically, face their own humaneness 24H/24H, is active against the spectacle, finds balance in being exposed to *moderately* high levels of stress, to adapt within their capability to do so and become stronger in response to similar sorts of stress in
the future; still the subject makes networking choices, creates a prevailing network of affinities, within the network, so dealing with networks that are constantly coalescing and disappearing is not really a problem.

How big such “micro-societies” or cooperatives of cynics must be to significantly help the project of the multitude (compensate the geopolitical collapse of geopolitics.) ? hueg as a successful sect , like the Christians or the muslims or a couple dozens individuals located in particularly problematic areas?

Sébastien, Friday, 30 March 2007 21:39 (seventeen years ago) link

such a thing like a Detektei of the knowledge. [...] You go into the library page through a few catalogs, [...] find a trace. [… I] CH gained experiences, accumulated knowledge [knowledge] and threw nothing away. Everything was frittered away säuberlich in card indices. I did not remember yet to transfer the card indices into a computer (at that time straight arose only, I still operated with means relating to crafts, but I had created myself a kind artificial [independent] memory from small cards and cross references. [...] Also the verquasteste manuscript [the most difficult text] brought in still at least twenty new small cards [or references] for my cross-linkings for me. The criterion was strict, and I believed, it am the same, which also the secret services use: No information is [in first approximation] less worth than the other one, the secret consists of collecting it all and looking for then connections between them. It gives to want to find connections always, one must it only. ``
Substantial advantage of a Zettelkastens in relation to a linear text, approximately in form of a note book without references, is the cross-linking of contents, which results from Verschlagwortung and cross references. Starting from a certain size the Zettelkasten can so surprising connections generate and to its owner new impulses for its work supply with, tHIS should be an urgent trend in webwriting so the number of important insights made are increasing at least at the same rate as the exponential increase of knowledge

Sébastien, Saturday, 31 March 2007 01:44 (seventeen years ago) link

on sensory
extension, home surgery, medical tourism, nervous system interfaces,
and controlling parts of our bodies and minds once thought to be
nature's fate for us.

Sébastien, Tuesday, 3 April 2007 13:10 (seventeen years ago) link

from website

Lingbert, Wednesday, 4 April 2007 05:43 (seventeen years ago) link

Ultimately, though, it seems like what permitted freedom becomes a set of clearly delineated identities which get increasingly hard to deviate from in inverse proportion to how established they become. One identity is bad enough. Why have several? The problem can be dealt with much more effectively by using one identity and doing whatever you want under it. This seems much more in keeping with the nature of human personalities which are not exactly fixed things, subject to change and evolution.

Sébastien, Tuesday, 10 April 2007 02:29 (seventeen years ago) link

As a futurist science and technology columnist, I view life with much optimism. At 76, I feel confident that, barring a fatal accident, I will maintain good health and survive into the next decade, 2010-2020.

In this decade I will live through my 80s, which by today&#8217;s standards, would be risky, but expected breakthroughs in stem cell and gene therapies will enable repair of body parts before they wear out. With help from these new technologies, I could end the decade at 90 years, but with a biological body of a 40&#8217;ish person.

Sébastien, Sunday, 15 April 2007 04:51 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
> Names. Who are the selfish immortalists?

Michael, why all the defensiveness? There are a wide variety of people involved in life extensionist activities, some more self-oriented than others, but that community has not been characterized by its concern for social reform, public health or getting vaccines to the world's poor, or even making sure that there is universal access to the life extension medicines that they desire. That community has generally been libertarian, which I understand isn't necessarily selfish since one might think that smashing the FDA and the public health systems would speed everyone's access to life extension therapies. To the majority of us who are not libertarian, however, when someone says they want everybody to live forever, but are opposed to any effort to provide food, clean water, employment or medicine to the majority of the world's people, it sounds selfish. Perhaps you don't hear that complaint. I often do.

Sébastien, Monday, 30 April 2007 17:22 (seventeen years ago) link

What does matter is the diffusion of *ideas*
> (cognitive, morphological and procreative liberty; non-anthropocentric
> citizenship; etc) and the socially responsible use of
>technologies (life extension medicine, nootropics, etc)

Sébastien, Friday, 11 May 2007 13:02 (seventeen years ago) link

dale pnz againe

I think of *superlative technologies* as fanciful extrapolations from
given technical capacities, extrapolations that practically take on a life
of their own. They become substitutes for rational assessments of the
actually-existing and proximate technodevelopmental terrain, and assume
instead the scope and stakes of literally unattainable abstractions,
logical impossibilities that stand in more than anything else for
deep-seated denials of human finitude, psychic strivings after the sorts
of omni-predicates more conventionally ascribed in theological discourse
to supernatural beings: omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevolence.

While I easily spend as much of my time thinking about the possible
entailments of actually ongoing and proximate genetic therapies,
consensual modification, nanoscale manufacturing, software improvements,
weapons proliferation and the like as anybody else hereabouts, I have
discovered (as many of you seem not to have done) that it is crucial to
separate this sort of thinking from any freightings with deranging
transcendentalizing baggage that is all too common to this genre. There
are reasons for all of this if you care to actually understand what drives
technoscientific discourse as a discourse of human agency. But,
obviously, ymmv. After all, I am but a poor onanistic academician caught
in my leetle ivory tower, scarcely worthy to genuflect in the general
direction of our hard boiled futorological "pragmatists" (ever actually
read pragmatists like James, Dewey, or Rorty, by the way? -- oh, never

Sébastien, Saturday, 12 May 2007 13:22 (seventeen years ago) link

>Meanwhile, in apparent agreement with Kass, a 2002 document edited
>by then-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger [now Pope], Communion and
>Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God, states,
>"Disposing of death is in reality the most radical way of disposing of life."

Uh... huh...

<backing away slowly, making no sudden movements>

That's fine, sweetie. You and your "flock" just hold firmly to that
idea if you wish, and go away gently to do your thing. Just leave us
alone to do ours, okay? We won't force you to stop dying, and you
don't force us to stop living, is that fair?

<smiling and nodding pleasantly, no eye-rolling permitted>

Sébastien, Saturday, 12 May 2007 14:32 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

"They were famous pictures: Death on a Bicycle, Death Visits the
Amusement Park.... They'd been a fad in the 2050s, at the time of the
longevity breakthrough, when people realized that but for accidents
and violence, they could live forever. Death was suddenly a pleasant
old man, freed from his longtime burden. He rolled awkwardly along on
his first bicycle ride, his scythe sticking up like a flag. Children
ran beside him, smiling and laughing."
(Vernor Vinge, Marooned in Realtime)

Sébastien, Friday, 1 June 2007 21:41 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Nature, through the trial and error of evolution, has discovered a
vast diversity of life from what can only presumed to have been a primordial
pool of building blocks. Inspired by this success, (...) is now trying to mimic
the process of Darwinian evolution in the laboratory by evolving new proteins
from scratch. Using new tricks of molecular biology, (...) have evolved several
new proteins in a fraction of the 3 billion years it took nature. Their most
recent results, (...) have led to some surprisingly new lessons on how to
optimize proteins which have never existed in nature before, (...).

Sébastien, Saturday, 16 June 2007 05:06 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...


597, Saturday, 30 June 2007 13:45 (seventeen years ago) link

"Inert molecules from your cells! Chemical medicines won't reach that stuff, but the teleportation booth' does. It takes just those dead molecules and does the instant-elsewhere trick with them. Just the stuff that builds up over ninety years of life. See it now?"
"I don't feel any different," she said uncertainly.
"You should. I did. It was like I'd caught my second wind. Of course I was moving at a dead run. It's nothing obvious. What did you expect? In a couple of days you'll find dark roots in your hair."

Sébastien, Sunday, 8 July 2007 22:56 (seventeen years ago) link

four months pass...


1. Advocating permaculture (resilient sustainability) -- we should be subsidizing research and practices of agroforestry, polyculture, organic and local agricultures, defending seed saving and seed sharing as basic human rights, regulating nonselective pesticide and high-energy-input, especially petrochemical fertilizer use, encouraging vegetarian, organic, local-food lifeways through accurate nutrition labeling, special taxes on food-corpses and highly salty, fatty, sugary processed foods, incentivizing climate-appropriate and edible landscaping, supporting organic, heirloom, and superorganic cultivation, vastly expanding research and development and infrastructure investment into p2p renewable energy-provision like decentralized solar grids and co-op windmill farms, energy-efficient appliances, desalination techniques, sustainable irrigation practices and biomimetic urban sewage treatment techniques, as well as passenger rail infrastructure across the world and facilitating non-automobile transportation in cities (free or small-fee distributed bike co-ops, for example, and transforming more urban car-lanes into pedestrian malls) -- increasing public awareness of and encouraging collective problem solving in the face of energy descent, overurbanization, species loss, extractive industrial depletion of topsoil and aquifers, toxicity of materials and industrial processes, waste/pollution, catastrophic human-caused climate change, and so on.

2. Advocating p2p (peer-to-peer formations) and a2k (access to knowledge) -- we should be strongly supporting net neutrality, institutionalizing creative commons, subsidizing personal blogging and peer credentialization/production practices, radically restricting global copyright scope and terms, expanding fair use provisions, providing public grants for noncommercial nonproprietary scientific research and access to creative expressivity and public performances, opening access to research and debate in science and the humanities, experimenting with science and public policy juries and networked townhalls, facilitating accessibility of information for differently enabled people (blind, partially blind, deaf, etc.), securing open knowledge transfer to people of the overexploited regions of the world, demanding transparency from authoritative institutions, especially governments, limited liability corporations, public universities, organizations funded by public resources or engaged in public services, strongly opposing institutional secrecy, especially corporatist proprietary secrets or militarist state secrets, ensuring universal free access to networked media, free reliable wifi, supporting community and minority-run radio, demanding corporate media disaggregation, facilitating small campaign donor aggregation and restricting other forms of patronage/lobbying/conflict-of-interest for elected representatives and professional appointees to public service, making access to education universal and free from pre-kindergarten through college, enacting strong whistleblower protections for public officials and corporate employees, introducing labeling standards to distinguish advertising, advocacy, journalism, and strengthening protections for consumers from fraudulent claims, and so on.

3. Advocating prosthetic self-determination (Pro Choice) -- we should be defending absolutely every woman's right to choose safe, free, accessible abortion techniques to end unwanted pregnancies, as well as facilitating wanted pregnancies with alternate reproductive techniques, legalizing and then taxing all informed, nonduressed consensual recreational drug use, redirecting public resources to policing actually dangerous or disorderly public conduct, regulating controlled substances for unnecessary harm, and expanding public education and drug rehabilitation programs, vastly expanding public research into genetic, prosthetic, and cognitive modification medicine, defending individuals and communities with atypical capacities and morphologies, expanding access (while prohibiting compulsory recourse) both to consensual medical and modification therapies as well as to reliable information about them, providing universal single-payer basic healthcare, planet-wide provision of safe water and nutritious food, and subsidizing access to all wanted therapies that meet basic threshold safety and transparency standards with a stakeholder grant for non-normalizing modifications in exchange for open access to clinical trial data associated with all experimental procedures.

4. Advocating BIG (basic income guarantees) -- we should be providing a universal, non means-tested basic guaranteed income to every person on earth as a foundational right of human civilization, not only to complete the traditional progressive project of ending slavery (including still existing wage slavery) and ending military conscription (including still existing conscription through the duress of the vulnerable, through poverty, illiteracy, stigmatized lifeways, and precarious legal status), and supporting collective bargaining (by providing a permanent strike fund for all workers) -- but also to combat contemporary and emerging and conspicuously amplifying forms of technodevelopmental abjection in particular: for example, current confiscatory wealth concentration through automation, outsourcing, and crowdsourcing; protecting vulnerable populations from duress to ensure all experimental medical decisions are truly consensual; and to champion p2p democracy by subsidizing the practices of true citizen participation, peer production of appropriate and appropriable technologies, and free open secular multiculture.

5. Advocating the democratization of global governance (democratic world federalism) -- the institutions of global governance already exists, of course, but in catastrophically non-democratic corporate-militarist forms that are destroying the world, and so the fight for democratic world federalist governance is not properly dismissed as a fanciful or dreadful desire for some ex nihilo planetary state, but in reality the fight to smash the corporate-militarist world state that actually exists and to democratize it as and for the people, peer-to-peer (in democracies, properly so-called, government is the people, and so to express hatred of government is to express hatred of the people and such slogans should be understood with that in mind), all in the face of unprecedented planetary problems and the unprecedented planetary consciousness created by global networked participation and in the light of our emerging awareness of global ecologic and economic interdependence -- and it doesn't matter to me whether this smashing of the state and democratization of global governance is implemented through the expansion and democratic reform of the United Nations, or through the creation of alternate or supplementary planetary institutions, many pathways will present themselves to do this work -- but it will likely take a federal form, encompassing already existing formations, a form emphasizing subsidiarity (which is a principle directing governance always to the most local layer adequate to a shared problem), and protecting planetary secular multiculture, and directed to the tasks of monitoring global storms, pandemics, weapons, enforcing global environmental, labor, police/military conduct standards, providing institutional recourse for the nonviolent resolution of interpersonal and intergovernmental disputes, and facilitating the universal scene of legible, informed, nonduressed consent.

Sébastien, Tuesday, 20 November 2007 02:25 (sixteen years ago) link

My guess is that in the long-term there will be pressure to leave the earth to its unpredictable weather patterns. Most people will live in reclaimed environments, e.g., space stations or tera-formed planets. These artificial environments may have a random element introduced into their weather patterns, but they probably won't have the retro feel of earth. I think I like the idea of people visiting the earth only as we might visit a national park. There would be no or few permanent residents. Rather we might stay a few days and try not to leave to big a footprint and then return to our tamed environments in space

Sébastien, Tuesday, 20 November 2007 10:38 (sixteen years ago) link

LifeNet project: volunteer network that goes where-ever there are firestations and police stations. The goal is to minimize the amount of time to reach anybody who dies on the continent within 30 minutes and to cryogenically store them (they are already "dead": they might never know). Calculations show that there would need to be at least 150k locations and that there is one death every 14 hours per 50 km^2 average in USA.

Sébastien, Wednesday, 21 November 2007 15:29 (sixteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...


Crêpe, Thursday, 6 December 2007 03:15 (sixteen years ago) link

I associate "intense" with bearded college-sophomore hippie dudes who say "deep" stuff about energy and the universe and make too much eye contact and then 18-year-old girls who just showed up from Midwestern high schools are like "that guy was so intense"


Sebastien Chikara is "intense," see?

lul, energy? then I thought :

"On October 10, 2007, leading space advocacy organizations and Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin will announce the formation of a new alliance to "ensure that the benefits of renewable clean energy from space solar power are understood and supported by business, governments and the general public," according to an alliance statement.

The inaugural event of the new alliance, to be held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. at 9:00 am, will highlight a study underway by the National Security Space Office (NSSO) on the viability of space-based solar power, presented by Lt. Col. Paul Damphousse, National Security Space Office. John Mankins, President, SUNSAT Energy Council, a leading expert on space solar power, will also speak.

According to the organizers, media and Congressional staff who wish to attend can email Katherine Brick at kather✧✧✧.br✧✧✧@n✧✧.o✧✧.

Space solar power refers to gathering energy in space and transmitting it wirelessly for use on Earth. This technology could be a major solution to humanity's long-term energy needs, providing limitless renewable power with zero carbon emissions, according to Mankins and other experts."

Sébastien, Saturday, 15 December 2007 16:42 (sixteen years ago) link

If it succeeds, Microsoft's planned parallel-computing software, designed to take advantage of new manycore chips -- processors with more than eight cores, possible as soon as 2010 -- could bring as much as a hundredfold computing speed-up in solving some problems.

Likely to be timed to the arrival of "Windows 7," it would allow even hand-held devices to see, listen, speak and make complex real-world decisions -- in the process, transforming computers from tools into companions.

Sébastien, Wednesday, 19 December 2007 15:53 (sixteen years ago) link

four weeks pass...

That was a good thread.

baaderonixx, Wednesday, 16 January 2008 11:39 (sixteen years ago) link

Are there any political philosophers you consider to be science
fictional? I'm thinking of how Karl Marx talks a lot about things
happening in his future Utopia - fishing in the afternoon and
philosophizing in the evening and all that. But there's obviously a lot
of these sorts of speculations going on in any political philosophy that
cares about the future. Any political theory or theorist in particular
that you find compelling as SF?

Actually, Marx talks very little about future society. Even that famous
quote comes from an unpublished work. Marx's most science-fictional
vision is of 'the automatic factory' - for Marx, reducing the amount of
time spent in boring, unfulfilling work is the basis for human freedom.
Freedom begins when the working day ends. It's all very current and it's
all right there in Capital. I've speculated elsewhere that Marx's
approach to society - look at what's emerging, look at the technology,
look at the underlying conflicts that these bring out - may have in some
vulgarised form actually inspired the emergence of science fiction
itself. Science fiction is an adventure playground in the materialist
conception of history.

Sébastien, Friday, 18 January 2008 05:08 (sixteen years ago) link

After he disappeared she'd go to the park they met at years ago, sit and watch the couples go by and wait for his return. Sometimes she'd dressin what she'd been wearing on that day. Sometimes try a different bench or a different direction in the hot sun in Khartoum. She'd look for his smile in angry crowds, in indifferent strangers exiting restaurants down small side streets with anagram names, and it would still be boiling hot when she'd return home and flush his cold dinner down the toilet. And after a while people stopped noticing her. They stopped paying attention. They stopped shaking their heads, saying, "He's never coming back you know." "No, he's never coming back."

Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Tuesday, 22 January 2008 08:49 (sixteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

On the galactic setting where the Culture exists:

The galaxy (our galaxy) in the Culture stories is a place long
lived-in, and scattered with a variety of life-forms. In its vast and
complicated history it has seen waves of empires, federations,
colonisations, die-backs, wars, species-specific dark ages,
renaissances, periods of mega-structure building and destruction, and
whole ages of benign indifference and malign neglect. At the time of the
Culture stories, there are perhaps a few dozen major space-faring
civilisations, hundreds of minor ones, tens of thousands of species who
might develop space-travel, and an uncountable number who have been
there, done that, and have either gone into locatable but insular
retreats to contemplate who-knows-what, or disappeared from the normal
universe altogether to cultivate lives even less comprehensible.

On the ships and their Minds:

Culture starships - that is all classes of ship above
inter-planetary - are sentient; their Minds (sophisticated AIs working
largely in hyperspace to take advantage of the higher lightspeed there)
bear the same relation to the fabric of the ship as a human brain does
to the human body . . . The Culture's largest vessels - apart from
certain art-works and a few Eccentrics - are the General Systems
Vehicles of the Contact section. (Contact is the part of the Culture
concerned with discovering, cataloguing, investigating, evaluating and -
if thought prudent - interacting with other civilisations; its rationale
and activities are covered elsewhere, in the stories.) The GSVs are fast
and very large craft, measured in kilometres and inhabited by millions
of people and machines. The idea behind them is that they represent the
Culture, fully. All that the Culture knows, each GSV knows; anything
that can be done anywhere in the Culture can be done within or by any
GSV. In terms of both information and technology, they represent a last
resort, and act like holographic fragments of the Culture itself, the
whole contained within each part.

On law:

The Culture doesn't actually have laws; there are, of course,
agreed-on forms of behaviour; manners, as mentioned above, but nothing
that we would recognise as a legal framework. Not being spoken to, not
being invited to parties, finding sarcastic anonymous articles and
stories about yourself in the information network; these are the normal
forms of manner-enforcement in the Culture.

On politics:

Politics in the Culture consists of referenda on issues whenever
they are raised; generally, anyone may propose a ballot on any issue at
any time; all citizens have one vote. Where issues concern some
sub-division or part of a total habitat, all those - human and machine -
who may reasonably claim to be affected by the outcome of a poll may
cast a vote. Opinions are expressed and positions on issues outlined
mostly via the information network (freely available, naturally), and it
is here that an individual may exercise the most personal influence,
given that the decisions reached as a result of those votes are usually
implemented and monitored through a Hub or other supervisory machine,
with humans acting (usually on a rota basis) more as liaison officers
than in any sort of decision-making executive capacity; one of the few
rules the Culture adheres to with any exactitude at all is that a
person's access to power should be in inverse proportion to their desire
for it.

On why most people in the Culture live in Orbitals:

The attraction of Orbitals is their matter efficiency. For one
planet the size of Earth (population 6 billion at the moment; mass
6x1024 kg), it would be possible, using the same amount of matter, to
build 1,500 full orbitals, each one boasting a surface area twenty times
that of Earth and eventually holding a maximum population of perhaps 50
billion people (the Culture would regard Earth at present as
over-crowded by a factor of about two, though it would consider the
land-to-water ratio about right). Not, of course, that the Culture would
do anything as delinquent as actually deconstructing a planet to make
Orbitals; simply removing the sort of wandering debris (for example
comets and asteroids) which the average solar system comes equipped with
and which would threaten such an artificial world's integrity through
collision almost always in itself provides sufficient material for the
construction of at least one full Orbital (a trade-off whose
conservatory elegance is almost blissfully appealing to the average
Mind), while interstellar matter in the form of dust clouds, brown
dwarfs and the like provides more distant mining sites from which the
amount of mass required for several complete Orbitals may be removed
with negligible effect.

Sébastien, Wednesday, 13 February 2008 18:39 (sixteen years ago) link

1. Declare the internet a public good in the same way we think of water, electricity, highways or public education.

2. Commit to providing affordable high-speed wireless Internet access nationwide.

3. Declare a “Net Neutrality” standard forbidding Internet service providers from discriminating among content based on origin, application or type.

4. Instead of “No Child Left Behind,” our goal should be “Every Child Connected.”

5. Commit to building a Connected Democracy where it becomes commonplace for local as well as national government proceedings to be heard by anyone any time and over time.

6. Create a National Tech Corps, because as our country becomes more reliant on 21st century communications to maintain and build our economy we need to protect our communications infrastructure.

We've spent some time looking through the candidates' policy statements on technology, the media, education, transparency and infrastructure

Sébastien, Wednesday, 13 February 2008 18:40 (sixteen years ago) link

four months pass...

to connect p2p/a2k
(peer-to-peer/access to knowledge) technoscience politics to the
politics of permaculture practices and to the politics of pro-choice
consensual non-normalizing biomedicine.

Sébastien, Thursday, 19 June 2008 04:54 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

The terraces, forming an outdoor terrain that extends over the whole surface of the city

Sébastien, Sunday, 20 July 2008 04:10 (sixteen years ago) link


gzip, Friday, 25 July 2008 10:08 (sixteen years ago) link

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