Rupert Murdoch Bought

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which means, fellow members of toucher, and indeed anyone who has a page on this website, you/we are now technically advertising for the devil. fuck.

clocko diko (honesttoafault), Tuesday, 16 May 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link

yeh this happened ages ago. you still read the paper/watch the Simpsons/breathe air though, so hey there's no escaping the fucker.

dog latin (dog latin), Tuesday, 16 May 2006 15:02 (eighteen years ago) link


Captain Smash (Captain Smash), Wednesday, 17 May 2006 07:21 (eighteen years ago) link


FROMBERT, Wednesday, 17 May 2006 08:30 (eighteen years ago) link


Captain Smash (Captain Smash), Wednesday, 17 May 2006 10:34 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh please, why can't he and his wanky little son just die of gonorrhea and rot in a pit?

Capt Cardinali, Wednesday, 17 May 2006 20:09 (eighteen years ago) link

five years pass...

owned much?

where ilxor ends and markers begins (history mayne), Thursday, 30 June 2011 10:29 (thirteen years ago) link

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