rolling (non-millenials) grabbing the brass ring 2015

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Oh man that was in no way intended to run down how enjoyable an act those two have got, I think they're both great fun and personally I hope they don't move up to the main roster for a while yet bcuz they'll only get split up and have an underwhelming match on a Ppv preshow.

It was just a thought that floated through my mildly intoxicated brain having recently watched some 1994 shows that they brought to mind a kind of modern day hbk/diesel vibe and I experienced a moment of satisfaction that the lumbering bodyguard figure no longer gets pushed to the top of the card as a matter of course. Then I thought about roman reigns again and got a bit sad. But I'd been out and was drunk so it is hardly surprising that I made not a whit of sense.

But yeah fear not, I DO enjoy enzo and cass for what they are. Will have to check out that match you mentioned

Windsor Davies, Saturday, 14 March 2015 13:37 (nine years ago) link

no way reigns beats lesnar at wrestlemania. i just can't see it.

also there's this rs interview w/ reigns:

Mordy, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 20:41 (nine years ago) link

Mordy, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 21:14 (nine years ago) link

The latest rumours are that Lesnar is signing a new contract and will be keeping the belt. Maybe they're trying to add some intrigue to the match because Lesnar leaving and Reigns getting his big coronation has felt like a foregone conclusion for a while. I'm not sure what to believe right now.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 23:06 (nine years ago) link

Man if they don't put him over after all of this then he's gonna come out post-WM looking like THE biggest chump going. I mean it's theoretically possible that they could change their minds on him I suppose, in which case this whole thing will go down as a bigger fuck up then Lex Luger in the 90s, but if they really do want him to be the top guy at some point soon then jobbing him out on his supposedly breakout night is a terrible idea, it'll kill him.

Idk, I'm tired of the whole thing now really, part of me just thinks fuck it, get it over with and have Rollins cash in on him the next night on Raw, let Lesnar go back to UFC, the part timers go back to their retirements and then let's see where we are. Probably up shit creek without a paddle, but at least we might actually get to see some pushes for some of the useful midcarders (i.e. everyone in this fuckin IC title ladder match)

Windsor Davies, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 23:21 (nine years ago) link

the rumors (brock keeps the belt, cena and bryan pick up the mid-title belts to legitimize them) sound like too-good-to-be-true fantasy booking. but that'd be great if it worked out. i'm suddenly rooting for cena?? i love lesnar turning the WHC belt god-tier and basically treating the mid-card belts like the pre-unification championship belts. maybe we'll get a brand split out of this!

tbh, have lesnar and reigns put on an actually-great match where reigns beats the shit out of lesnar, to the point where rollins feels confident enough to cash in -- i think that's enough to save reigns from complete burial -- and then have ambrose interrupt like he promised and restart their feud.

then have sting go over and magically take over smackdown and turn it into WCW Nitro and make himself Commissioner Surfer Sting and WWE is back in my good graces for the first time since i was 11

qualx, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 23:52 (nine years ago) link

There shouldn't be any shame in losing to Lesnar. But I hope their master plan isn't to beat Reigns, have Rollins cash in, and have Reigns chase Rollins for the title.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 23:52 (nine years ago) link

That is, Lesnar beats Reigns, Rollins cashes in on a weak Lesnar to win the title, and Reigns gets his "big" win over Rollins at Summerslam. They're better off biting the bullet and having Reigns win, let him sink or swim, and if they need to get the belt off him, Rollins can cash in later.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Wednesday, 18 March 2015 23:55 (nine years ago) link

rollins with the belt sounds a lot better than reigns with it, but i can't see that happening after this match has been so built up. either brock retains or reigns keeps it for a month or two.

qualx, Thursday, 19 March 2015 00:42 (nine years ago) link

There shouldn't be any shame in losing to Lesnar.

Yeah see it's fine saying that and in theory I agree but history suggests that you can't just pull out of a push like this at the last possible second on such a high profile show and not expect the loser's momentum to stall p. badly (what momentum tho I suppose). keeping the belt on Lesnar appeals to me as a fan because I love mid-00s Brock Lesnar and I think he is basically the king of pro wrestling, long live the king, but from a booking perspective I think it creates more problems then it solves. Who do you have go against him once he's beaten Reigns? Sting would work, I suppose? Bryan needs his title shot at some point. Rocky? Again? I just dunno how they're intending to make anyone look like they could credibly beat him now, and having him lose it on a Rollins MITB cash-in without eating a clean pin at some point would be pointless.

And yeah Seth Rollins is looking like a pretty decent get out of jail free card right now if Reigns does get the belt and doesn't take off like they hope. Ambrose involving himself in the situation would be all good stuff and tbh an ongoing three-way dance between the Shield guys for the title would be a totally acceptable use of a Roman Reigns title push to me at this point. Though that would still leave them with the problem of him being the least popular of the three.

Windsor Davies, Thursday, 19 March 2015 00:57 (nine years ago) link

lol not 00s Lesnar obviously, mid 10's (feels strange to me to type that, is that what people say? I'm not sure I've had cause to type or think about it before)

Windsor Davies, Thursday, 19 March 2015 00:59 (nine years ago) link

I enjoyed the Max Landis vid

Delbert Gravy (kingfish), Thursday, 19 March 2015 07:21 (nine years ago) link

moment to reflect on how great this theme is and how much i want to hear it on every mixtape

qualx, Friday, 20 March 2015 03:17 (nine years ago) link

just watched the Max Landis thing, very good fun, would watch more of a similar ilk

Windsor Davies, Saturday, 21 March 2015 01:50 (nine years ago) link


qualx, Saturday, 21 March 2015 18:40 (nine years ago) link

holy shit, rip

watched the video (highest recommendation not to do this btw - it's pretty disturbing)

it's your basic 619 setup spot, if you've ever seen a rey mysterio match you can picture it; rey has the presence of mind to swing over him on the 619 itself but then the match just goes on for a couple minutes as this dude is lying there dead

the portentous pepper (govern yourself accordingly), Saturday, 21 March 2015 19:32 (nine years ago) link

word is it was an accumulated injury thing a la misawa that led to this. seeing some of the wrestling newzsites blaming rey for it which seems pretty ill-advised

fadanuf4erybody, Saturday, 21 March 2015 19:40 (nine years ago) link

ugh, such a great natural shithead heel, can't recommend his mid-00's cmll perros del mal stuff enough

the portentous pepper (govern yourself accordingly), Saturday, 21 March 2015 19:57 (nine years ago) link

Lesnar re-signs, boy oh boy I hope they keep the belt on him forever, this has nothing to do with Roman Reigns and ones wishes the guy well but it has everything to do with Brock Lesnar and the fact that he is the best thing in modern American wrestling by a million zillion miles he is the king long may he reign o'er us

Windsor Davies, Tuesday, 24 March 2015 23:17 (nine years ago) link

wowowowowo <3 lesner 4eva

Mordy, Tuesday, 24 March 2015 23:20 (nine years ago) link

how the fuck do they not try to keep that a secret? that should've been the #1 stipulation in the contract, "keep your mouth shut until WM is over"

qualx, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 00:44 (nine years ago) link

idk, is Sportscentre a big thing in the US? I kinda got that vibe from the comments I saw but lol I am ignorant. Anyway if it is then I suppose that keeping it secret is the last thing they would want to do because this has been a truly shitty build for a Wrestlemania by pretty much any metric and I suspect that perhaps the ppl in charge are kind of aware of this bcuz no matter how far out of touch they drift they p. much ALWAYS have something up their sleeves for a WM and this year there has really been none of that except for Sting being here but even that has been totally meh thus far and what reason have we to suppose that his match with Triple H is gonna be any better than the build thus far?

SO bearing that in mind you might think that it makes perfect sense that they would be supremely grateful to get some momentum-generating and intrigue-building coverage out there on a genuinely commercial and mainstream platform a week before the big event, especially because the problem demographic, that they have never been able to please and that they obviously scorn and hate with a vehement passion and that may well have partially if not entirely ruined the biggest night of the year for the company by hijacking the show and just shitting on all comers is right now losing its collective hivemind with communal anticipation for this event rocketing from 20% to 120% all with one press conference.

Like, a swervey sort of ending with Lesnar retaining over Reigns and then a reveal at some later date that he was sticking around after all would've been a good ending to the show, but this way they get a big publicity boost running into the show, they maybe change the minds of some people who were thinking of ditching the Network very soon by convincing them that maybe things post-WM won't be a bleak wasteland bereft of cool main-events after all, and maybe they have defused a potential douchebag-crowd timebomb that could've derailed their annual supercard. So like I think this is all good really.

If it means Lesnar goes into the show as the biggest, bluest-eyed babyface to ever kiss a baby in the eyes of all those in attendance then what does it matter? People have been booing the so-called top face in WWE for years, it's part of the landscape now.

Anyway, i almost do not care if I am overthinking this bcuz the construction of fake narratives surrounding wrestling is one of the best things about the whole enterprise imo and I for one am happy to sit back and believe that everything building to this with all the shitstorm last month about Brock walking out on Raw to attend the UFC thing and the rumours of a stand-up row with Vince and all of that stuff was all just a gigantic work leading up to this point in order to generate some jeopardy heading in and say what you will of the wider state of things right now (I have and will continue to do so) but right now I want to watch this show and more specifically I want to watch this main-event and that is the mark of good wrestling promoting, right? lol Vince McMahon i can't even

Windsor Davies, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 01:18 (nine years ago) link

sure, maybe it's better for WM's numbers. maybe. i just can't imagine it making a huge difference... WWE fans are going to watch WM no matter what, and Brock sticking around doesn't really immediately make it more of a draw for casual fans or w/e. either he draws in his last match or he draws with a new contract. i don't think that number's gonna change.

i'd think it'd be better for business in the long run if they just produced an excellent mania capped off with a genuine shocker. that might actually convince people to buy the network and not just stream PPVs illegally. but what do i know. watch reigns go over anyway lol

qualx, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 03:26 (nine years ago) link

Brock sticking around means there's some intrigue to who will win the match at WM and less of a chance that the crowd shits all over it like they did at WM XX with Brock vs Goldberg.

If Brock's contract negotiations were a work then you'd think they'd do a better job of building the match, instead of keeping Reigns and Lesnar apart for almost all of the past two months.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 09:41 (nine years ago) link

i was gonna say, more than anything they can't have it be brock v goldberg and this stops that - even if reigns is booed like he's right to censor

a hoy hoy, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 10:26 (nine years ago) link

was brock/goldberg booed from the start? i thought it started after it became clear they weren't trying

heyman has talked about brock leaving in his promos and it was great, i don't think it would've hurt to keep that speculation going through the match. everyone has assumed brock would be gone after his contract and he's still gotten cheered like a face through it all. i don't think this would be comparable, unless he clearly had no interest in having a decent match.

qualx, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 13:18 (nine years ago) link

yeah you may be right about that, it would certainly take a peculiar kind of wrestling fan to boo Brock Lesnar on current form (aside from the younger kids of course) regardless of his career plans. but i do think that doing it this way has created some much needed buzz about the main-event. if they'd kept it a secret and then had him retain it would've drawn a great pop to close the show but I think the danger was as much that the crowd would just be a bit flat and disinterested throughout the main-event rather than actively booing the guys. hopefully this way the crowd will be pretty live for the match.

and i suppose this might always redeem the Roman Reigns push eventually. have Lesnar go over here by the skin of his teeth and then spend the next year building Reigns up for a rematch at WM 32 where he finally gets the belt? idk they'd have to be batshit crazy to have Reigns go over now but they'd have to make a good job of rebuilding him if they have him lose here

Windsor Davies, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 14:22 (nine years ago) link

Did Brock get cheered before the Rumble match? He got cheered by that smarky crowd in Philly by default -- he was in the ring with Cena (no explanation needed) and Rollins who played his role as the weasel-y opportunist to a tee. Point being I don't see where crowds are supposedly dying to cheer for Lesnar. But now that he's re-signed, it looks like his babyface push is coming whether we want it or not.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 14:45 (nine years ago) link

He got cheered in both cena matches, but Cena was always the heel to adult male fans who also likely booed him v punk or bryan / watch ufc.

Reigns being michaels at wm11 looking to be good enough to have a wm12 moment seems like the best option tbh.

This news makes me more excited that we are likely to see Brock-Bryan, p much my biggest dream match, plus maybe Brock-Rollins/Ambrose and to dream about Cesaro or Rusev matches. Hell i'd give over like a 3 year network subscription to have Sami Zayn as 123 kid to Brock's Bret on Raw.

a hoy hoy, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 15:06 (nine years ago) link

I dunno man, it's entirely possible that I am projecting and I need to rewatch some matches but it feels like the crowd has been popping massively for him straight up ruining other guys, whether that be Cena or Rollins or Punk or whoever, for some time. That impression might be based on the Cena matches though, and as you say everyone always loves booing him.

Possibilities for great and interesting matches involving Lesnar are pretty extensive if he's really done forever with MMA, but it'll be interesting to see how they use him. We've spoken before I think about his SS match with Punk, which for me is basically the pinnacle of modern WWE main-event style wrestling and the bar to which they should be aspiring, but I know that lots of people think that Lesnar gave Punk a bit too much for the match to feel believable. As awesome as he is right now, it'll be interesting to see how they maintain intrigue in his matches if he keeps kicking out of Attitude Adjustments at a 1 count.

Windsor Davies, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 15:51 (nine years ago) link

feel like whatever else they do the start of the match should just be a 1999 callback where reigns rushes lesnar like a rabid dog before they can get started with ring intros in which reigns will probably be mercilessly booed

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Wednesday, 25 March 2015 18:48 (nine years ago) link

it's just totally implausible to me that reigns could beat lesnar, esp since cena has been unable to do so over and over

Mordy, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 18:51 (nine years ago) link

when i think about lesnar/bryan i keep thinking about that scene in the princess bride where wesley beats andre the giant by being quicker and ducking under his legs + shit

Mordy, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 18:52 (nine years ago) link

I want Rollins to interfere (without drawing a DQ) and help give Reigns the win and the title. Brock doesn't lose clean, Reigns would still need to prove himself despite having the belt, and sets up lots of story possibilities.

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 18:55 (nine years ago) link

only possibility i would be ok w/ besides lesnar retaining is reigns weakening lesnar, losing, and then rollins cashing in

Mordy, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 18:57 (nine years ago) link

nonsense logic of it be damned, the only way i can see him taking down lesnar is if he reforms the shield

fadanuf4erybody, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 22:53 (nine years ago) link

ok i could kind of see that bc i feel like they just did a similar story for the bella twins. they had a high profile breakup that helped nicki cozy up to the authority and win the woman's championship. the moment she wins, the sisters are all lovey-dovey again like nothing happened. obv what happened is that they conspired to feud so that nicki could get her shot (and there's a whole rant she gave early in the feud about how this is her moment and her turn to win the championship etc) and then once she got the belt they no longer had to keep up the facade. seth realized that as a group obv the shield wasn't going to be able to contend for the heavy weight belt so he orchestrates this entire breakup to center the three of them as close to the belt as possible. now that they're perfectly set up for it they can work together, take down lesnar, and celebrate << my fantasy booking

Mordy, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 23:18 (nine years ago) link

at this point would not be averse to the theory people had online about brock retaining/defending every couple months while bryan/cena held the ic/us titles and were the focal points

fadanuf4erybody, Wednesday, 25 March 2015 23:51 (nine years ago) link

I'm also intrigued by the idea that the secondary belts could mean something again. But they couldn't even keep the two world championships strong for most of the years they were in existence, so I don't have much faith in them keeping track of three championships (even if one is held by a part timer).

The Shield reunion wouldn't make much sense, but most of their storylines don't make sense anyway. It might be the only thing that can salvage Reigns' main event career though.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Thursday, 26 March 2015 10:09 (nine years ago) link

Cena with the US title would be interesting but maybe kind of unnecessary? I just don't really see it restoring much prestige to the title, it'll be a prop and nothing more. Even if he goes out and defends it in the main-events, we'll still be talking about the Cena match, not the US title match. If this were to happen it'd no doubt slide right back down the card as soon as he loses it, so why bother?

Windsor Davies, Thursday, 26 March 2015 12:00 (nine years ago) link

Predictions for Mania?


NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 28 March 2015 13:21 (nine years ago) link

Taker should be putting Wyatt over here but it's Taker so what are the chances really. Agree with your predictions mostly, though maybe Rollins gets a dodgy win against Orton? This one is a bit difficult, they could do without damaging the momentum of either guy but yeah I suppose Orton is coming in off the back of the turn so he probably goes over here.

Windsor Davies, Saturday, 28 March 2015 16:37 (nine years ago) link

I don't think you can have a basically straight babyface win down the whole card. I know Wrestlemania is where the babyfaces historically triumph, but not across the board.

EZ Snappin, Saturday, 28 March 2015 16:48 (nine years ago) link

Yeah, I can't see it happening either. Orton/Rollins is a toss up, but by WWE logic Rollins has the briefcase which means he can lose over and over again until he cashes in, and Orton is a Big Star so he should win. I can see Rusev winning too.

I think everyone will get cheered in the ladder match, but Bryan is super over on the west coast and the SF Giants used the YES chant all season long on their way to winning the World Series (baseball) this year, so if they don't put Bryan over they're morons but it turns out that they are morons so who knows what will happen.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 28 March 2015 17:33 (nine years ago) link

I've got some time to kill so I may as well tldr. Also Balor v. Owens was dope and you should all go watch this weeks nxt.

Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (c) (with Natalya) vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (with Xavier Woods) vs. Los Matadores (Diego and Fernando) (with El Torito) vs. The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) (with Naomi) Fatal 4-Way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship[40]

What I think happens: If the injured Uso can go, they win and dance with Rikishi. Or maybe if he can't, Rikishi tags? I see it being a 'WM Moment' in a night where there is a need for love of Somoa.

What I want to happen: Cesaro does 100 swings of El Torito before the Usos win and dance with Rikishi.

André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal[Note 1] Battle royal for the André the Giant Memorial Trophy[41]

What I think happens: Mizdow wins and really ignites that feud and babyface return of Damien Sandow. Kofi does something impressive.

What I want to happen: Kofi has like 7 tricks in his arsenal and genuinely can't be thrown out, so he wins it. Or Hideo Itami does and gets put straight in a feud with the IC champ.

Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs. Roman Reigns Singles match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship[42]

What I think happens: Reigns wins, all Shield members, Heyman and the Authority and maybe the Rock make it a clusterfuck. Unsuccessful attempt at a cash in, so it can maybe done on Raw? Brock is still comes out the baddest motherfucker on the planet, but the clusterfuckery kinda negates the potential boos cos the crowd is just confused and a bit sleepy by the end of the night, while Reigns fans will still cheer.

What I want to happen: Brock win obv, but more importantly I want Reigns to go strongman like he did with Bryan and to have two hard hitting motherfuckers try and beat the fuck out of each other. I think in all the talk about Reigns, everyone's kinda forgot that when he plays tough guy, it can be really good viewing and why Vince saw what he saw.

Sting vs. Triple H Singles match[43]

What I think happens: Sting wins, maybe a UT WM32 tease.

What I want to happen: See above.

Bad News Barrett (c) vs. R-Truth vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Stardust vs. Daniel Bryan Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship[44]

What I think happens: Bryan as Smackdown champ, Dolph bumps like crazy.

What I want to happen: See above, or alternatively Ambrose as Smackdown champ so they can try and rebuild him as something credible, whereas Bryan is like Foley and can bounce back easily.

The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt Singles match[45]

What I think happens: UT wins, next night on Raw they try and set up UT-Sting at WM32, Bray tries to say he's learnt from the master to be even more of a boogeyman or something.

What I want to happen: Some clusterfuck where UT ends up giving his powers to Luke Harper to become the scary demon of the next 10 years.

AJ Lee and Paige vs. The Bella Twins (Brie and Nikki Bella) Tag team match[46]

What I think happens: idk, don't really know the storyline. I've heard the womens division is p much the best part of Raw these days so hopefully they do something interesting. Unfortunately the only Raw related thing I've watched in the past year is Heyman promos.

What I want to happen: Kharma comes back and lays them all to waste, idk.

Rusev (c) vs. John Cena Singles match for the WWE United States Championship[47]

What I think happens: Cena wins in a screwy finish (Lana distraction?) to keep Rusev strong and put the belt on Cena.

What I want to happen: Brock-Cena from NoC, but with Rusev instead. Cena doesn't need the belt or to beat Rusev's streak but they can have a strong hard match and have him admirably lose.

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins Singles match[48]

What I think happens: Orton wins, Rollins has bigger things on his mind and they need babyface pops. Also iirc every Orton WM match ends with him rko-ing someone doing something they never usually do from the top rope.

What I want to happen: Rollins to beat Orton, cos Orton sucks and Rollins is dope.


Despite not watching Raw, agreeing with everyone about Reigns being too much of a rookie, not really caring or understanding the storylines - I've got excited over the past couple days and think it will be a really fun show. Any match featuring Brock could end up a classic, same with Cena, Rollins, Triple H, Taker, Bryan etc. And fuck it, for what seems like hundreds of years people have been calling for a new card - well this is the making of it - potentially Taker/Sting/Triple H's last WM, Cena has been out of the title match 2 years in a row, potentially 2 new stars have been crowned (DBry last year, Reigns this year) etc. or even 3 if Rollins cashes in. Every match bar HHH-Sting has a nXt alum in it too, and you can't really fault them for Sting's first WWE match. I think it's going to be an underrated show. I'm excited about the entrances and stuff too.

a hoy hoy, Saturday, 28 March 2015 18:07 (nine years ago) link

People who pretend to not care about Mania are basically liars.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 28 March 2015 19:18 (nine years ago) link

Yeah man the pageantry is probably the bit I'm most looking forward to this year. Triple H has got some work on to best his entrance from last year though. I've let my Network subscription expire so I think I'm probably gonna give it a miss tomorrow night and download it on Monday instead.

Windsor Davies, Saturday, 28 March 2015 19:33 (nine years ago) link

Taker should be putting Wyatt over here but it's Taker so what are the chances really.

Wyatt kinda yawnful right now so why even bother putting him over? Why not instead have taker go 22-1 and have paul heyman yell about how brock lesnar is going to be the 2 in 22-2 for 4 months leading up to wm32? ok maybe not. actually i hope not. i like a hoy hoy's wm32 booknig better anyway.

GGGOAT: greatest goat game of all time (Will M.), Saturday, 28 March 2015 22:41 (nine years ago) link

I'm yet to really love Wyatt in anything outside of his matches with Bryan / the six-man tags with the Shield, but I don't see what putting The Undertaker over here is going to achieve. Dude doesn't need the win at all, but for Wyatt this could be a pretty big deal. One guy is basically finished, the other might turn out to be a big thing for the company for years to come. And after so many years of his bullshit it's about time Taker started putting over a guy or two if they are gonna keep dragging him back. Kozlov doesn't count.

I hope this is the last hurrah tbh, they've been teasing it for years what with all the "End of an Era" stuff (lo and behold 2 years later HHH and Taker are still occupying two of the three top spots on the card). Enough already. The idea of Taker main-eventing next years' WM is just ghastly to contemplate, so it's a good job that it won't happen in a million years

Windsor Davies, Sunday, 29 March 2015 00:05 (nine years ago) link

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