rolling (non-millenials) grabbing the brass ring 2015

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Overall that was a really entertaining show. Nothing was bad, and nobody got stiffed for time unlike pretty much every other WM. The pacing was a bit off, the crowd seemed to peak for the Sting-HHH match but they followed it up with an hour worth of commercials/HOF stuff/divas match and lulled people to sleep somewhat. It must have been tough to be out there in the sun for five hours too.

The ladder match was kind of paint by numbers, but the right guy won and the backstage segment to put over Bryan and the title was great.

The finish to Orton-Rollins was insane.

The ending to HHH-Sting was telegraphed once it turned into WWE vs WCW. I still don't get the build up for this feud, first it was vigilante Sting vs the Authority, then it was WWE vs WCW with exactly opposite heel/face roles, why couldn't they just make up their damn minds about what they were fighting for. For me it hurt the match a lot and I didn't like this as much as most people seem to, but the spectacle was definitely something you'd only expect to see at Mania, and that justifies the match by itself. The post-match handshake was BS by any measure though. Sting's entrance was great.

The divas match was good time filler, but nothing was on the line and I still can't figure out who is supposed to hate who in this feud.

Rusev rode out in a Russian tank to the Russian national anthem waving the Russian flag and they STILL BOOED CENA!$@! I had no problem with Cena winning, but the finish didn't do anything for Rusev. The guy goes undefeated for a year and crushes everyone he gets in the ring with, and in the end he eats one AA and gets pinned just like any other jabroni.

I loved the Attitude era HHH-Rock feud, but they were staring each other down in the ring and I realized I didn't really care if I ever saw this match again, even though it would probably be really good. Then it turned into Rock and Rousey vs HHH and Steph and suddenly I was all like HELL YES GIVE ME THIS MATCH.

Taker vs Wyatt was about what I expected. Taker was jacked. I guess they'll do Taker vs Sting next year but Sting got buried against HHH and they definitively established that WCW has no chance against the WWE, so does anyone think Sting has a snowball's chance in hell against Taker in Texas?

Lesnar's performance in the main event might have been the best of his WWE career, he single handedly made it into a semi-legendary match. I think WWE thought that Reigns would get sympathy cheers, but that plan backfired because Brock throwing him around like he weighs 150 pounds was beyond awesome. I even bought into Reigns' comeback once Brock started bleeding and was sure he was going to win.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Monday, 30 March 2015 09:54 (nine years ago) link

i did love that john cena was here representing and defending everything that is great about america, but eh fuck it, BOOOOOOOOOO.

it would be great if lesnar has more dates on his new contract and we get to see him spend a few months trying to catch rollins so he can murder him while cowardly slimebag rollins evades him

cis-het shitlord (Merdeyeux), Monday, 30 March 2015 11:31 (nine years ago) link

Only Sting could give a handshake to the guy who just hit him with a sledgehammer. It would have only been a better Sting performance if Flair came out to turn on him. And Luger too. And the nwo again.

Im over multi man ladder matches with no story but i love the bullhammer party and them taking ambrose out so he couldnt stop rollins for once.

Orton is so dull.

Cena Rusev was dope. Boo the guy with reagan and bush in his video! Cheer the guy in the tank with the hot chick! That stunner was fun too, i love cena. I love rusev.

Flair chopped Steamboat!

Rousey held Steph arm in arm so they could skip around together? Steph has been in matches before, was she really scared of 1 worked punch in the face?

Taker is so old and i kinda fell asleep during it.

Brock Lesnar is tge greatest professional wrestler of all time. Rollins and Reigns are both acceptable and enjoyable parts of the main event now but... fuck Brock is the greatest ever. Better than flair, savage, austin, funk, whoever. Still wish i had a time machine and could get him vs big poppa pump in his prime though.

I'm interested in who Cena feuds with and who he puts over at Like SummerSlam. Bryan as Smackdown champ could actually make me watch SD again. Lesnar has a new fucking deal and will be chasing motherfuckers down. WM did the best thing ever, which is make me care again about what happens.

a hoy hoy, Monday, 30 March 2015 12:21 (nine years ago) link

rousey murders people with armbars so a tiny little armbar-ish type thing should be expected

qualx, Monday, 30 March 2015 13:15 (nine years ago) link

Yeah but that wasnt what took out cat zingano, that was best friends foreverz

a hoy hoy, Monday, 30 March 2015 17:18 (nine years ago) link

Just finished watching this, bit too drained for coherent impressions right now, but that main event was basically as good as it could possibly have been

Windsor Davies, Monday, 30 March 2015 18:40 (nine years ago) link

what are some sites with good thoughtful writing on wrestling? whenever i want to catch up on stuff i check 411mania (only coz it was the only one i remembered from years back), but their level of critical insight is sub-sub-av club

cis-het shitlord (Merdeyeux), Monday, 30 March 2015 19:59 (nine years ago) link

i stopped watching raw and started reading stroud's recaps instead because A) life's too short for 3h of raw per week and B) they are entertaining as hell

GGGOAT: greatest goat game of all time (Will M.), Monday, 30 March 2015 21:28 (nine years ago) link

i knew brandon back when he was just B, i randomly decided to click on his fbook link to his survivor series recap which is 90% of the reason i got back into wrestling

we mostly argued

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:15 (nine years ago) link

in case anyone is missing raw right now, brock lesnar just burst out laughing at the crowd's SUPLEX CITY chant, confirming he had no idea the mics even picked it up last night

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:16 (nine years ago) link

kalisto just destroyed in front of a smarky af crowd

if yesterday hadn't happened in a huge outdoor park it would've been the best mania ever


qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:57 (nine years ago) link

lol at JBL and Booker being completely taken out by the announce table being pushed on them but it taking another F5 to put Cole away

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:22 (nine years ago) link

those things are really getting devalued

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:22 (nine years ago) link

it really made the announce tables look weak

was hoping the rest of raw would be arty and completely announcer-less

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:34 (nine years ago) link



qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:38 (nine years ago) link

still using his shit theme

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:40 (nine years ago) link

that is...the stupidest arbitrary forename cull yet

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:41 (nine years ago) link


Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:43 (nine years ago) link

The Neville Brother

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:45 (nine years ago) link

he could steal the hulkamania theme from axel

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:45 (nine years ago) link

ahaha mick foley just tweeted aaron neville by accident

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 02:08 (nine years ago) link


Cena making Ambrose look like $0.9 million in a cold title match

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 31 March 2015 02:10 (nine years ago) link

*kevin owens chant*

lawler: listen to the wwe universe, chanting "randy orton"

qualx, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 03:02 (nine years ago) link

besides that main event and the usual wreddit mutant crowd tryna get themselves over, real good raw. most of the work was good, debuts that are def long overdue, sheamus turn that was WAY long overdue

fadanuf4erybody, Tuesday, 31 March 2015 04:24 (nine years ago) link

3 hours is way too long. i started watching last night (without commercials even) and i still had to stop after the 6-woman tag and save the rest for later, TOO MUCH STUFF.

GGGOAT: greatest goat game of all time (Will M.), Wednesday, 1 April 2015 14:15 (nine years ago) link

Oh yeah I'm fascinated that many still do it regularly. Or that so many used to for Nitro to see like Hugh Morris v. Alex Wright or whatever. And I fucking love wrestling.

a hoy hoy, Wednesday, 1 April 2015 16:45 (nine years ago) link

3 hours is way too long. i started watching last night (without commercials even) and i still had to stop after the 6-woman tag and save the rest for later, TOO MUCH STUFF.

if you haven't already there is no need at all to watch past this point

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Wednesday, 1 April 2015 16:48 (nine years ago) link

I watch the 90 minute version on Hulu if I watch at all. 3 hours can fuck right off.

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 1 April 2015 16:59 (nine years ago) link

apparently the 90 min hulu cut off the debuts of kalisto and ~!NEVILLE!~ so they can fuck off, just use and skip the obviously horrible shit

qualx, Thursday, 2 April 2015 00:27 (nine years ago) link

such great debuts. am i naive to hope they'll have good careers on the main roster? i know the last few call-ups haven't been spectacular but Rusev! Rollins! Reigns!

Mordy, Thursday, 2 April 2015 00:29 (nine years ago) link

i worry about kalisto being tethered to sin cara, he could very easily be the ~next rey~ vince wants so bad, not gonna happen with anytime soon w/mr relative snoozefest

qualx, Thursday, 2 April 2015 00:41 (nine years ago) link

AJ Lee is retiring. Guess she came back for the Wrestlemania paycheck and nothing else. At least that's what her completely uninterested wrestling showed since her return.

EZ Snappin, Friday, 3 April 2015 22:34 (nine years ago) link

yeah respect but she's been half assing it for quite some time--that AJ/Paige series of PPV matches from last year was outright bad tbh

fadanuf4erybody, Saturday, 4 April 2015 18:12 (nine years ago) link

neville vs rollins

qualx, Tuesday, 7 April 2015 00:46 (nine years ago) link

not exactly cena/angle

qualx, Tuesday, 7 April 2015 00:51 (nine years ago) link

Haven't caught much of Lucha underground since it started but I just finished watching the Grave Consequences casket match from the other week and it was totally really good as casket matches go, probably primarily because the casket actually had very little to do with anything except for the finish and a couple of big spots. Mainly it was just a damn fine brawl, another solid big monster / little underdog fight of a similar vibe to zayn / Owens (though Fenix got in a good amount of offence here).

Thought that fenix was good as the sympathetic though kinda non-descript tecnico getting his ass kicked all over town, but more so I really enjoyed Mil Muertes, who actually didn't seem very Lucha-y in terms of his style, aside from the odd tope or two which seemed kinda obligatory just to prove that he could do it. He worked well as this big bruising asshole, his look and demeanour reminded me of The Spoiler or someone, one of those big and surprisingly athletic masked heels you might sometimes see watching old southern territories stuff. But old-school look or not, he worked a great pace here. I am also a fan of mask-ripping and bloody-forehead-biting as heat-seeking offence in these kind of matches. I'd certainly have been booing the dude if I'd been there, anyway.

Basically it is only a short match really and the pace is wicked fast from the outset so if you have a spare 15 mins at some point then I would definitely recommend this as a good watch.

On the down side, everyone there was chanting "holy shit" every time either dude in the ring moved a muscle while matt striker was sitting there going "lol right on guys" while also, and perhaps even more annoyingly, providing the most infuriatingly smug and self-satisfied meta commentary one can readily imagine I.e. At the climatic moment when the apparently conflicted valet is holding the casket open as the two dudes struggle on the apron and vampiro is doing an ok job of selling the "but which dude is she helping?!" tension, matt striker is literally sitting there saying "this is building tension" yes thank you you fucking goon we have read books and seen films before, we do not need you to signpost the fucking plot points for us, I mean one of these guys is carrying a magic stone from which he draws mystical occult powers, whyyyy would you want to draw attention to the artifice of this whole thing??? He wasn't totally terrible for WK9 imo and I do like that he calls the moves, but my god, trying to get over with the "internet crowd" by saying shit like "I'm markin out bro!!!!!" On a fuckin royal rumble ppv of all places or nodding along sagely for every superfluous overkill This is Awesome chant or w/e srsly fuck matt striker for always

But yeah matt striker and wrestling fans in general are the worst, check out that match

Windsor Davies, Thursday, 9 April 2015 23:14 (nine years ago) link

matt striker is only saved from being the worst commentator in history because mark madden exists

that Grave Consequences match is absolutely fantastic though, good shout, I've been hearing people recommend it but this is what finally got me to watch it

fadanuf4erybody, Friday, 10 April 2015 01:08 (nine years ago) link

still have a nagging doubt this Ricochet-Nakamura match in London is gonna turn out to be a hoax

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Saturday, 11 April 2015 14:26 (nine years ago) link

lol please come to watch Leo Messi and Harry Kane at this testimonial match my god but how i love wrestling. wish i was in the UK this summer

Windsor Davies, Saturday, 11 April 2015 22:05 (nine years ago) link

but my god, trying to get over with the "internet crowd" by saying shit like "I'm markin out bro!!!!!"

And that's not even his most annoying habit, which would be yelling "OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!" after literally every high spot or finishing move.

I might be passing through Toronto in May, I'm seriously thinking of tweaking my travel dates to be there for the ROH/NJPW show.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Sunday, 12 April 2015 10:24 (nine years ago) link

still not as bad as cole inserting one or two OH!!!s in the middle of a 15 minute conversation about hobbits

qualx, Sunday, 12 April 2015 16:13 (nine years ago) link

i've been without internet for the last few days so for the want of anything better i've been going back over a few things i had saved on my harddrive and it really is p. heartbreaking to watch how completely earth-shatteringly awesome Stone Cold Steve Austin was in 96-97; I mean when he comes down the ramp for his match with Bret Hart at Survivor Series 1996 he shoots the camera this look that communicates more than a million amazing promos ever could and you just believe (sorry Roman Reigns) in this guy and man as a guy who first tuned in to pro wrestling in late 2000 / early 2001, when Austin's time was most definitely past (aside from that one awesome 2/3 falls match he had with HHH), it is still completely fucking tragic to see how he went from this incredible harbinger of the new era of professional wrestling to this fucking goof in camo shorts driving SUVs or quad bikes or whatever down to the ring to do the same old beers'n'stunners routine.

Windsor Davies, Thursday, 16 April 2015 22:55 (nine years ago) link

Also it occured to me while watching some Attitude Era stuff that in addition to being pretty much the best pro wrestler that has ever existed c. 2000-2002, The Rock's legacy in this business is a despicable one bcuz due to his overwhelming awesomeness he clearly replaced Hulk Hogan as Vince McMahon's platonic ideal of what a wrestling champ should be at some point in the early 00s and therefore we have only him to blame for a great many things, potentially even Cena himself tho in particular one might pick out Miz's 2010-11 title run and that godwaful WM main event

Windsor Davies, Thursday, 16 April 2015 23:01 (nine years ago) link

Austin's comeback in 2000-2002 was incredible, with HHH injured and the Rock AWOL much of the time he carried nearly every big main event for the promotion for a year and a half. Nobody wanted to see him as a heel, which was of course a monumentally dumb decision that everyone involved has gone on record as saying they regret, but in the ring he was as good as he ever was.

You can't really hate on peak Attitude Era Austin's in-ring style without hating on the Attitude Era itself. If technical wrestling was the key to the wrestling boom then Bret Hart would have set the world on fire. Austin as a brawler was the final break from the dominant styles of the 80's and early 90's, that style (which at the time was completely fresh in WWE main events) was what made the difference between two million and seven million people watching RAW every week. It fit his character and the car-crash era of TV perfectly because you could advance the storylines by hitting guys with chairs week after week and just creating complete chaos just as easily as you once could by exchanging holds in the ring.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 18 April 2015 10:40 (nine years ago) link

lol i ought to include some kind of disclaimer on any posts i make here on Thursday nights to the effect that the following is likely to be a poorly punctuated mess of unsubstantiated drivel and should probably be ignored by the public at large (I have Thursday evenings / Friday mornings off work).

but yeah i was being silly and hyperbolic and I went totally overboard with the criticism the other night, but even so, agree to disagree on this issue i think. though it is very likely that my opinions on this matter are shaped by a childhood in which I was a total mark for The Rock, to such an extent that I really wasn't into Stone Cold at all, I just take very little joy in Austin's character and performances back then relative to his work from 96-98. And it isn't just a ring-work thing either. I love his 2001 stuff with Angle, Benoit, Jericho and the aforementioned HHH match. That stuff was all great. And I'm absolutely not trying to deny what he achieved in terms of revolutionizing the prevalent style of the day and what he did for the business. I'm just saying I can't take very much pleasure in a lot of it now for whatever reason.

I can rewatch his rise from 96-98 and be utterly thrilled decades after the fact with how intense and how obviously superior this guy was to everything that was happening around him (and I would probably include Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels in that) and it's like when you watch that stuff any element of mystery as to how this guy carried the company and the industry as a whole into such a hot period just kinda vanishes because it is immediately obvious when you watch him how completely sand occasionally transcendentally awesome he was at the whole shebang. But his stuff post-98 tends leaves me cold and idk i can only apologise but i do disagree and there are a ton of guys from that period who i would rather watch now

Windsor Davies, Saturday, 18 April 2015 15:46 (nine years ago) link

2001 is a sneaky contender for his best in-ring year tbh. it's not fashionable to say so because nobody liked the heel run/the invasion but he was clearly hungry after missing most of 2000, the angle/benoit/jericho/hhh stuff is absolutely great (and even with that heel turn, rock/austin at mania 17 is a strong contender for the best mania main event.)

austin in 99-ish is important obv but a little too pander-y, his best year as a babyface character is definitely 97 imo

fadanuf4erybody, Sunday, 19 April 2015 20:42 (nine years ago) link

2001 was easily his best in-ring year IMO. He was tearing it up on PPV and free TV all year.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Tuesday, 21 April 2015 21:58 (nine years ago) link

v sick of getting LU championships spoiled via wiki, and nerds who act like the dates they were filmed are "canon"

generally don't look up any wrestler who has ever appeared on the show it'll be like "super fly is a wrestler who has appeared on lucha underground. he is not lucha underground champion; prince puma, instead won the championship in october 2014 in an episode that aired in 2015. super fly had nothing to do with that."

qualx, Thursday, 23 April 2015 03:47 (nine years ago) link

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