The Witcher -- violence, sex, and alchemy as part of your daily balanced breakfast

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I love how the bandits never learn how dumb it is to attack you, even the last guy is always there confidently shouting abuse at you as you stride menacingly over the severed limbs of all his friends, deflecting crossbow bolts back at him

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Thursday, 17 November 2016 11:23 (seven years ago) link

fuck gwent if it doesn't appeal, i never played it even once.

this is the best game.

― Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, November 17, 2016 4:40 AM (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

cosign all of this

jason waterfalls (gbx), Thursday, 17 November 2016 11:58 (seven years ago) link

I love how the bandits never learn how dumb it is to attack you, even the last guy is always there confidently shouting abuse at you as you stride menacingly over the severed limbs of all his friends, deflecting crossbow bolts back at him

there's a lovely bandit beach down south somewhere, like about 100 of the fuckers around some boat. sort of like a club tropicana for bandits except instead of drinking in speedos you maim and burn them all with bombs and igni.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 17 November 2016 12:03 (seven years ago) link

it's like south west as far as i recall.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 17 November 2016 12:03 (seven years ago) link

I just finished Blood & Wine, which pretty much gives you a whole new game world to explore, which has the added bonus of being like a fever-dream version of 14th Century Provence

Neil S, Thursday, 17 November 2016 14:06 (seven years ago) link

and i'm back.

i played a couple hours last night, bumped up to LVL6, and kept dying during the Bloody Baron mission where you have to keep the torches lit while the Pellar completes his spooky chants. i was getting to the point where i was saying "oh come on! come on!" in annoying little kid voice, out loud, after every loss, so i went to bed. in the cold light of the morning i realized that i probably should have adjusted my Sign skills so that they're more effective against Wraiths, who were just tearing me apart. Also I leveled up and didn't even take the time to pick a new skill or do anything else. Negronis. I had a few and it affected my decisionmaking. I'm sorry The Witcher III.

anyway i had a great time getting back into it after however long it had been since i moved on. this time i anticipate sticking with it a lot longer.

Karl Malone, Friday, 18 November 2016 16:03 (seven years ago) link

i tried to get into gwent when i re-engaged last night. i don't think it's going to happen. about 5 tutorial screens in i just kind of gave up. an hour later i mustered the will to challenge a shopkeeper to a game. i bet 2 crowns. 5 minutes later, still on the first screen, trying to figure out which faction and leader to go with i forfeited

Karl Malone, Friday, 18 November 2016 16:20 (seven years ago) link

spectre oil on your sword, and use yrden for the wraiths. that should speed it up!
from what i remember it's almost like a mandatory test that battle, in that it teaches you to look at the bestiary properly and use oils.

jamiesummerz, Friday, 18 November 2016 16:44 (seven years ago) link

everyone mostly playing this on the default difficulty?

circa1916, Friday, 18 November 2016 17:19 (seven years ago) link

difficulty level for these kind of games depends on how much you are going to do side quest/extras. i figure they have to balance them for ppl going m/l straight thru the main quest with only occasional diversions. that means that if you do all of the extra stuff and get to the main quest last, also my approach, then you over-level. it is worth the initial extra challenge to crank the difficulty a level and have the game not be a cakewalk later imo.

Roberto Spiralli, Friday, 18 November 2016 18:21 (seven years ago) link

been playing on normal and it's been pretty good but starting to get easy - thought about making it more difficult now (i'm at around lvl 10)

Mordy, Friday, 18 November 2016 18:23 (seven years ago) link

yeah, normal is pretty easy -- i think the kotaku guide recommended playing it on one level harder, saying that it got a little too easy in the late stages

jason waterfalls (gbx), Friday, 18 November 2016 18:56 (seven years ago) link

phew - thanks jamiesummerz, that did the trick.

i was stuck in an incredibly annoying save situation where i somehow saved it about 2 seconds before the battle triggered, leaving me enough time to pause the game and adjust the loadout, skills, and repair my sword, but not enough time to save the game again afterward. as a result i had to do annoying inventory stuff every single time i died, which was like 15 times. on top of that, last night my ps4 installed a big upgrade to the game, and when i started it up this morning it had a handy mandatory tutorial for the inventory screen which i had to skip through every single time i reloaded.

but it's over. now i'm going to wander around and do some treasure hunting and alchemy and crafting and chill

Karl Malone, Friday, 18 November 2016 19:09 (seven years ago) link

i was stuck in an incredibly annoying save situation where i somehow saved it about 2 seconds before the battle triggered

similar situation compelled me to post this, the only time i ever got close to throwing the controller, swearing at the television in the middle of the night


― ﷽ (diamonddave85), Saturday, January 23, 2016 10:48 PM (nine months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

just another (diamonddave85), Friday, 18 November 2016 19:36 (seven years ago) link

an invitation from keira metz

geralt and keira's journey to the elven mage's lair had forged a tight bond between them, the kind harrowing life-or-death experiences forge between soldiers at war or students during exam week. and so when it was all over keira invited geralt to stop by her hut sometimes, in a way that suggested she did mean for an afternoon of tea and crumpets.

i'm assuming this means she wants to play gwent. i'm afraid to go because i've only really played gwent once, and i had no idea what i was doing and didn't even finish.

Karl Malone, Saturday, 19 November 2016 02:18 (seven years ago) link

ah, youth

jason waterfalls (gbx), Saturday, 19 November 2016 02:27 (seven years ago) link

Complete edition is $25 on Amazon today (I ordered it)

Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 24 November 2016 20:55 (seven years ago) link

I started this last night and I'm kind of overwhelmed but after months of playing Fallout IV this looks (visually) SO MUCH BETTER

Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 1 December 2016 17:08 (seven years ago) link

yeah when i started fallout iv that kinda ended it for me - it just looked so dead compared to the witcher.

as mentioned the sound is amazing too if you can hook it up to something nice.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 1 December 2016 17:09 (seven years ago) link

i was also overwhelmed at first, and i was a bit confused by the story, having never played the previous entries in the series. but after about 4-5 hours it really settles into a satisfying groove that hasn't let up since. and geralt is a great videogame character. to continue the Fallout4 abuse, geralt is on a different level than the generic fallout character person with the terrible voice acting that you're forced to inhabit.

Karl Malone, Thursday, 1 December 2016 17:15 (seven years ago) link

Fallout has some decent scenery but the character design is so ugly and primitive compared to something like this or Uncharted.

Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 1 December 2016 17:16 (seven years ago) link

I read some background on the story and mythology of the first two games before playing. I'm more overwhelmed by gameplay stuff but I'm sure it will get more natural.

Immediate Follower (NA), Thursday, 1 December 2016 17:17 (seven years ago) link

i never found the story stuff bothersome - i never played the other games. it kinda pieces it together.

the gameplay is definitely a bit intense at first, like all the tools and items etc feels a bit overwhelming but you can kinda ignore any parts that seem tedious. it's complex enough some of it, i mean for a videogame like that i play to escape from a world where i need to solve complicated problems.

i mean obv choose your own path but i funnelled most of my resources into igni and fast sword attacks and then kept upgrading bombs. there's a spell called dragon's breath that makes your bombs and igni cause these huge mushroom clouds, increasing in severity as you power up. just throwing this out there in case that appeals.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 1 December 2016 18:58 (seven years ago) link

i'm still pretty early on, i think - LVL 14, and i've been wandering around doing novigrad-related quests for the past couple hours - but i still haven't really gotten into the crafting stuff yet. crafting, so far, seems like kind of a waste of time because the stuff i find out on quests are always better than even the best crafting option for my level. i'm guessing as crafting becomes more important toward the end game? kind of ditto with alchemy, although it least that's useful for creating enemy-specific potions and stuff.

Karl Malone, Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:04 (seven years ago) link

yeah that's my experience of crafting too. if you grind around the place you end up finding way better weapons.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:06 (seven years ago) link

good to know! i won't waste too much time thinking about it now, then.

the only other issue i've had as i play through is just trying to figure out which quests to take on. i'm trying to take on the main quests when i'm relatively close to their recommended level so i don't end up overleveling and breezing through the main storyline. but as i take that approach, it ends up having a similar effect on the secondary quests - right now i have a bunch of LVL 7-10 quests that i haven't done, and now i'm way too leveled up for them to offer any satisfying challenge.

i dunno, it's not a big deal, and i'm still managing to fit in a lot of sidequests when i'm still close to the appropriate level, but i'm starting to get FOMO as i steer Roach around the landscape.

Karl Malone, Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:12 (seven years ago) link

i think it's so big that that's maybe inevitable. i did go back and clean up a lot of quests even if i got like 1 xp for doing them because i was so far levelled up.

i still haven't finished the first game tho - i am like level 25 or maybe more but got sidetracked by question marks.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:14 (seven years ago) link

crafting is important for the witcher gear but pointless otherwise. alchemy is great tho, they did a terrific job making potions and oils etc easy to use and relevant. one of the big successes of the game vs the genre standard imo.

Roberto Spiralli, Thursday, 1 December 2016 19:26 (seven years ago) link

i am at level 20, and was out on skellige doing the main story and just decided to go back to velen and investigate question marks, and mop up some witcher contracts

being overpowered in some confrontations can be boring, but i'm using it as a way to try out different patterns of attack/parrying

haven't decided on a "build" really. yrden appeals to my sensibilities but igni seems most practical

jason waterfalls (gbx), Thursday, 1 December 2016 21:47 (seven years ago) link

for a while i was heavily relying on quen - before battle and during. but now i hit it before and then igni throughout. igni is crazy good esp against human opponents.

Mordy, Thursday, 1 December 2016 21:58 (seven years ago) link

yeah it's the best - the mind control is v powerful too but mostly igni plus dragon breath plus bombs and you can take down anything.

might have said this already but one of the tips said to block against humans and dodge v monsters but i never found that to be true - dodge against everything imo.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Thursday, 1 December 2016 22:10 (seven years ago) link

cluster bombs and underpowered idiot bandits are a very fun combination in the late game ime

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Thursday, 1 December 2016 23:17 (seven years ago) link

sold my copy of this after "finishing" - didn't bother with all the ?'s in the water. loved it but don't see coming back to replay it. an actual rpg witcher wd be dope

am0n, Friday, 2 December 2016 16:35 (seven years ago) link

Still too caught up in Skyrim to give this the time it requires

licorice oratorio (baaderonixx), Friday, 2 December 2016 16:39 (seven years ago) link

so my geralt told triss he loved her bc a) i barely know anything about yenn and b) she's a hot redhead. i'm pretty fine w/ the decision but i do wonder how much story i'm going to miss out by foreclosing on yenn? the way he leaves triss makes it seem like his story with her is over for the game... so maybe that was a short-sighted decision on my part?

Mordy, Thursday, 8 December 2016 19:51 (seven years ago) link


Roberto Spiralli, Thursday, 8 December 2016 19:56 (seven years ago) link

you won't get less of anything overall, just different.

Roberto Spiralli, Thursday, 8 December 2016 19:58 (seven years ago) link

Yeah but the Yenn love runs deep.

Gukbe, Friday, 9 December 2016 00:00 (seven years ago) link

There's a good little moment on a mountain.

Gukbe, Friday, 9 December 2016 00:00 (seven years ago) link

there'll be terrible pornography regardless, follow your heart/index finger

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Friday, 9 December 2016 00:02 (seven years ago) link

Yenn is a total bitch, Triss definitely the right choice. I had planned on Triss but i think the signposting of that specific moment where you have to tell her you love her maybe wasn't clear enough to me, so i missed it and ended up without either of them! ah well, i still got a great ending. being a good dad is far more important in the process of getting a good ending than who you end up seeing terrible porn of.

jamiesummerz, Friday, 9 December 2016 12:23 (seven years ago) link

that almost imperceptible nod when you suggest a game of gwent #justwitcherthings

Mordy, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 04:20 (seven years ago) link

i'm in skellige and up to level 20 and i feel like the end of the game is rapidly approaching. i still have a bunch of quests i could backtrack to finish but probably won't... i out-leveled a ton of stuff, esp among the contracts. what level does this go upto? 30?

Mordy, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 04:21 (seven years ago) link

the levels at the end of the main story are around 32-34 i believe

Roberto Spiralli, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 04:31 (seven years ago) link

omg i just realized cd projekt is the same company doing cyberpunk 2077

Mordy, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 04:32 (seven years ago) link

it's worth going back and doing contracts if you're bothered about potions and alchemy generally, the monsters you kill often supply useful ingredients

Neil S, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 07:29 (seven years ago) link

i'm in p much the exact same position as you, mordy, and i'm going back to sweep up contracts, even easy ones

jason waterfalls (gbx), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 13:09 (seven years ago) link

this game rules. i need to practice fighting though bc my approach is still just mashing a bunch of buttons really fast.

na (NA), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 15:20 (seven years ago) link

i practiced fighting and alchemy and stuff too much and now the game is too easy even after raising the difficulty level. as great as the game is it really is lacking in the challenge department.

Mordy, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 15:21 (seven years ago) link

this game rules. i need to practice fighting though bc my approach is still just mashing a bunch of buttons really fast.

just keep jumping and fast attacking, occasionally weave like ali with o then thump someone with a strong attack, lots of fire and lots of bombs, it's easy. i kinda like that it's easy as i'm bad at games. i got a few new games recently but this thread made me come back to this one. lmao @ the scene where geralt and the two other witchers all get wasted in his house. i mean partly cos it's funny and partly cos it failed to be.

am i the only one who finds the voice acting for the two-line blurbs on the loading screen just kind of hilarious. the way he says "bloody baron" is just so bizarre.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 15:35 (seven years ago) link

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