SettingsAbility to change sex interaction progression: category progression (random animations), stage progression, disabled
Ability to disable gender restrictions and use any animation for any gender
Ability to enable ‘Always Accept’ setting which makes every sim accept every sex proposition
Ability to enable/disable selected animations
Ability to change sex initiation and make sims instantly teleport to the sex location (requires Always Accept setting to be enabled)
Ability to disable taking off shoes when in sex interaction
Ability to enable auto full outfit undressing when in sex interaction
Ability to disable undressing when in sex interaction
Customization of sex positions: (for animators)
Modify sex position duration and genders
Specify locations of sex position (any objects/category of objects/floor)
Specify locations that are excluded from the sex position if category of objects includes it
Set which cloting should be removed for sex position
Set to force undressing of shoes
Create stages of sex positions to play them one by one
Define preferred gender of an actor if actor can be both genders
Apply custom height and facing angle offset to location of sex position
― ¶ (DJP), Tuesday, 13 December 2016 22:00 (seven years ago) link