Celeste! ♫ the best a game can get ♫

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Eh, I've liked that stuff so far. Just stuff you bump into to keep you company and break up the stress.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 16 February 2018 13:28 (six years ago) link

I do agree that games rely a little too much on the " ... " dialogue.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 16 February 2018 13:29 (six years ago) link

. . .

Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Friday, 16 February 2018 18:03 (six years ago) link


flamboyant goon tie included, Friday, 16 February 2018 23:42 (six years ago) link

this game is putting callouses on my thumb

Mordy, Sunday, 18 February 2018 03:17 (six years ago) link

the ch 6 b-side is insanely difficult, for me at least

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Sunday, 18 February 2018 19:04 (six years ago) link

kinda obvious idea here but after listening to the terrible ch 6 b-side music for 45 minutes, i finally realized that i could just turn it off and leave the other SFX on. huge improvement, at least for that chapter

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Sunday, 18 February 2018 19:19 (six years ago) link

i'm on that one too! getting through it at an ok pace i guess compared to b-3 which was still the most frustrating part of the game for me, but yeah some rooms seem pretty ridiculous until you work out all the microtimings within these mostly huge open spaces. the music is nice! it def sounds different from the rest of the soundtrack and most of the remixes, but it's sweet, kind of reminiscent of some sonic cd music + there's a synth burbling part which pops up that sounds like this mahavishnu song which i mentioned i liked just the other day


sleepingbag, Sunday, 18 February 2018 21:43 (six years ago) link

soundtrack to this game is absolutely amazing on the whole, though. prob my fav game soundtrack since fez.

sleepingbag, Sunday, 18 February 2018 21:44 (six years ago) link

As soon as I saw the one weird, out-of-place white Mario 3 block I was so excited because I knew just what to do!

Dan I., Monday, 19 February 2018 02:09 (six years ago) link

so satisfying

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Monday, 19 February 2018 02:54 (six years ago) link


Josh in Chicago, Monday, 19 February 2018 04:22 (six years ago) link


Josh in Chicago, Monday, 19 February 2018 04:23 (six years ago) link


Josh in Chicago, Monday, 19 February 2018 04:23 (six years ago) link


Josh in Chicago, Monday, 19 February 2018 04:24 (six years ago) link

i do appreciate how this game allows me to enact the role of madeline whereas in actuality i am oshiro the hotel owner

sleepingbag, Tuesday, 20 February 2018 08:16 (six years ago) link

I am definitely badeline

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Tuesday, 20 February 2018 15:02 (six years ago) link

i'm almost through all the b-sides, on chap 8 now. was def struggling on a lot of them but going through the chap 7 summit b-side tightened me up noticably, it's a super fun level because so much of it seems rough or impossible at first but by the end you're just 2x-dashing elegantly through all these complex spaces. l can't believe i was able to execute all this:

#NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/pFXmu1s2nH

— kjsdfhglasbfjd (@kjsdfhglasbfjd1) February 22, 2018

but it didn't even take that long, maybe 20-25 minutes to figure all that out and execute it. not that it wasn't v difficult but the level and the whole game up until that point leads you into it so gradually that you can incorporate the new things it's asking you to do into what you're already doing naturally enough.

really love this game! beautiful design, super fun to play. one of my favs ever.

sleepingbag, Thursday, 22 February 2018 08:59 (six years ago) link

I am no hardcore gamer. I am barely a gamer. So Celeste has been a real struggle - mostly fun, but still frustrating. I get stuck on a level (screen) that takes me 30 minutes, finally make a breakthrough, and then get to the next screen which is just as challenging. That's ok, in that it's rewarding to finally get through something, but today it sort of gave me a headache and every time I saw a strawberry I basically though, fuck you, strawberry, I have enough on my plate.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 22 February 2018 22:16 (six years ago) link

yeah, it's definitely a kind of advanced game. i'm literally resting a few days to let my thumb heal!

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Thursday, 22 February 2018 22:48 (six years ago) link

On the other hand (no pun intended), I haven't resorted to assist mode yet. Because what would be the point? I think psychologically this is getting me ready for Dark Souls, even though there are lots of questions re: the port's game play on the Switch.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 22 February 2018 22:59 (six years ago) link

This is harder than Dark Souls, imo

Dan I., Thursday, 22 February 2018 23:05 (six years ago) link

i find dark souls to be more difficult, tbh. when i last play DS3 i was stuck on a boss that i had already spent more than an hour on. so far i haven't gotten stuck on a screen in celeste for more than 30 minutes, although i'm veering close to that pretty frequently in chapter 7-B

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Thursday, 22 February 2018 23:18 (six years ago) link

It's probably just me! The very precise, exact motions this game demands are tougher for me, while the big 3D world in DS allows for more degrees of freedom--my "chicken shit" style of play works really well in that context, haha

Dan I., Friday, 23 February 2018 00:03 (six years ago) link

Yeah, this game is just so unforgiving. The fact that it can take half an hour to figure out how to move a few inches over the course of just a couple of seconds ... you just got to do it, and even then, sometimes it's a wonder it gets done!

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 23 February 2018 03:19 (six years ago) link

I think it’s a testament to this game’s quality that it seems like people across a huge range of natural skill with it are sticking with the game to the end of the story.

direct to consumer online mattress brand (silby), Friday, 23 February 2018 03:59 (six years ago) link

The design is really smart, because even if you're going to die a lot, again and again, over and over, it's fast and it's fair. It's not like you've died because some randomized swipe of a demon's tail takes out your last sliver of health of whatever.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 23 February 2018 04:02 (six years ago) link

i just finished my first playthrough. i didn't go out of my way to find strawberries but if i ran into one and thought i could pick it up i did so i ended up w/ 68. i also found one b-tape and one diamond. you guys that are going through all the b-sides - did you find them naturally or look them up? i'm trying to decide if it's worth it to find them myself or if i should just spoil it.

Mordy, Friday, 23 February 2018 04:46 (six years ago) link

found a few naturally, had to look one up, and ran across an answer to another one on accident while watching someone's video on another topic.

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Friday, 23 February 2018 04:52 (six years ago) link

The tapes I found some the first time through, the rest hunting based on the hint in the checkpoint selection when replaying the level. I needed some kind of hint for all the blue hearts I’ve gotten so far.

direct to consumer online mattress brand (silby), Friday, 23 February 2018 05:12 (six years ago) link

The tapes are easy to find compared to the blue hearts, if you start looking for out of the way strawberries you will find your way to the tapes too

direct to consumer online mattress brand (silby), Friday, 23 February 2018 05:13 (six years ago) link

i didn't realize until recently that there's more stuff AFTER the b-sides! like, a lot more. i will never 100% this game

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Friday, 23 February 2018 05:37 (six years ago) link

Just watched a youtube guy beat a level that's killed me easily a hundred times on his first try, like it was no big deal.

Dan I., Friday, 23 February 2018 06:00 (six years ago) link

Yeah, that's the worst.

Despite all my struggle I've found maybe 3 b-side cassettes so far, somehow.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 23 February 2018 13:50 (six years ago) link

I'm slowly working my way through this. Chapter 6 is gorgeous. The way that going underwater affects the score is soo nice

reggae mike love (polyphonic), Friday, 23 February 2018 20:24 (six years ago) link

i LOVE that. it feels genuinely refreshing to sit at the bottom of a pond after a difficult screen

i remember the corned beef of my childhood (Karl Malone), Friday, 23 February 2018 20:28 (six years ago) link

I did the first three b sides and got all the strawberries and stuff for those normal levels. I got enough hearts to unlock the cave and damn I’m like two rooms in and I have no idea

Mordy, Saturday, 24 February 2018 04:58 (six years ago) link

Mordy don’t you have a job and multiple small children and presumably average sleep requirements how are you banging through this so fast

direct to consumer online mattress brand (silby), Saturday, 24 February 2018 05:04 (six years ago) link

My kids love watching my play :D also it really hasn’t taken so long I guess I’ve played a lot of games like this?

Mordy, Saturday, 24 February 2018 05:17 (six years ago) link

Aww yay

direct to consumer online mattress brand (silby), Saturday, 24 February 2018 05:34 (six years ago) link

I should be amazing at this game but I fucking suck at it

I finished the 3rd stage but I'm saving this game for a travel day

flamboyant goon tie included, Saturday, 24 February 2018 14:59 (six years ago) link

i'm just about to start the summit chapter and i've only found 1 tape so far? wtf..

scoff walker (diamonddave85), Saturday, 24 February 2018 17:05 (six years ago) link

they tend to be pretty out of the way

ciderpress, Saturday, 24 February 2018 17:12 (six years ago) link

ZS was right tho that if you're just exploring exhaustively you'll eventually find them (or at least the first few i haven't gotten em all yet)

Mordy, Saturday, 24 February 2018 17:21 (six years ago) link

I haven't played in a few days and my thumbs are still sort of numb.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 24 February 2018 17:31 (six years ago) link

i made it to the summit level let's doooo this

reggae mike love (polyphonic), Saturday, 24 February 2018 23:19 (six years ago) link

I've hit a spot which must be toward the end of the hotel level where I know I have to bounce up this chimney and not get hit by those moving pairs of lava things and I know I can do it and that it will take me 100 tries and ... I just don't feel like it. I'll get to it eventually.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 24 February 2018 23:55 (six years ago) link

Made it to the summit :)

reggae mike love (polyphonic), Sunday, 25 February 2018 23:46 (six years ago) link

the voices in this game are adorable

scoff walker (diamonddave85), Tuesday, 27 February 2018 04:06 (six years ago) link

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