an open letter to the mods from Whiney G. Weingarten

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bee rape (nod to aerosmith)

cant believe you sb'd me for that (darraghmac), Wednesday, 3 November 2010 22:19 (thirteen years ago) link

Anyway, I think Whiney had probably just had too many circus peanuts or something. Just give him a couple days and he'll cool off.

kkvgz, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 22:23 (thirteen years ago) link

a couple of days, lol

omar little, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 22:24 (thirteen years ago) link

just give him a couple pills and like 30 years of therapy

ice cr?m, Wednesday, 3 November 2010 22:25 (thirteen years ago) link

imo something should be added to the FAQ saying basically "be nice to Dan Perry all the time or be prepared to face the consequences" because that's pretty much how it feels at this point. maybe all the mods stand together on his decisions but usually it feels like it's him taking stuff personal, acting on it, and then usually jjjusten backing him up. nothing against you, dude, you're an A+ poster and as big a part of ILX as anybody but i'm getting Tombot flashbacks.

Danble Perritration (some dude), Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:05 (thirteen years ago) link

some dude making a lot of sense, but otoh...

Whiney did not get tempbanned for annoying Perry

― Pashmina, Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:14 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark

cant really argue with this stone cold logic

samosa gibreel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:11 (thirteen years ago) link

stfu noob

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:12 (thirteen years ago) link

Whiney obviously can be a gaping asshole and can be 51'd when he's a general nuisance, as he has been and may be again in the future. but if anything that lowers the impetus for mod intervention, especially a 4-week ban for the kind of thing that iirc usually warrants a couple days in the penalty box. when i talked to him about it he didn't seem particular upset or impatient to get posting privileges back, so i'm not really adamantly protesting on his behalf or anything, but i still think it was pretty clearly a raw deal.

Danble Perritration (some dude), Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:16 (thirteen years ago) link

xp uh well fuck you dude

samosa gibreel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:24 (thirteen years ago) link

People taking the fact that hi dere and I have known each other for a billion years and turning it into evidence #1 for how we are rogue mod cop buddies watching each others back can stfu IMO. Shit is getting old.

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:25 (thirteen years ago) link

its more classic than old

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:26 (thirteen years ago) link

xp uh well fuck you dude

― samosa gibreel, Thursday, November 4, 2010 12:24 AM (3 minutes ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

j/k noob jeez

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:28 (thirteen years ago) link

Like so far my "backing him up" in this instance was clarifying that the 28 day deal was generated by the system just so peeps had transparency on that and all of a sudden I'm gabby Hayes dancing on a saloon table in the background while dan cold guns em down.

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:30 (thirteen years ago) link


ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:31 (thirteen years ago) link

brand n00bian

am0n, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:31 (thirteen years ago) link

I'm generally fine w/ mod fascism but 'see you in 27 days, dumbass' seems like more of an abuse of power than the actual banning

iatee, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:32 (thirteen years ago) link

i read this whole thread and i still dont really understand why whiney is banned

max, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:37 (thirteen years ago) link

um maybe if u read this one

ILX Posters Whose Butts I Want To Smack With A Spiny Fish

samosa gibreel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:41 (thirteen years ago) link

this is a good one to let go smack w/a spiny fish

― lol tea partiers and their fat fingers (HI DERE), Monday, November 1, 2010 1:11 PM (3 days ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:46 (thirteen years ago) link

The fact that peeps still invoke tombot in these threads like you are survivors of some despotic Internet police state is totally fucking pathetic as well btw.

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:53 (thirteen years ago) link

*cowers instinctively*

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:54 (thirteen years ago) link

from whiney:

I 100% feel like I was temp-banned for annoying Dan Perry and nothing else. I have learned absolutely nothing from this experience and when I return in 27 days, I will continue to post as I always have, even--and especially--if that includes lightly poking fun of the terrible mod decisions of Dan and jjjusten. If they're too thin-skinned to handle that, they can continue temp-banning me and everyone until ILX is the boring cuddle party they so clearly desire.

max, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:56 (thirteen years ago) link

The fact that peeps still invoke tombot in these threads like you are survivors of some despotic Internet police state is totally fucking pathetic as well btw.

― O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, November 4, 2010 12:53 AM (3 minutes ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink



max, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:57 (thirteen years ago) link

you guys are going to learn, I think, that I'm the nicest mod you fucking have

-- El Tomboto, Wednesday, 28 May 2008

miss u, dude

buzza, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:57 (thirteen years ago) link

Also, the two of them are being more mean and meta-snarky on this this thread than ANY of my gags about moving the finest thread. This is a ridiculous double standard. And pathetic. And honestly i'm proud to be banned from any site where moderators can dish it all day out but cannot take it.

max, Thursday, 4 November 2010 04:58 (thirteen years ago) link

buzza, Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:00 (thirteen years ago) link

max channeling the spirit of whiney is super weird

iatee, Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:00 (thirteen years ago) link

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:02 (thirteen years ago) link

the length of these bans is straight ridiculous

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:02 (thirteen years ago) link

Uh yknow pretty sure nothing I've said on this thread is up to par snarkwise with repeatedly talking about how the mods love rape jokes so whatever dude.

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:03 (thirteen years ago) link


ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:03 (thirteen years ago) link

so this is 27 days because that's all the system will allow? what happened to three day temp bans?

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:08 (thirteen years ago) link



so this is 27 days because that's all the system will allow? what happened to three day temp bans?

temp bans are automatically made longer by the system each time

disco stfu (electricsound), Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:09 (thirteen years ago) link

Wow jhosh yknow it actually really bums me out that we used to get along on this site but then I became a mod and now you seem to go out of your way to be a dick to me.

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:10 (thirteen years ago) link

oh xp

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:10 (thirteen years ago) link


1. i do like you and i reget and apologize for any previous excessively feeling hurting behavior, but that was clearly an hilarious text formatting based joke

2. if you dont want people to give you shit re being a mod, just dont be a mod, easy

ice cr?m, Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:15 (thirteen years ago) link

anyway imo this is a ridiculous ban but whatever

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:15 (thirteen years ago) link

i feel like unperson should be banned for even being collateral damage in this dust up

ban unperson

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:16 (thirteen years ago) link

come unpeople now, smile on your brother

51 tyson (crüt), Thursday, 4 November 2010 05:34 (thirteen years ago) link

xp - as mod of 1p3 you can ban ph1l from that board - granted he doesn't post there - but maybe it'd make you feel better?

sarahel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:02 (thirteen years ago) link

if he posted on 1p3 i would ban him

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:04 (thirteen years ago) link

i.e. i banned princess tamtam

J0rdan S., Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:04 (thirteen years ago) link

could you pretend to post as him and then ban him?

sarahel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:05 (thirteen years ago) link

Yeah this is an awesome direction to take this thread

O_o-O_0-o_O (jjjusten), Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:12 (thirteen years ago) link

it was going so well before

51 tyson (crüt), Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:12 (thirteen years ago) link

in the interest of science, can't he just be banned for three days?

sarahel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:13 (thirteen years ago) link

three days is a pretty limp, non-threatening ban tbh

51 tyson (crüt), Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:14 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah but Whiney likes indie rock womanhood, doesn't he?

sarahel, Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:15 (thirteen years ago) link

i have irl fondness for whiney and take no pleasure in sharing this, but y'all should be aware (and whiney has already been made aware) that dude is perched right at 51 and he is likely going to be taking a three month ban extremely shortly so this is all kind of a moot point

a pun based on a popular ilx meme (forksclovetofu), Thursday, 4 November 2010 06:28 (thirteen years ago) link

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