Google Analytics is running on ILX.
Mods, site owners, overlords: do you have any tasty data morsels you can share with us? How many people start the registration process but never finish it? Which board gets the most googlers? Is anybody *really* reading ILX in Pakistan?
― jabba hands, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:16 (sixteen years ago) link
Site visits: 477,902 visists
4,247,112 page views
Visits from Pakistan 1,958
Visits from North America: 217,252
Visits from Europe: 120,909
Visits from Gabon, Angola, Congo and Cameroon: 1 each
Top 10 searches used to find ILX and numb of visits:
1. i love music 7197
2. ilxor 3324
3. ilx 1015
4. ilx sandbox 923
5. 90s hip hop 904
6. screenclean.swf 846
7. "I love music" 811
8. wiley wearing my rolex 811
9. louis jagger 656
10. geir hongro 558
Only thread in the top 10 of accessed pages: 2008 Primaries Thread 2: THE QUICKENING
9,935 people left the site after going to this page:
can i have some simpsons porn
60% of visitors on Cable or DSL
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PS3: 0.08%
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Mac: 23%
Linux: 3%
iPhone: 3%
PSP 0.17%
81% has 32-bit colour screen.
35% is at 1024x768, 19% at 1280x800, 14.59% at 1280x1024 highest is 1920x1200, 2.10% of visits
5243 have no javascripts.
bored now.
Have added a registration goal, will know soon.
― stet, Thursday, 3 April 2008 00:43 (sixteen years ago) link
one month passes...
Well, we might be able to use the money to get another server and so be able to add more features to ILX without taxing the server as heavily. Also, it's not really a burden for anyone who participates in ILX, so I don't think anyone here would complain about it, once they got used to logging in at the start.
― libcrypt, Friday, 9 May 2008 19:09 (sixteen years ago) link