my weekly race log

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I long for girlish screams of delight when I win something. I might have to, you know, actually win something first. Nice work Shasta!

Mark C, Wednesday, 1 June 2011 09:26 (thirteen years ago) link


so come right back, we have count dracula and we have adam rich (Hunt3r), Wednesday, 1 June 2011 12:11 (thirteen years ago) link

Thanks dudes.

A few other observations btw NorCal vs. SoCal: Race entry fees were CHEAP! Like $10 cheaper for 1st race. If you want to add another race it was only $7. I think I paid $14 to "double down" at my last race in the bay area.
That said, they add a surcharge to unattached racers (unofficially). I kinda like this, it encourages team riding and maybe makes the race safer? Helps build the cycling community?
No podium call-outs except for the P/1 race? (Rahsaan Bahati got 2nd) Throw us mid level ams a bone!
Pay outs/prizes were slightly above average, very welcomed to cover the gasoline expenditures (ouch, saw $4.89 for 87octane on the drive down).

Mrs. Shasta observed that it was nice to not be marked, I get very little leeway up here in as my signature move/1-trick ponyisms are not given much leeway.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Wednesday, 1 June 2011 20:02 (thirteen years ago) link

Did the race on the Dunton test track again. Nothing much to report: it was windy this time, which discouraged breaks and there was a big bunch sprint in which I once again finished approximately 20th. I went for a prime again, but once again launched my sprint too soon and got swamped. On the final lap the pace went up and I fought my way up to third place on the climb, then deliberately stayed on wheels and didn't come through - in fact, let myself go back to about 6th knowing from past experience that if you get forced to the front it's game over. I'd memorized the numbers of those who were the strongest riders from previous races, and none of them were in front of me, so I was looking over my shoulder for the move from the big guns. Sure enough, the top sprinter was just behind me and to the right as we approached the final bend, but that was a stupid place to be as we were turning right and he got boxed in at the bottom of the banking. I heard a shout from behind me, someone to his team mates "we're boxed in lads, let's get the fuck out" and then it turned into mayhem. I got cut right up by someone coming from left to right and had to ease right off, then got going again but a crash seemed very much on the cards so I didn't push too hard (the difference between finishing 17th or 22nd isn't really worth risking a broken bone or frame over).

Waking Suggs to make music to wake Suggs to (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Friday, 3 June 2011 20:47 (thirteen years ago) link

I used an app on my iphone to record the ride. One lap of the circuit is just over 1.72 miles and we did 14 laps (about 24 miles). Here's my average speed for each lap:
I think lap 7 is when I was going for the prime. You can see how it got cagey towards the end and then all went crazy in the last lap.

Waking Suggs to make music to wake Suggs to (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Friday, 3 June 2011 20:50 (thirteen years ago) link

That doesn't tell the full story as each lap had a fast section that was partly downhill and with a tailwind and tougher drag into a headwind, so one any one lap the speed could fluctuate between 16 and 36mph:

Waking Suggs to make music to wake Suggs to (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Friday, 3 June 2011 20:54 (thirteen years ago) link

Raced the C's (slowest) group at the velodrome last night. Won the (10 lap) scratch race, shed off the back in the point-a-lap and points races :(. Embarassed by a bunch of juniors and fellow fat mantises. Still a lot of fitness to get back post crash.

sous les paves, Thursday, 9 June 2011 03:04 (thirteen years ago) link

win's a win though, so good!

so come right back, we have count dracula and we have adam rich (Hunt3r), Thursday, 9 June 2011 04:00 (thirteen years ago) link

scratch race = intensity and balls. good job.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 9 June 2011 04:09 (thirteen years ago) link

raced a 40k 10 years to the day after the last one, nearly the same course. only 5.5 minutes slower, despite much more aero gear. >:( i knew it would be grim, but not _that_ bad.

frankly, when i turned onto the final 7 mi crosswind leg, i gave up really, i just rode without trying to pin it. watched two different pairs of clowns draft each other for a couple of miles each after passing me.

so come right back, we have count dracula and we have adam rich (Hunt3r), Saturday, 11 June 2011 22:18 (thirteen years ago) link

actually nearly 6 mins slower!

so come right back, we have count dracula and we have adam rich (Hunt3r), Saturday, 11 June 2011 22:20 (thirteen years ago) link

Tuesday night racing at the track again, raced in the C's division again. Won the burnout paceline, got boxed in by a bunch of juniors and finished far back in the scratch race, was doing real well in the miss-n-out until I rubbed hands with a different junior and decided to pull out, finishing fifth, skipped the points race at the end. Felt much faster than last week but still nowhere near where I was pre-injury. Still a lot of work to do.

sous les paves, Wednesday, 15 June 2011 05:23 (thirteen years ago) link

Ugh, this San Pedro gran prix crit I'm about to do has 100+ ft of climbing per 1mile lap and 180degree hairpins on either end of the course. This is gonna hurt.

sous les paves, Sunday, 19 June 2011 13:58 (thirteen years ago) link

I lasted 25 miles in the bunch this morning (total race distance was about 55 miles), plus about three fruitless miles of keeping them within 200 metres but not being able to chase back on. Average speed 24mph, which disguises HUGE variations on each circuit (about 9.5 miles long): there was a stiff wind from the west which nobody wanted to be at the front for when we were heading west (and mostly uphill), so on these stretches it would slow down to 14mph at times, but then there was a long tailwind/crosswind up and down section where the pace was well over 30mph (my max was 37.4). I found myself suffering repeatedly on this section and went off the back four or five times (but only by about 10-20 metres), but dug in and chased back on until eventually I just couldn't do it any more.

I'm not especially displeased at that. It was good training and experience and I wasn't expecting to do well today: I hadn't raced for 2.5 weeks and had scarcely even ridden during that time (due to excessive work commitments) - just 38 miles last week and 31 this week until today - so I wasn't really in tiptop condition. I don't think there are any proper road races I can enter now until late August / early September.

Food Processors Are Grebt (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Sunday, 19 June 2011 14:13 (thirteen years ago) link

Not the most thrilling footage, to be honest, but a brief clip of the bunch coming through a lap after dropping me. There was one guy out on his own 40 seconds clear of them. I didn't hang around to find out if he won.

Food Processors Are Grebt (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Sunday, 19 June 2011 14:31 (thirteen years ago) link

Dude in my 5s race was riding a Cervelo R5ca with SRAM red and zipp 404s...and got dropped in lap 2.

sous les paves, Sunday, 19 June 2011 17:24 (thirteen years ago) link

I was supposed to do two races this weekend... and did none.

Ah, ambition...

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Sunday, 19 June 2011 22:31 (thirteen years ago) link

i ~watched~ a race this weekend, does that count

all the pretty HOOSes (gbx), Sunday, 19 June 2011 22:33 (thirteen years ago) link

Won a snuggie prime (and 3rd overall) in the points race at the track tonight. Stoked!

sous les paves, Wednesday, 22 June 2011 03:48 (thirteen years ago) link

Saxo Bank-SunGard

Alberto Contador
Jesus Hernandez
Dani Navarro
Benjamin Noval
Richie Porte
Chris Anker Sørensen
Nicki Sørensen
Matteo Tosatto
Brian Vandborg

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Wednesday, 22 June 2011 10:25 (thirteen years ago) link

whoops, wrong thread

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Wednesday, 22 June 2011 10:26 (thirteen years ago) link

Race two hour drive away today at 2:05pm. At 11am, I packed up my race bag, grabbed my bike, got in my car, got gas, rolled south on 101 about 10 miles when suddenly I noticed some increasing vibration coming from the back end of the car. Fuck. Took me 45mins to change the tire (to a spare that had a 50mph/50 mile range max) so that's that. FUCK!

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Sunday, 3 July 2011 00:59 (thirteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Back out on the Velodrome for Tuesday Night Racing a few days ago. Finished 2nd in the 8 lap scratch, got one point in the 10 lap point-a-lap, sat in and rested in the unknown distance (turned out to be 11 laps) to rest up for the points race where I did not do as well as I'd hoped. Took the first (out of 3) sprints but wasn't able to hang on to contest the last one (I'd planned on letting the second one go) and ended up 5th (out of 14 racers) overall. This was in the 'C' class. The heartening thing is that this was after hardly riding for two weeks (car hit me 2 weeks ago, had nasty flu/congestion I was still getting over) and a bunch of guys I would regularly beat in training raced the 'B's and ended up finishing well. This gives me hope that I"ll be able to move up and hang once I get more hours in the saddle and my nose opens up. Track racing is really so much fun though. Such a tight-knit group of racers that all compete hard but really care for each other, and also a pretty dedicated crew of spectators that come out every week and drink and heckle. Just overall a great scene.

sous les paves, Thursday, 28 July 2011 16:07 (thirteen years ago) link

Wow, great work.

I raced on the track once and loved it, bunch of dudes built like me (big and fat) but the best was at the end of the day I was throwing away my garbage and when I peaked in the trash can I saw:
16-20oz coffee cups
dozens of energy drink cans
1/2 gallons of chocolate milk

It almost brought a tear to my eye, never in my life have I instantly felt like I belonged to a community.

Just wish there was a velodrome closer than 60 miles away.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 28 July 2011 16:24 (thirteen years ago) link

My weekly race log:

I crashed hard a couple weeks ago in the last lap of a crit and am now missing large quantites of skin and flesh. If you happen to find them, please post to Steve Shasta, kthxbye.

Stitches, sutures, beef jerky scabbation, yellow/green/violet bruising, declining fitness while in recovery. Viva bike racing!

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 28 July 2011 16:28 (thirteen years ago) link

Ha, chocolate milk is one of my buddy's go to recovery drinks. We've finished hard trail rides in mega heat and he's just chugging milk in the parking lot

g++ (gbx), Thursday, 28 July 2011 16:30 (thirteen years ago) link

My weekly race log:
Have five-week period where I can hardly ever ride the bike, let alone race, feel fitness has dropped off during this period so target this week for my comeback races, get some miles in last week then go down with a throat infection which keeps me off the bike, cancel any plans to race this week*, have a foreign (bike-less) holiday coming up during which fitness will drop off again, now most of the late August / September races are looking impossible as well due to family stuff / work stuff / marshalling duties, might try one race at the start of September and that could well be it. Very annoying if my season turns out to have ended in June.

*well, I'm still hoping to do my club's members only annual circuit race on Sunday, but this doesn't really count

There is power in an onion (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Thursday, 28 July 2011 16:42 (thirteen years ago) link

Raced a cat5 crit in Torrance, CA on sunday. 40 minutes long, Full field of 50 guys, I had two other teammates (one fast, one slow) with me. Course was nearly table flat, with six 90 degree corners, turns 1 and 2 being a right/left chicane style section. Pretty nasty head/right to left wind coming down the finishing straight.

From the whistle five guys roll off the front, including two from *big local team full of scrubs* and my (fast) teammate. Other teammate and I were coincidentally on the front so we slowed things down quite a bit, just chatting with each other. Incredibly, nobody tried to take over for almost two full laps, by which time the break was far enough up the road to be out of sight through the chicane section. Finally some other people started doing some work and by lap eight or so the break was within sight on the short stretches of road. At that point I was sitting about 4th or 5th wheel in the field the whole time, getting an easy free ride. Seven guys (one of which I recognized as a strong dude, cat-1 MTBer who had handily won a crit I'd done two weeks ago) jumped off the front at this point and bridged up to the break. I decided that was big enough of a group that I could go up to my teammate and made a well measured effort on the back (tailwind) stretch to get up to the front group, bringing 2 more people with me. That group of 15 rode really smoothly together, and I started pulling through in concert with MTBer guy and one dude from *big local team* hoping to let my teammate rest up a bit. The pace stayed high, the cornering was really safe and smooth for a cat 5 race (No braking! Everybody riding in the drops!!).

I crossed the start/finish line on the final lap in 4th wheel, when the three guys in front of me promptly pulled off to the side and stopped working. I had my teammate with me, and didn't really feel like contesting the sprint (my new insurance policy doesn't cover things for another month!!!) so I decided to just drill it from there instead of toying around. I led the final lap from there all the way through the final corner (about 250M from the finish) where I pulled off the front and rolled in easy as all the sprinting people jumped. My teammate had gotten a good easy ride on the final lap and was able to sprint into 4th place. Unattached Cat1 MTB guy easily dusted everybody and won it. The rest of the field that our front group had split off rolled in about 25 seconds later.

It was a very fun race, and felt fast and safe. It seems rare to have a field split like that in the 5's. I was really happy with how my teammates worked together, and with the decision I made to bridge up to the final selection. It was the right move at the right time done with the right amount of effort. I was also feeling real good at the end, and would have placed well in the sprint if I was feeling braver. I have enough starts now to move to Cat4, but am going to finish off the year in the 5's and make a solid campaign of it next year.

sous les paves, Tuesday, 2 August 2011 17:52 (thirteen years ago) link

A lot of words about a flat cat-5 crit!!! :)

sous les paves, Tuesday, 2 August 2011 18:00 (thirteen years ago) link


Mark C, Wednesday, 3 August 2011 09:45 (thirteen years ago) link

SLP, I saw this and thought of you:

Holy carnage.

I'm doing a nocturne crit series held on a boomerang shaped course but this looks far more wicked. Esp for a "state" championship.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Sunday, 7 August 2011 03:59 (thirteen years ago) link

I did that Brentwood race! It was actually fun as hell! Since it was the State (ok, ok, 1/2 the state) championships, it was laid out PRO as hell. Full barriers down start/finish, SRAM Neutral support wheel pit, cool arch over the start/finish line. Through a cool downtown part of the town, not some industrial park in the middle of nowhere. I raced OK, had only my slow teammate with me. The same cast of characters from last week's Torrance crit were up at the front, and again we split about 25 guys off the front (or I guess I should say the chaff in the back half of the field couldn't keep up). On one pull I took I ended up rolling off the front with one other guy and when I flicked the elbow for him to come around he kind of laughed at me, so we ended up rolling back to the pack. I came into that last right/left chicane (which was uphill) in about 6th wheel when some guy came flying by across my line and I got close enough to the inside barrier to swipe the outside of my left shoe against them. That lost me a bunch of positions. I passed a few dudes on the finishing straight and took 14th. Definitely had top-5 legs, but just can't mentally hang through the closing risk-taking part of these races just yet. Also, staying in Echo Park with my girlfriend and her sister, and going out to a show at some punk house the night before was probably a bad call....

In the 4's race a dude (from another team) that I train with from time-to time got away in a 2 man break which was only caught by 3 people out of the field (one of which was a teammate) in the finish sprint, so that was exciting, and one of my teammates won the 3's race (and thus, "State" Crit championship jersey). A good day. No crashes in any of those races!!!

Fun aside: when I was warming up for my race my route took me down Bundy drive and past OJ Simpson's old house!

sous les paves, Monday, 8 August 2011 14:22 (thirteen years ago) link

Nah dude, that was Nicole's condo on Bundy!

Nice job dude! Glad you survived.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Monday, 8 August 2011 15:25 (thirteen years ago) link

there used to be a street sign like this on san vicente near bundy that someone drew a knife in the guy's hand and wrote 'oj did it'

jaxon, Monday, 8 August 2011 19:50 (thirteen years ago) link

I did my club's annual members-only circuit race just before I went on holiday. There were 12 of us in it (including some people at the not terribly competitive end of the spectrum) and the race was about 50 minutes. I had a couple of attacks early on and whittled the front group down to six and then four once people came back to me. We (the four of us) then stayed together for the rest of the race, gradually lapping other groups. My lack of racing (my last proper race was back in mid-June) started to became apparent to me after a while and my legs were feeling worse and worse. Whenever I took a turn on the front I tried to subtly slow things down. There was one guy in our group who wins this every year - in fact he had just won the bunch sprint in a 'proper' race on the same circuit immediately before our race. I was basically watching him the whole time and trying to make sure I would be on his wheel as we got near the end. When we got the bell for the final lap we all started freewheeling and watching each other. Then the strongest guy suddenly attacked just before a really tight 180-degree bend that nobody else could accelerate round and opened up a healthy gap with about 800 metres to go. With about 500m I was in third, trying to close a gap on the guy in second who was trying to close a gap on the guy out front - I caught the guy in second and he sat up, then suddenly the fourth guy (who had been lurking on my wheel) attacked past me and left me for dead but couldn't quite catch the guy in front. I tried to get out of the saddle for one final desperate chase but my legs were completely fucked by this point and I trundled in for third place.

My heart goes out to the people of platitudes (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Wednesday, 10 August 2011 16:47 (thirteen years ago) link

Nice one! I wish there were more circuit races around here (even though I'm way more crit-sized)

I won two races (burnout, tempo) and got second in another (points) on the track last night. It was my first time with my new 14tooth cog, was riding 48 x 15 before. Definitely harder to spin up to respond to quick attacks, but once up to speed its way easier to hold. That's why I did well on the tempo race, which used to kill me, I think. I'm moving up in category next week, so it'll be.back to the rear of the field.

sous les paves, Wednesday, 10 August 2011 16:52 (thirteen years ago) link

Hey SLP, do you know who Ethan Suplee is? He was in your race btw.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Wednesday, 10 August 2011 22:16 (thirteen years ago) link

NB&S: "Whenever I took a turn on the front I tried to subtly slow things down."

Yessss, the best tactic imho. I try to bounce my shoulders up and down to pretend like I'm really killing it too.

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Wednesday, 10 August 2011 22:17 (thirteen years ago) link

Nope don't know him. Is he a UCSD Guy? How old?

sous les paves, Thursday, 11 August 2011 01:30 (thirteen years ago) link

it's a meme i made and i like (Steve Shasta), Thursday, 11 August 2011 02:06 (thirteen years ago) link

Ahaha wow. I totally dropped that dude. lmao.

sous les paves, Thursday, 11 August 2011 03:17 (thirteen years ago) link

Another crit yesterday, Ladera Ranch GP 30+ 4/5 race. It was on a .8 mile course in the ultimate South Orange County Stepford town. The place looked like it was beamed down, fully-formed, by some alien space ship. I expected to catch one of the highly gym-toned and made-up OC moms hanging around the course sticking out a long lizard tongue when she thought nobody was looking. Anyway, turn 1 was tighter than 90 degrees and went from two lanes to one, and when I was walking up to the course when I arrived, my first sight was of a teammate in an arm sling with a broken clav from a crash in the earlier (cat-4) race, so I was pretty spooked. Held top 10 the whole time, kept my position, even fought up the gutter on one lap. With 4 laps to go the field slowed a bit, waiting for the finish, and people started going 5-wide and swarming through the corners so I decided I didn't really want any of that. I rode easy and smooth through the corners on the 3rd and 2nd to last laps, and then attacked across the start/finish line from about 15th place with one to go and got a (very small) gap through corners 1 and 2. Held onto the lead through 3 and kind of gave up on the uphill stretch between 3 and 4. The field strung out into a nice safe single-file behind me, though, and two teammates were able to secure good finishes. Need to work on 2-minute power if I want to make those kinds of moves.

sous les paves, Monday, 15 August 2011 19:07 (thirteen years ago) link

Or I could get better insurance and then have the confidence to bump elbows through the turns and sit in and contest the big field sprint...

sous les paves, Monday, 15 August 2011 19:12 (thirteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Request went through, am now officially a Cat 4. If I was a hurricane I'd be weakening. Can't wait to crash in the huge fields and get blown the fuck off the back in the Masters 35+ 1-4 race.

sous les paves, Thursday, 1 September 2011 17:26 (thirteen years ago) link

one month passes...

Last race of the year today. Finished 7th overall, 3rd out of the pack.

Today's race finished on a long flat, then a 90 degree corner with 250m to go and then a slight ramp at the end into the finishing chute.

Those of you who don't know me know that I am more of a 800m guy than a 200m guy. I like to take my chances when things start getting tense and people start looking around.

This tells the story. There's about 25 of us left at the end with a break of 4 up the road. I jump with about 800m to go and rail the outside at 35mph into a 10mph crosswind. It's a race for the corner, and I hit it first with a big gap. I hold 32mph through the corner and then into the final stretch into the headwind. I hold on for whatever I can get... two guys pass me at the line. Shit. Good race though. Really intense and hard on every hill. Wish I had a little bit more at the end. Final 800m = 610W, 31.6mph, left my heart rate monitor at home.

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Sunday, 2 October 2011 03:46 (thirteen years ago) link

I did a 25-mile time trial today, my first time trial since March. It was a chilly start (I was off at 8.24am) but soon got better in the freakish October heatwave we're having. The course is, broadly speaking, just over 12 miles south-north then just under 13 miles north-south, with more climbing on the return leg, and for some reason there always seems to be a wind from the south, so the return leg is always slower than the first leg. Despite my lack of racing, I felt comfortable today and got to the turn at an average of just under 24mph. It was a bit of a slog on the way back, but not as bad as many other times I've done it, and I managed to keep my average above 22mph (which was my target):
My time was 1:07:24, which is a little over a minute slower than my PB, but my second fastest time on this course and my fastest time this season (although I've only done three time trials). That's it for road racing and time trials this season: next comes the dreaded Catford Hill Climb (assuming my entry has been accepted).

Question for you NB&S, how are race registrations handled in England? Do you normally pre-reg online or do day-of?

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Tuesday, 4 October 2011 03:48 (thirteen years ago) link

Time trials are run by CTT (a completely separate organization from British Cycling), there's no entry on the line - you have to send your entry in at least 2 weeks in advance. Most races have a maximum of 120 competitors, so two hours at one-minute intervals. If it's oversubcribed only the fastest get in (based on previous times submitted on the entry form). The races on the 'dragstrips' (i.e. flat dual carriageways with lorries that suck you along) are always full, but I have no interest in riding a bike on a virtual motorway, so I mostly enter events on 'sporting courses' (quieter, twistier, lumpier roads) that only get about 50-70 entrants.

Most road races are run by British Cycling. You need to have a racing licence to take part. For circuit races on a purpose-built circuit or an airstrip or similar you can normally enter on the line (but it costs a bit more than entering in advance) as there's no limit to the number of riders. Well, there might be, but it's never reached. For races out on the open road the police normally put a limit of 60 or 80 riders - these are always oversubcribed so you have to enter in advance. You also usually get about 6 or 7 'reserves' who turn up and take the place of anyone who has dropped out. Again - only the strongest riders within the specified categories get in - usually. However, the road races I've done this year were part of a league, and each member club that puts on a race is guaranteed at least two places for its riders if they enter, so I've managed to get in despite never picking up a single point.

Mister Potato shares Manchester United’s commitment to (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Tuesday, 4 October 2011 06:44 (thirteen years ago) link

I see, so when you're registering for a popular event that you know will fill up, you do so online via a third party company? or does the event handle the registrations themselves? or does British Cycling handle all the registration transactions?

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Tuesday, 4 October 2011 15:39 (thirteen years ago) link

It's still pretty antiquated for the most part. You generally have to post an entry form together with a cheque directly to the race organizer. There are a few road races where you can enter online, hardly any time trials. Most cycling clubs are very conservative (small 'c'), small-time organisations - it's a world of paying 50p for a cup of tea and a biscuit in a village hall while you wait for Old Ernie to handwrite up the results on a board. Sportives, which are a relatively new phenomenemenemenem, are comparatively modern: it's all online registration and timing chips and feed stations and full results up on the website and stuff. One problem with online registration, I suppose, is that if the event is oversubcribed the rules are that the strongest riders are those who get in, not the earliest to apply, so it could get complex trying to refund all those who thought they were in but are now out.

Mister Potato shares Manchester United’s commitment to (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Tuesday, 4 October 2011 16:11 (thirteen years ago) link

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