Come anticipate "Kill Your Idols" with me

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The fat man returneth.

Or more specifically, DeRogatis only takes one chapter.

A few observations:

- only one hip hop sacred cow (non-shockah)
- distinct lack of ILXor presence
- Fred Mills appearance (let the hating begin from ILX, as if DeRo didn't inspire it)

dan carville weiner, Thursday, 3 June 2004 20:21 (twenty years ago) link

but the main question is, which sacred cow candidate is missing from this tome?

dan carville weiner, Thursday, 3 June 2004 20:22 (twenty years ago) link

"Kill Your Idols" -- new book

jaymc (jaymc), Thursday, 3 June 2004 20:25 (twenty years ago) link

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