C/D Neil Young - "Southern Man"

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I ask because while I know it qualifies as a "classic" by radio standards, its such a weird song. That whole album is pretty fucked up, with enigmatic lyrics and nonsensical song styling, and it makes it great. But Southern Man is one of Neil's first songs where his trademark overdriven guitar tone combines with a brooding bend-solos, providing one of the first bit of classic electric Neil. However, that pounding piano is just so damned chaotic and the vocals are a bit too over the top for me.... Opinions?

Bryan Moore (Bryan Moore), Monday, 28 February 2005 20:50 (nineteen years ago) link

Geezer-rock radio gets it right this time. A truly fine song, all the more so for it's fuckedupedness (nb - fuckedupedness may not appear in any standard dictionary.)

Austin (Austin), Monday, 28 February 2005 21:00 (nineteen years ago) link

Southern Man can be heard in Sweet Home Alabama when they talk about Neil Young. It's in my left stereo and can be heard softly with headphones on.

Cunga (Cunga), Tuesday, 1 March 2005 01:27 (nineteen years ago) link

I don't know if it can be one of the first bits of "classic electric Neil" since Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere was released the year previous. It's a decent enough song; I wouldn't skip it, but it's not a favorite on that album at all.

Ian John50n (orion), Tuesday, 1 March 2005 01:30 (nineteen years ago) link

nineteen years pass...

minor 7th chord vibe

calstars, Saturday, 21 December 2024 01:18 (yesterday) link

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