John D

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There's a bunch of threads that could do with moving to the Aja Dante Board, I think. I quite like John most of the time and don't necessarily think of him as a nuisance poster, but is he going to do this every single time he gets fucked up? It could get *really* annoying.

I'm not really sure what we can do about it though, other than banning him every Friday at 5pm and unbanning him on Monday morning ;)

Matt DC (Matt DC), Saturday, 22 January 2005 14:40 (nineteen years ago) link

I hear you, but it hasn't been a big issue yet this weekend, and I'm willing to wait until it is actually annoying, in which case we move/delete/lock threads as applicable. I yelled at him a little, he's generally receptive.

teeny (teeny), Saturday, 22 January 2005 18:19 (nineteen years ago) link

He's receptive during the day, and then he'll apologize, and then he'll do it again the next time he's wasted and pretend he's not doing it. I mean, the current spate started only a couple hours after he had apologized for the last time, acting all moment-of-clarity and shit.

Tep (ktepi), Saturday, 22 January 2005 19:18 (nineteen years ago) link

my apologies!! I did not check the admin log and so didn't see all the ones that MDC deleted. Awesome job, Matt. I vote for an IP ban, possibly a letter to the parents.

teeny (teeny), Saturday, 22 January 2005 21:31 (nineteen years ago) link

i thought this was about j0hn d4rn13113 for a while.

ken c (ken c), Sunday, 23 January 2005 10:32 (nineteen years ago) link

So did I!

Leon the Fatboy (Ex Leon), Sunday, 23 January 2005 15:57 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I was going to just leave them and lock them but then he posted at least one more several hours after the others and I kinda lost patience and cleaned the lot up. I kept the first couple for context's sake.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 23 January 2005 18:19 (nineteen years ago) link

hi all, it was just drugs, and i sweartogod it ain't happening again.

anyway, some slightly psychotic people, on a thread i started, have since crossed what i consider "the line" into personal harassment, and i'd kinda appreciate it if you could perform some degoogilization there. there's a difference between being an annoying fucktard, and annoying an annoying fucktard, and being an annoying fucktard, and trying to fuck with that fucktards personal life. thanks.

John (jdahlem), Sunday, 23 January 2005 22:20 (nineteen years ago) link

You have your own name in your email for gods sake!

Trayce (trayce), Sunday, 23 January 2005 22:39 (nineteen years ago) link

yeah but that's not google-able, apparently.

i can't post to ile anymore trayce. :(

don't do drugs.

John (jdahlem), Sunday, 23 January 2005 22:43 (nineteen years ago) link

also if i cd speak w/ teeny here or thru email i'd really appreciate it.

John (jdahlem), Sunday, 23 January 2005 22:48 (nineteen years ago) link

my email works, teeny at bust dot com, or feel free to say what you want here. If it's about calling your folks, I'm not going to do that, although it wasn't an idle threat. Actions have consequences, even on a message board. Plenty of people here use drugs responsibly, but I didn't think you were following that description. ILE has intervened in suicides before and I don't see much difference btwn a slow death and a fast one; your actions seemed more like a cry for help than having fun. Just my impression and I wouldn't act on it unless others felt that way. Nevertheless if you act like a dick people will be less likely to respond, boy-who-cried-wolf stylee.

teeny (teeny), Sunday, 23 January 2005 23:04 (nineteen years ago) link

hi teeny, thanks, i've sent you a couple emails.

i still think it's rather laughable that my supposed drug use was considered irresponsible. there are many many worse things i could've and might have in fact done, than post nonsense to a god damn internet message board.

i'm not "crying for help" fuck's sake, and if i was, i gotta say you guys did a pretty shitty job of handling it!! this was, as i think i've said, a product of very intense boredom, a boredom which, god willing, is soon going to be alleviated. which is not to say i'll stop taking the medicine, just that, you know, i probably won't have a computer much less the internet when i'm living alone in a dingy one-room apartment. so there ya go.

i am not entirely sure what i just said.

John (jdahlem), Sunday, 23 January 2005 23:14 (nineteen years ago) link

oh, right, aaronhz is a psychotic bunghole, could you ban him too please.

John (jdahlem), Sunday, 23 January 2005 23:16 (nineteen years ago) link

If I started behaving the way you do, I'm sure she would.

Aaron Hertz (AaronHz), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:05 (nineteen years ago) link


Aaron Hertz (AaronHz), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:08 (nineteen years ago) link

boys, be nice, keep it on-topic.

teeny (teeny), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:14 (nineteen years ago) link

dean i thought you loved me, or do you?

i kind of like that picture.

i have a feeling aaron is going to follow me around for the rest of my life. speaking of which teeny, you really shouldn't fuck with paranoids like that. everytime i hear the phone ring now i think it's going to be you on the other end, cackling and screaming about how i'm a pathetic dope fiend (i'm totally not, btw). or george or aaron, they're crazy enough to pull that kind of shit too.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:18 (nineteen years ago) link

You don't know damn thing about me, kiddo.
I suggest you keep my name out of your posts, and I'll keep yours out of mine.

Aaron Hertz (AaronHz), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:20 (nineteen years ago) link

i only know what i've seen, daddio, and you can sux0r my nux0rs

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:28 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm just crazy enough to blessedly ignore you for the rest of my hopefully long and cranky life. Bye, John.

Curious George Rides a Republican (Rock Hardy), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:30 (nineteen years ago) link

oh, cool then. bye.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:31 (nineteen years ago) link

aaron, can we do that too

or wait i think that is what he was trying to express. whoops.

bye aaron.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:32 (nineteen years ago) link

i was just having some fun with the nuts thing

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:33 (nineteen years ago) link

Fine, bye. You can call me seven shades of psycho, see if I give a fuck.
Everyone knows what's what now and you're not fooling anyone.

Aaron Hertz (AaronHz), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:33 (nineteen years ago) link

wow, you're as paranoid as i am.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 00:35 (nineteen years ago) link

John, if you take drugs and post on ILE again you will be banned and I will personally call your parents.

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 24 January 2005 05:33 (nineteen years ago) link

er i've already been banned dude, let's all be cool here.

and um, if you, or anyone else, calls my parents, or me, or in any way makes an attempt to negatively effect my personal life or that of anyone's close to me over some random fucked up message board postings, i will kill you, because i really do think that's obscene.

but let's just be cool, k, studmuffin-man.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 06:17 (nineteen years ago) link

look, i'm just gonna punch this out real quick before i go to bed so i can hopefully gain some peace of mind and catch some god damn shuteye. i hate to act all tough guy and shit, but don't fuck with me. you wanna annoy me, fine, you wanna ban me, great, you wanna fuck around at my expense, ok, but when you personally harrass me or threaten to do so a big efucking line has been crossed and i won't fucking tolerate it. i don't know if you've deluded yourselves into thinking this is some kind of "intervention" thing, but if you have, take the fucking halos off already cuz you won't be helping jack shit. if you're doing this becaus i irritated you & the members of your god damn message board, then you either need to put a little distance between it & yourself or you're a psycho and you belong in a fucking jail yourself or, probably, both. and if you're doing this because i recommended to someone that they shouldn't buy the vastly overpriced gravity's rainbow companion because i personally found it unnecessary, please, for the love of god, put a fucking bullet in your skull already.

look, i did someting stupid, i admitted to it & apologized for it, i'm done doing it, and i'll never post to your pathetic fucking message board again. now please, christ, just leave me alone. i mean holy shit this is insane, i say two posts above don't fuck with a paranoid and you then proceed to fuck with a paranoid. what the fuck.

goodnight & thank you.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 07:37 (nineteen years ago) link

I thought the juxtaposition of the two threats (only one of which was serious) was a funny joke. I guess I underestimated your emotional state. I'm sorry, John.

I've no intention of causing you any emotional grief or anything, so you can rest assured I won't phone your folks or try to impinge upon your personal life in any way. I just hope you can see that most people around here didn't particularly enjoy your drug-fuelled posting sprees. I mean, I'm glad that if you're going to get really fucked up you're at least not going out and doing anything that's seriously harming yourself or others, but in terms of ILE: enough is enough, guy.

Take care.

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 24 January 2005 10:10 (nineteen years ago) link

Also if you want your name googleproofed, you can list the posts here (check the 'Permalink' box in the thread view settings and use the (link) links beside each post) and I'll do that for you. I can certainly understand how you might not want that kind of stuff popping up later on.

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 24 January 2005 10:13 (nineteen years ago) link

hi andrew, thanks. if it makes you feel any better, i was only 3/4 serious, but that's still 75 motherfucking percent. i suspected you might be kidding but after what teeny'd said, and what i'd posted above [which was true; in fact pretty much everything i've ever posted to ilx is true which is one reason among many i'd prefer any unveilings be put on hold], and after what i'd experienced earlier in the day, and after certain things were put into my body [whoops there i go again] it became quite easy for me to view the possibility of you or someone else doing just that or more or less - any interference with my or my family's personal life is something i'm not going to bear - so i figured i may as well let it all hang out.

anyway, you really needn't have banned me cuz i'm pretty much done with the whole early AM "do dru9s and post to ile thing" and onto the whole "do dru6s and drive aimlessly at speeds in excess of 100 mph" thing, tho i hate to admit, i kinda preferred ile. interaction and mental stimulation vs observation and physical stimulation, or somesuch. but yeah, again its prolly just the dru8s but i think this whole experience may've scared me off the internet forever, so no worries.

ps for all ye who googled here, i'm just kidding about the dru7s, and the dr1ving, and the ver4city of any posts contained herein signed by yours truly.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 18:38 (nineteen years ago) link

umm, as for degooglification, yeah you can start w/ this thread i still have a rolled up dollarbill in my pocket and i smashed some glass night. , uh, i'd appreciate if all mentions of my last name were changed, if i'm doing this right, they're i still have a rolled up dollarbill in my pocket and i smashed some glass night. , i still have a rolled up dollarbill in my pocket and i smashed some glass night. , and i still have a rolled up dollarbill in my pocket and i smashed some glass night. .

also, it just occurred to me that it might look like i was trying to lay a very nasty guilt trip on you w/ that last para there; i assure you that was completely unintentional, just more pointless rambling, and i've no beef w/ you guys or the way yr doing business.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 19:00 (nineteen years ago) link

uh hm ok

John (jdahlem), Monday, 24 January 2005 19:03 (nineteen years ago) link

I've removed all references to your surname name from that thread.

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 24 January 2005 22:20 (nineteen years ago) link

ILE intervened in a suicide?

roxymuzak (roxymuzak), Monday, 24 January 2005 22:45 (nineteen years ago) link

You guys seem to be forgetting something: 9/11.

mayahee, mayahoo, mayaha, mayahaha (deangulberry), Tuesday, 25 January 2005 01:33 (nineteen years ago) link

I was waiting for that.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 25 January 2005 05:29 (nineteen years ago) link

You forgot about Dre too.

Leon the Fatboy (Ex Leon), Tuesday, 25 January 2005 14:34 (nineteen years ago) link

Also, you forgot Poland!

The Ghost of Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Tuesday, 25 January 2005 14:43 (nineteen years ago) link

...the hell?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 27 January 2005 17:45 (nineteen years ago) link

Was the ban ILE-specific or all of ILX? Just curious...

gygax! (gygax!), Friday, 28 January 2005 20:49 (nineteen years ago) link

Gygax, I believe I saw a post of his to ILBB after the ban from ILE. Plus, he posted to this thread...

Curious George Rides a Republican (Rock Hardy), Saturday, 29 January 2005 01:09 (nineteen years ago) link

right, it's only for ILE.

teeny (teeny), Saturday, 29 January 2005 13:56 (nineteen years ago) link

am i the only one who finds this kinda lame?

j blount (papa la bas), Sunday, 30 January 2005 07:43 (nineteen years ago) link

I think repeatedly posting a dozen or so new threads in a couple of hours wrecks the signal-to-noise ratio (yeah yeah what doesn't etc) and warranted a cooling off period. If John wants to ask to be unbanned I would totally hear him out.

teeny (teeny), Sunday, 30 January 2005 16:32 (nineteen years ago) link

anyway, you really needn't have banned me cuz i'm pretty much done with the whole early AM "do dru9s and post to ile thing" and onto the whole "do dru6s and drive aimlessly at speeds in excess of 100 mph" thing,

This is what pissed me off more than anything really, the implication that if we didn't let him behave like an ass on ILE, he was just going to go out and kill somebody on the road, and the blood would be on our hands. He made that veiled threat more than once. Back when my brother was 13 and starting to drink, and I was 15 and had a driver's license, when we would drive past stores that let him buy, he would grab the steering wheel and say "If you don't stop here, I'm going to run us into the ditch and it's going to be your fuckin' fault." He pulled me off the road more than once. I had my fill of that shit then and I don't want to have to deal with more of it now, "kinda lame" or not.

Curious George Rides a Republican (Rock Hardy), Sunday, 30 January 2005 21:05 (nineteen years ago) link

just that in terms of offensive/obnoxious/annoying stuff done on ilx i'm not sure i'd rank this THE VERY WORST, which since, to my knowledge, he's the only person banned from ile it clearly has been deemed such. i don't know, i didn't see the awful awful horrible horrible threads so maybe i'm wrong. still: worse than calum? 'woah i'm totally drunk' x 1000 is worse than 'i hate women' x 100000? maybe i'm reading this wrong, in which case feel free to say so.

j blount (papa la bas), Sunday, 30 January 2005 23:18 (nineteen years ago) link

He got wasted enough to say he wanted to fuck various female board members among other things. He also, like Rock says, was acting in a way that I think warranted us worrying he might harm himself and I dont like knowing someones' in that state and we cant know its ok or true. I mean a guy died while on IRC once even though he told everyone "haha omg look at all this shit I took" and everyone else in the channel laughed at him. No one checked on him. He died alone in his room.

No one here wants that to happen! Not that banning him will stop his actions but if it gives him pause to think "hey am I acting over the top?" then thats a Good Thing.

Trayce (trayce), Monday, 31 January 2005 00:07 (nineteen years ago) link

worse than calum?

Doesn't Calum remain unbanned for technical reasons to do with his IP? (I don't know how banning works, whether it's IP- or login-based or what.)

he's the only person banned from ile it clearly has been deemed such.

I don't think that's a good inference. At the most, you'd have to argue that banning John indicates he's "the very worst" since banning was implemented, but even then I don't think it works -- I don't think there's a spectrum or meter anyone's reading here, and I don't think "bad message board behavior" comes in a single flavor that varies only in intensity. If teeny -- and I'm not speaking for her, but it's hard to talk purely in generalities when it's someone's actual decision we're talking about -- decided one flavor warranted different, faster, or more extreme action than another, she wouldn't be unique in that respect.

Presumably you'd need to weigh good against bad, for one thing -- i.e. if Ned had made every one of John's posts, he wouldn't have been banned because there's more reason to keep him.

Likewise, there's simple "behaving like an ass" that's confined to a single thread or type of thread and doesn't necessarily affect the board as a whole, and there's the rapid multiple nonsense thread creation -- and continued posting, keeping those threads alive -- that coughs hairballs all over New Answers.

Third, but probably not last, is the fact that he was asked to stop by moderators; he had threads locked; he had threads deleted; and it was a cycle of behavior that had already gone through multiple apologies, promises, and apologies for breaking promises. This wasn't out of the blue, and virtually all of his interaction on ILE had become an ongoing discussion of his behavior.

Tep (ktepi), Monday, 31 January 2005 00:47 (nineteen years ago) link

Doesn't Calum remain unbanned for technical reasons to do with his IP?

This is correct. As far as I know, John is actually free to start a new account/login and post to ILE again, the only thing that is banned is his login. It's really a pretty minor form of discipline. He is not the only person who's had their login banned.

teeny (teeny), Monday, 31 January 2005 02:53 (nineteen years ago) link

hi george reading comp bud! and somehow my pre-emptive strike must've bounced off yr dullskull as well, what a shame.

i basically realized you are all as insane and disturbed as i am and that scared the shit out of me more than anything so that's part why i'm not posting to ile anymore - well ok its cuz im banned but even if i wasn't i would've changed logins and never given out my real name again (WHY DIDNT WE LISTEN TO OUR MOTHERS AND FATHERS AND TEACHERS). you freaks.

i mean i seem to have no prob w/ insane and disturbed ppl irl but this is something completely different. i detest phone/aim/email convos because well i'm not going to go into it right now but i'm not sure why i shouldn't toss msg boards into that trash heap. of course then when i do go out and talk to real ppl it dawns on me that just about everyone (.) is as insane and disturbed as i am and then i'm unsure whether to laugh or to cry.

teeny i am glad to hear we may be somewhat "cool" i am def going to busch sometime this spring/summer so mebbe we can "meet up" and get things "straightened out".

also trayce i see what you did there w/ that first sentence of yours and i kinda resent it.

also i'm not suicidal, was never suicidal during any point of that "madness", and, i'm ashamed to say, have never really-truly been suicidal [self-destructive behavior /= suicidal behavior, chaps. same, even, with loud, obnoxious, self-destructive behavior - altho there are exceptions so maybe i COULD give you some kind of pass, but i'm not going to]. i have a lot more to say on this whole thing and any number of tangents but it's really not that interesting. the whole thing, that is, incl anything i've gotta say.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 31 January 2005 03:51 (nineteen years ago) link

well whatever, i didn't see john's behavior really, didn't see him suggesting wanting to fuck other ilxors or whatever other lines in the sand he crossed so maybe it was warranted. i'm not sure how much i'm willing to buy 'we took drastic measures against this one guy but not this other guy who's worse cuz we don't know how/arent willing to really do anything about him' as an excuse, but again whatever. john feel free to post on noise board, where the fiats are transparent at least, and to continue posting on ilb where billyball is tolerated and encouraged.

j blount (papa la bas), Monday, 31 January 2005 08:42 (nineteen years ago) link

also the mods should feel free to ban me from ile since i've sure as hell posted drunk before and have definitely hit on ilxchixors (jess is a chick right?).

j blount (papa la bas), Monday, 31 January 2005 08:46 (nineteen years ago) link

Thing is though it wasn't just one thread, it was like thirty and showing no signs of stopping at the point when I finally deleted the lot. As far as flooding the board goes, what happened went far beyond anything by even our most persistant trolls.

(I am not calling John a troll, just to clarify)

Matt DC (Matt DC), Monday, 31 January 2005 12:14 (nineteen years ago) link

Ie the actual content of said threads isn't *really* relevant despite what people are saying here. I wouldn't have supported him being banned if he'd kept it all on one or two drunks threads. It was swamping ILE what got him banned.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Monday, 31 January 2005 12:15 (nineteen years ago) link

i'm not sure how much i'm willing to buy 'we took drastic measures against this one guy but not this other guy who's worse cuz we don't know how/arent willing to really do anything about him' as an excuse

Your snappy summary of the situation is fundamentally flawed. We have taken significantly more drastic measures against Calum in the past, but in the land of the internet there's no real way of stopping persistent, motivated people short of closing the boards off and charging for accounts.

Blount, you seem really dedicated to completely misunderstanding the situation here. It was simply due to the intervention of the mods that John's board spamming didn't interrupt your ILE experience. If they hadn't done such a good job, you would have noticed.

Matt DC is OTM. If John had kept his stuff consigned to a smaller number of threads (ie if he wasn't just pandering for attention, something he's received far too much of by this stage anyway) there would not have been an issue in the first place. As you say, Blount, there have been plenty of people to post intoxicated on the boards in the past, but they've not impacted readibility in the way that John did.

Andrew (enneff), Monday, 31 January 2005 15:01 (nineteen years ago) link

yes. it is ok, what they did. but thank you, j blount.

John (jdahlem), Monday, 31 January 2005 18:07 (nineteen years ago) link

four months pass...
Is J0hn back?

(I know he's posting again at ILBaseball, and more power to him.)

Rock Hardy (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 28 June 2005 16:24 (nineteen years ago) link

'dahlin' appears to be a UK female or a reasonable facimile thereof.

teeny (teeny), Tuesday, 28 June 2005 16:51 (nineteen years ago) link

It was a mostly-facetious question, though the sudden realization of name similarity gave me a Herbert Lom-style face-twitch.

Rock Hardy (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 28 June 2005 17:12 (nineteen years ago) link

Monsieur Chapeau Jaune, that minkey needs a lee-sance!

k/l (Ken L), Tuesday, 28 June 2005 17:23 (nineteen years ago) link

Mods, please delete my last post on this very thread. k thx bye.

k/l (Ken L), Tuesday, 28 June 2005 19:32 (nineteen years ago) link

Dahlin is indeed a real, UK-based, female person, known to many of the Glasgow ILXors. She hasn't been here long enough to have even realised her username would bear a passing resemblence to a previous troublemaker.

ailsa (ailsa), Wednesday, 29 June 2005 05:00 (nineteen years ago) link

yes. thanks ailsa

dahlin (dahlin), Wednesday, 29 June 2005 09:26 (nineteen years ago) link

It seems like he just posted on ILB last night.

k/l (Ken L), Thursday, 30 June 2005 12:18 (nineteen years ago) link

ehhh, but hee eez not my minkey! Hee does not tell mee what to play, and i do not tell heem what to do with heez moneeey.

kingfish (Kingfish), Thursday, 30 June 2005 22:04 (nineteen years ago) link

This thread has been locked by an administrator

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