i am editing a piece on michael flatley...

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for some reason this is striking me as one of the single greatest things in the world right now

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 08:52 (twenty years ago) link



Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 08:54 (twenty years ago) link

Lord of the benders!

Pinkpanther (Pinkpanther), Friday, 4 June 2004 08:58 (twenty years ago) link

Flatley, my dear, I don't Riverdance.

Sick Mouthy (Nick Southall), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:00 (twenty years ago) link


Pinkpanther (Pinkpanther), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:00 (twenty years ago) link

He couldn't possibly dance in those trousers. The friction would cause an explosion.

robster (robster), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:00 (twenty years ago) link

"my home is like a good woman," says michael

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:06 (twenty years ago) link

does Robster speak from experience?

MarkH (MarkH), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:09 (twenty years ago) link

I'm afraid I cannot relate the story as it is too painful. Also, I'd have to make it up and I should be working.

robster (robster), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:11 (twenty years ago) link

I'm sorry but I can't stand that Riverdance cobblers actually. I was bored to tears by all the ppl banging on about how wonderful it was for so long. And Flatley strikes me as being a bit of a twat.

MarkH (MarkH), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:11 (twenty years ago) link

"bit of a"

penelope_111, Friday, 4 June 2004 09:19 (twenty years ago) link

"I'm sorry"

Sick Mouthy (Nick Southall), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:20 (twenty years ago) link

ok not sorry at all, turn of phrase innit?

MarkH (MarkH), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:23 (twenty years ago) link

wow, this scores really high on the bad-taste-o-meter doesn't it?

worse even than the musical version of "gladiator" that was opening in paris last month.

amateur!st (amateurist), Friday, 4 June 2004 10:02 (twenty years ago) link

A musical version of "The Passion of the Christ", now that would be bad taste! Oh hold on ............... been done.......... twice

Dadaismus (Dada), Friday, 4 June 2004 10:04 (twenty years ago) link

I thought it said You were editing a piece of Michael Flatley, and I hoped it was his kneecaps.

___ (___), Friday, 4 June 2004 10:07 (twenty years ago) link

I heard the producers of Riverdance on the radio the other day and they said that Michael Flatley was only in it for a few months, yet he is still primarily associated with that show and not with his own - even worse - Lord of the Dance.

He spends his time buying up first editions of Ulysses these days. Bless him.

accentmonkey (accentmonkey), Friday, 4 June 2004 10:44 (twenty years ago) link

that's what came up when i searched for riverdance animations!

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 10:54 (twenty years ago) link

actually, i take it back. i think this is probably the lowest my career has ever sunk.

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 10:58 (twenty years ago) link

Could be worse. You could be his stylist.

Sick Mouthy (Nick Southall), Friday, 4 June 2004 11:01 (twenty years ago) link

Vis a vis the first picture on the thread: does MF have really tiny feet? Is that why they are so lightning-like?

Liz :x (Liz :x), Friday, 4 June 2004 11:04 (twenty years ago) link

he played the BAALBEK FESTIVAL a couple of months before I was in Baalbek. This meant that he got to perform LORD OF THE DANCE in an actual TEMPLE OF JUPITER. In a way, Michael Flatley is a God.

DV (dirtyvicar), Friday, 4 June 2004 11:07 (twenty years ago) link

Could be worse. You could be his stylist.

or his fluffer.

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 11:27 (twenty years ago) link

i think anyone who can turn faffy archaic dancing into broadway gold is some kind of a genius, nuff respect to the flat man!!

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 4 June 2004 11:38 (twenty years ago) link

i can't believe i just typed that.

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 11:56 (twenty years ago) link

Tracer have you seen him dance his own compositions? He might as well be wafting his sweaty-leathery cock in the audience's faces.

Liz :x (Liz :x), Friday, 4 June 2004 12:29 (twenty years ago) link

UGH! that is way worse than what i said

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 12:30 (twenty years ago) link

so he's like Iggy Stooge?

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Friday, 4 June 2004 12:33 (twenty years ago) link

i have signed off on this piece now. i feel sordid and used.

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 14:50 (twenty years ago) link

i did get to call him flamboyantly stylish, though

Dave Stelfox (Dave Stelfox), Friday, 4 June 2004 14:51 (twenty years ago) link

so more Bowie

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:37 (twenty years ago) link

Past ILX feelings on Flatley. This story needs to be quoted again:

Mwahahaha. Check this out. A few years ago Flathead did a large 'farewell' show in Hyde Park. He was called to the stage while being pleasured by a young lady (whose 'job' it was apart from this to carry his flute and make him look sweaty with baby oil) and got so excited at the reception given by his fans at his big entrance that he spontaneously *ahem* dirtied the inside of his nice new light blue trousers. The resulting stain was visible to all on the large screens, was mentioned in reviews and the number itself consists of wide shots in the 'Feet of Flames' video .... what a nice man.

-- suzy (theartskooldisk...), July 19th, 2001.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 5 June 2004 00:41 (twenty years ago) link

Oh goddammit. According to fellow ILE denizen Tom P, he tells me that Flatley is returning to Southern California with his new show...Feet of Flames. FEET OF FLAMES?!? Weren't the abominations of Riverdance and Lord of the Dance enough? Dare anyone defend the man?
-- Ned Raggett (ne...), July 16th, 2001. (5 trackbacks)

Eisbär (llamasfur), Saturday, 5 June 2004 03:11 (twenty years ago) link

didn't mr. slutsky up in montreal have "FEET OF FLAMES" (i.e., a HOTFOOT!!!) just last weekend?

Eisbär (llamasfur), Saturday, 5 June 2004 03:12 (twenty years ago) link

i just set my foot on fire

Eisbär (llamasfur), Saturday, 5 June 2004 03:13 (twenty years ago) link

Lord of the Pants

tokyo rosemary (rosemary), Saturday, 5 June 2004 03:18 (twenty years ago) link

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