Smelly Colleagues

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As mentioned Let's bitch about our stupid, annoying co-workers on 20th Sept.

How does one deal with this?

Now everybody in the vicinity is complaining about this guy. He is really rancid. Our supervisor is not willing to say anything for fear of scaring him out of the job (they've invested so much in training blah de blah) so basically we have to put up and shut up.

If someone takes matters into their own hands they will be disciplined - surely that's not right?

Those of us who sit closest to him feel as thought the smell is clinging to our clothes and we can still smell it all the way home.

How do we deal with this?

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:41 (nineteen years ago) link

Email him this thread

C J (C J), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:44 (nineteen years ago) link

Have you tried speaking to someone above your boss?
Does he know he smells or is he oblivious to.

not-goodwin (not-goodwin), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:47 (nineteen years ago) link

maybe if you all became smelly it'd be ok.

g-kit (g-kit), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:49 (nineteen years ago) link

We're a bit scared of going over her head - her boss is also one of her closest friends (nepotism is rife in my workplace)

I think he must know, thanks to my friend emailing me regarding him whilst he was sat right next to me.

But he lives with his girlfriend! Surely she'd say something? It's not like it gets worse during the course of the day, he comes in stinking.

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:50 (nineteen years ago) link

Comment to him that you think there's a really offensive smell in the office, and ask him if he's noticed it too.

C J (C J), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:50 (nineteen years ago) link

We actually discussed not washing ourselves but it could take several weeks to build up an equivalent odour. Several weeks of NO SEX.

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Hey, add sex and it won't take as long...

mark grout (mark grout), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:57 (nineteen years ago) link

this happened at a place i worked.

stinking person arrives at his desk one morning to find can of lynx with post-it note attached saying "use me"

smelly person left job that week.

problem solved.

not-goodwin (not-goodwin), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:00 (nineteen years ago) link

jim is bad man for bringing that thread up, lets hope this one doesn't go the same way

Matt (Matt), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:01 (nineteen years ago) link

yes it was kind of a deliberate cat among the pigeons type move

vacuum cleaner (electricsound), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:05 (nineteen years ago) link

stinking kid arrived at our school one morning to find bar of soap in their locker.

smelly pupil committed suicide that week.

problem solved.

Alba (Alba), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:09 (nineteen years ago) link

bit of an overreaction, tbh.

g-kit (g-kit), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:12 (nineteen years ago) link

My husband smells rancid like that sometimes, although not so much anymore. It's actually a side-effect of his anti-depressants and he finds it very embarassing. He showers in the morning, wears clean clothes but by the end of the day when I pick him up from work the smell is overwhelming. I nearly hurled putting his clothes in the wash once it was so bad.

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:12 (nineteen years ago) link

Stinkers (Please ignore my inappropriate and thoroughly embarrassing use of 'epicentre'.)

Mädchen (Madchen), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 09:36 (nineteen years ago) link

Wow - I'm so glad my stinky colleague is NOT a cleaner. What a fucking can of worms.

Surely, even if his stink was a side effect of medication or a ahem 'condition', he wouldn't stink first thing - ie: straight from the shower?

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:01 (nineteen years ago) link

Well exactly, however if he's depressed, maybe he's not showering. Apparently thats sometimes a good sign someone is feeling a bit low.

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:29 (nineteen years ago) link

Well he should be signed off on the sick then.

I was off for three months with chronic depression and lacked the energy to do almost anything. I ate, washed and slept though.

If you have the emotional energy/stability to get dressed and attend your work every day then there's no excuse for not washing.

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:37 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm certainly not excusing it. Just offering a suggestion as to what might be the problem.

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:40 (nineteen years ago) link

anyway, what about the flipside? when someone is wearing a very overpowering perfume or cheap aftershave in eye-stinging estate-agent proportions. just as bad, if you ask me.

g-kit (g-kit), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:42 (nineteen years ago) link

I find it easier to make a comment about over zealous perfume use, somehow it sems less scathing and more likely to be taken better.

I'm struggling here, I normally have my lunch at my desk but he has rendered this impossible. Had to fight for a seat in the crowded canteen and choke down my Cup-a-Soup (tomato, non smelly) in there.

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:44 (nineteen years ago) link

Our supervisor is not willing to say anything for fear of scaring him out of the job (they've invested so much in training blah de blah) so basically we have to put up and shut up

well, if they're that scared of losing one new member of staff, then two (or more) of you longer-served types should threaten to quit over it. that should galvanise this so-called supervisor into action.

just keep up the pressure on your boss until she acts.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:52 (nineteen years ago) link

If someone takes matters into their own hands they will be disciplined - surely that's not right?

does this include taking him outside and saying: "look, friend, you're a nice bloke and everything, but has anyone told you you stink?"

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 10:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, unfortunately. It also includes coming into work first thing and saying "What's that smell?" - this earned me a harsh look from the supervisor aven though I was actually commenting on the greasy smell coming from the canteen.

We are all so paranoid now, for the first time we are all walking on eggshells and certain words have been struck from our vocabulary such as 'sweat' 'smell' 'stink' 'pong' - I could go on indefinitely....

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:06 (nineteen years ago) link

anyway, what about the flipside? when someone is wearing a very overpowering perfume or cheap aftershave in eye-stinging estate-agent proportions. just as bad, if you ask me.

Sadly these people usually use really cheap (smelling) perfume. I find it horrible. Sometimes even worse than a sweaty person.

nathalie, a bum like you (stevie nixed), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:11 (nineteen years ago) link

I can’t believe they’re unable to smell the tang they produce, if others can smell it I’m pretty sure they can. Which leaves me thinking that they couldn’t give a fuck for anyone else. Therefore they don’t deserve people tip-toeing around them in an “ooh I wouldn’t want to put him out by asking him to freshen up” manner. This may sound harsh but and it could be a medical condition but if he can smell it then he must know others can smell it, so do the world a favour and seek advice.

not-goodwin (not-goodwin), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:22 (nineteen years ago) link

My husband swears he can't smell it. It smells like rotting lunch meat.

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:23 (nineteen years ago) link

Well, not everyone is as sensitive to smells. Maybe they are honest. Ican't imagine someone noticing their own stink and ignoring it/not taking care of it.

nathalie, a bum like you (stevie nixed), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:26 (nineteen years ago) link

Nathalie OTM

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:27 (nineteen years ago) link

rumpie, tell your supervisor i think she's shit :)

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:28 (nineteen years ago) link

I agree, somebody in authority should say something. My husband got spoken to, and while it was humiliating for him, at least he was able to explain the problem as he saw it and pardon the pun, clear the air somewhat.

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:30 (nineteen years ago) link

You have a right to reasonably clean and fragrant office environment. I would get two or three colleagues and go to the boss. Tell her that you're not prepared to carry on without some action being taken. Ask the boss again to do something NOW. If the answer is no, then tell the boss that you'll take it higher (going over her head is fine if you tell her first) and sideways (human resources). Make it clear that you expect action TODAY. Don't exactly down tools, but make it clear that normal work cannot be resumed until this is sorted.

Dr. C (Dr. C), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:31 (nineteen years ago) link

x - post Thing is, when my pal sent the email to me (that he obviously wouldn't have seen if he hadn't been staring at my Outlook) he laughed! He smirked and he laughed.

If that wasn't a tip off I don't know what was.

He must smell it. He must notice other peoples reactions to it, the slight grimace as they pass him etc. And if he can't notice it, surely his girlfriend must? Unless she has the same appaling level of body odour as he has.

My boss is pretty shit. She's lazy, unprofessional and half the people in my team are her friends or relatives. She's of the 'anything for a quiet life' type and favours the 'everyone is my pal' method of management.

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:34 (nineteen years ago) link

Well it sounds like the guy is just a total cunt then.

Bombed Out and Depleted / Kate (papa november), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:36 (nineteen years ago) link

Maybe he's waging his own Dirty War. It's very anti-social whatever his reason is.

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:41 (nineteen years ago) link

I was right then, he’s a cunt.

You and four others grab him after work, take him back to yours and bath him.

That’ll teach him.

If he still smells in the morning when (if) he comes in, give up and get another job.

not-goodwin (not-goodwin), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:47 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm not befouling my own bathing room with his odour!

Rumpie, Wednesday, 12 October 2005 11:58 (nineteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

The guy who sits next to Stinky sent a long winded email to the supervisor pointing out that it really was her place to say something, either that or he wanted his seat moved elsewhere. She huffed and puffed and asked us what we thought. We told her.

She took it up with her boss, who sent stinky an email requesting a meeting that afternoon at four o clock.

So four o clock comes, my finishing time, and as I'm leaving Stinky says "Well I've got a meeting with the boss!" all keen like. He took a fresh notepad and his 'good' pen, and set off down the office.

We actually felt rather guilty at this point!

So, monday comes around - and not a smell! Not even a tiny whiff! He was a lot more chatty and confident and seemed happier in himself and we were all getting along great. Until friday. He was humming again. Today. Humming.

Where did it all go wrong??

Rumpie, Monday, 7 November 2005 10:15 (nineteen years ago) link

he needs a meeting every day.

g-kit (g-kit), Monday, 7 November 2005 10:24 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I think so. He must have a really short memory. He's had a haircut over the weekend. Not that that's relevant. Well, it might be. I don't know.

Rumpie, Monday, 7 November 2005 10:28 (nineteen years ago) link

well, since somebody's mentioned it now, the cat's out of the bag. so you should just walk by him and be like "aw, smelly again. shame, i liked you last week."

g-kit (g-kit), Monday, 7 November 2005 10:52 (nineteen years ago) link

does your office do secret santa?

ken c (ken c), Monday, 7 November 2005 10:56 (nineteen years ago) link

only one thing for it...

not-goodwin (not-goodwin), Monday, 7 November 2005 10:58 (nineteen years ago) link

Yes, we do Secret Santa. Suggestions - wire brush and dettol?

Rumpie, Monday, 7 November 2005 10:59 (nineteen years ago) link

basically yes, something to that effect.

- wire brush and dettol
- bubble bath
- lynx africa
- Too Posh to Wash DVD


ken c (ken c), Monday, 7 November 2005 11:04 (nineteen years ago) link

Some fine suggestions there Ken. Thanks.

Rumpie, Monday, 7 November 2005 11:21 (nineteen years ago) link

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